Aims and scope
The Centre for Educational Research in Sports is a research association of the Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences at the Westphalian Wilhelm University Münster, with the following specific objectives:
- Promotion of research projects regarding the educational research in sports in curricular and extra-curricular areas,
- Promotion of university cooperations regarding educational research in sports within and beyond the University of Münster,
- Promotion of cooperations regarding educational research in sports with partners outside the University,
- Promotion of science transfer according to further academic training as well as quality development inside the advanced training sector.
The Centre for Educational Research in Sports (CeBiS) pursues with its curricular and extra-curricular educational research as well as the transfer of sciences three thematic priorities. Bodies of the CeBiS are the general meeting, the executive board (speaker's council) elected by the members as well as the advisory board. The CeBiS has a management board with a secretariat, the management board of the continuing education office "sport.lernen" as well as a media lab.