Key topics
Research projects related to curricular educational research, e.g. towards educational standards in physical education, promotion of boys in schools, competences of sports teachers
Research projects for extra-curricular educational research, e.g. on non-formal learning in sports, competency acquisition in sport clubs, prevention of doping in competitive sports
Research projects at the interface of curricular and extra-curricular educational research, e.g. on the participation and integration at the public day school, sports in educational networks
Development of concepts for the promotion of boys through movement, play and sports at school
Development of concepts for intercultural movement education at the all-day school
Development of concepts for health promotion of trainees in companies
Evaluation of qualification measures in sports organizations
Evaluation of projects on the municipal development of sports
Evaluation of measures for workplace health promotion
Qualification measures of sports educators in the course of the academic continuing education "sport.lernen"
Certified trainings regarding the individual promotion through movement, play and sports
Organization of conferences and congresses on the topic of education and sports