Professor Dr. Claudia Voelcker-Rehage

Professor Dr. Claudia Voelcker-Rehage

Wilhelm-Schickard-Str. 8, Raum 04
48149 Münster

T: +49 251 83 32461
F: +49 251 83 32466


nach Vereinbarung

Akademische Profile

  • Vita

    Akademische Ausbildung

    Dr. phil. (Ph.D.) Titel der Dissertation: "Die Lernfähigkeit sportmotorischer Fertigkeiten im Lichte der Entwicklungspsychologie der Lebensspanne", Betreuer Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus Willimczik
    Promotionsstudium an der Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft, Abteilung Sportwissenschaft, Universität Bielefeld
    Erweiterungsstudium für das Lehramt für die Sekundarstufe I im Fach Physik, Abschluss: 1. Staatsexamen
    Diplomstudium Sportwissenschaft (Studienschwerpunkt: Prävention & Rehabilitation) an der Universität Bielefeld, Abschluss: Diplom
    Studium für die Lehrämter für die Sekundarstufe II und I in den Fächern Biologie und Sport an der Universität Bielefeld, Abschluss: 1. Staatsexamen

    Beruflicher Werdegang

    Professorin am Institut für Sportwissenschaft, Arbeitsbereich Neuromotorik und Training, Universität Münster
    Professorin für Sportpsychologie (mit Schwerpunkt in Prävention und Rehabilitation), Institut für Angewandte Bewegungswissenschaften, TU Chemnitz
    Professorin für Human Performance an der Jacobs Universität Bremen
    Hochschullehrerin - Human Performance an der Jacobs Universität Bremen
    Post-Doktorandin in Human Performance an der Jacobs Universität Bremen
    Post-Doktorandin an der School of Applied Physiology, Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA), Bereich "Motor Control" (Prof. Dr. Jay L. Alberts)

    Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten in Gremien

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise
    Arbeitsgemeinsachft für Sportpsychologie (Jahrestagung, Ausrichterin)
    EU COST Action (CA20104 PhysAgeNet, Leiterin der Arbeitsgruppe “Implementation and Development of Standards from Evidence-based Medicine”)
    Editorial board member of OBM Geriatrics
    Psychology of Sport and Exercise
    Deutsche Olympische Sportbund (DOSB) (Wissenschaftspreis, Mitglied des Kuratoriums)
    German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research
    Journal of Aging and Physical Activity
    Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie
    Review Editor bei Frontiers in Movement Science and Sport Psychology
    DVS-Sektion Sportmotorik
    Mitglied des Academic Integrity Committee, Jacobs Universität Bremen
    Sprecherin der DVS-Sektion Sportmotorik
    Associate Dean, Jacobs Center on Lifelong Learning and Institutional Development, Jacobs Universität Bremen
    Mitglied des Research Centers "AgeAct" (Aging - Interaction of Processes) und der Research Initiative "COSYP" (Cognitive Systems and Processes) der Jacobs Universität Bremen
    Juniormitglied der Leopoldina-Acatech-Arbeitsgruppe "Chancen und Probleme einer alternden Gesellschaft: Die Welt der Arbeit und des lebenslangen Lernens"
  • Projekte

  • Publikationen

    • Fröhlich S, Kutz DF, Müller K, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with cognitive performance in 80+-year-olds: Detangling processing levels. GeroScience, 2024. doi: 10.1007/s11357-024-01065-8.
    • Stojan Robert, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Bewegung und Kognition - Geistige Fitness durch körperliche Aktivität fördern . Weiterbildung, 2024-01.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). The Influence of Object Weight on Handover Actions in Young and Old Adults. In Neural Control of Movement, Dubrovnik. 0. Aufl. .
    • Stojan R, Mack M, Bock O, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Physical and cognitive training interventions to improve everyday-like dual-task driving behavior in older adults. In Dirk Koester, Lina Krämer, Leonard Fuhlert, Jannik Everding, Fritz Weilharter Andreas Marlovits (Eds.): Methodenvielfalt: Lebendigkeit in Theorie und Praxis (Abstractband zur 56. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie). 0. Aufl. , p. 123. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
    • Rudisch J, Fröhlich S, Kutz DF, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Force-fluctuations during role-differentiated bimanual movements reflect cognitive impairments in older adults. A cohort sequential study. Journals of Gerontology, Series A, glae137. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glae137.
    • Kaiser, M. I., Killin, A., Abendroth, A.-K., Back, M. D., Baune, B. T., Bilstein, N., Breitmoser, Y., Caspers, B. A., Gadau, J., Gossmann, T. I., Kaiser, S., Krüger, O., Kurtz, J. Lengersdorf, D., Malsch, A. K. F., Müller, C. Rauthmann, J.F., Reinhold, K., Richter, S. H., Stummer, C., Trappes, R., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Wittmann, M. J. (). Individualisation and individualised science across disciplinary perspectives. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 14(41), Article 41. doi: 10.1007/s13194-024-00602-8.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Kutz Dieter, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Impact of Object Weight and Participant Age on the Dynamics of Human-to-Human Object Handovers. In REPAIRS Closing Conference, Groningen. 0. Aufl. .
    • Rudisch J, Holzhauer LKH, Kravanja K, Hamker FH, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). A systematic review of observational practice for adaptation of reaching movements. NPJ science of learning, 9(1), 1–17. doi: 10.1038/s41539-024-00271-5.
    • Maas Stefan, Göcking Tim, Stojan Robert, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia, Kutz Dieter Friedhelm. (). Synchronization of Neurophysiological and Biomechanical Data in a Real-Time Virtual Gait Analysis System (GRAIL): A Proof-of-Principle Study. Sensors, 24(12), Article 3779. doi: 10.3390/s24123779.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Kutz Dieter Freidhelm, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Unveiling the invisible: receivers use object weight cues for grip force planning in handover actions. Experimental Brain Research, 242(5), 1191–1202. doi: 10.1007/s00221-024-06813-y.

    • Kutz DF, Kopnarski L, Püschel J, Rudisch J, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Measuring System for Synchronous Recording of Kinematic and Force Data during Handover Action of Human Dyads. Sensors, 23, Article 9694. doi: 10.3390/s23249694.
    • Pixa Nils Henrik, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). "ElectriCise" the brain - effects of transcranial direct current stimulation combined with high-intensity interval training on the electrocortical activity of the motor cortex. In 5th International Brain Stimulation Conference, Lissabon. 0. Aufl. , p. 239. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2023.01.367.
    • Voelcker-Rehage Claudia, Kutz Dieter F., Julian Ross. (). Neurocognition and Movement. In Schüler, Julia; Wegner, Mirko; Plessner, Henning; Eklund, Robert C. (Eds.), Sport and Exercise Psychology: Theory and Application (0. Aufl. , pp. 71–92). Basel : Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-03921-8_4.
    • Mack M., Stojan R., Bock O., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). The association of executive functions and physical fitness with cognitive-motor multitasking in a street crossing scenario. Scientific Reports, 13(1). doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-26438-x.
    • Rudisch J., Fröhlich S., Pixa NH., Kutz DF., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Bimanual coupling is associated with left frontocentral network activity in a task-specific way. European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(1), 2315–2338. doi: 10.1111/ejn.16042.
    • Stojan R., Mack M., Bock O., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Inefficient frontal and parietal brain activation during dual-task walking in a virtual environment in older adults. NeuroImage, 273. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120070.
    • Janssen Tanja I., Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Leisure-time physical activity, occupational physical activity and the physical activity paradox in healthcare workers: A systematic overview of the literature. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 141, 1–15. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2023.104470.
    • Korbus H, Hildebrand C, Schott N, Bischoff L, Otto A.-K, Jöllenbeck T, Schoene D, Voelcker-Rehage C, Vogt L, Weigelt M, Wollesen B. (). Health status, resources, and job demands in geriatric nursing staff: A cross-sectional study on determinants and relationships. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 145. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2023.104523.
    • Stojan R, Mack M, Bock O, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Frontal brain activation during everyday like motor-cognitive tasks in older adults – neural inefficiency or compensation? In Aging and Cognition 2023, Leuven. 0. Aufl. .
    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). The influence of object weight on handover actions. In Schlesinger, Torsten; Grimminger-Seidensticker, Elke; Ferrauti, Alexander; Kellmann, Michael; Thiel, Christian, Kullik, Lisa (Eds.): Leistung steuern. Gesundheit stärken. Entwicklung fördern.. 0. Aufl. , p. 36. Hamburg: Feldhaus Verlag.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Lippert Laura, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Predicting object properties from movement kinematics. Brain informatics, 10. doi: 10.1186/s40708-023-00209-4.
    • Rudisch J., Fröhlich S., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). A cohort study on the development of bimanual force-control in highly aged individuals with and without mild cognitive impairments. In Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC. 0. Aufl. .
    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). From giver to receiver: Investigating the influence of object mass and giver's behavior on receiver's response in joint handover actions. In Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC. 0. Aufl. .
    • Rinn, R., Keller, F. M., Peters, M., Pischke, C. R., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Lippke, S. (). Physical activity and social participation in older adults in a cross-over intervention trial: A mediation analysis based on the biopsychosocial model. Zeitschrift fur Psychologie, 231, 265–277. doi: 10.1027/2151-2604/a000538 .
    • Hossner, E.-J., Müller, H., Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Koordination sportlicher Bewegungen – Sportmotorik. In A. Güllich M. Krüger (Ed.), Sport: das Lehrbuch für das Sportstudium (0. Aufl. , pp. 247–320). Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-64695-3_8 .
    • Voelcker-Rehage Claudia, Janssen Tanja Inga, Cordes Thomas, Wollesen Bettina. (). Maßnahmen zur Gesundheitsförderung von Pflegebedürftigen nach dem Leitfaden Prävention: Bewegung und körperliche Aktivität. In Bischoff, Laura Luise; Otto, Ann-Kathrin; Wollesen, Bettina (Hrsg.), Gesundheitsförderung und Präventionsarbeit im Pflegeheim - Praktische Umsetzung für Führungskräfte (0. Aufl. , S. 169). Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-67020-0.
    • Wollesen B, Schott N, Klotzbier T, Bischoff LL, Cordes T, Rudisch J, Otto AK, Zwingmann K, Hildebrand C, Joellenbeck T, Vogt L, Schoene D, Weigelt M, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Cognitive, physical and emotional determinants of activities of daily living in nursing home residents-a cross-sectional study within the PROCARE-project. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 20(1), 17–17. doi: 10.1186/s11556-023-00327-2.
    • Kutz DF, Fröhlich S, Rudisch J, Müller K, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Sex‑dependent performance differences in curvilinear aiming arm movements in octogenarians. Scientific Reports, 13, Article 9777. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-36889-5.
    • Goelz C., Reuter EM., Fröhlich S., Rudisch J., Godde B., Vieluf S., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Classification of age groups and task conditions provides additional evidence for differences in electrophysiological correlates of inhibitory control across the lifespan. Brain informatics, 10(1), 11–11. doi: 10.1186/s40708-023-00190-y.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). A systematic review of handover actions in human dyads. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1147296.

    • Šlosar L., Voelcker-Rehage C., Paravlić AH., Abazovic E., de Bruin ED., Marusic U. (). Combining physical and virtual worlds for motor-cognitive training interventions: Position paper with guidelines on technology classification in movement-related research. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1009052–1009052. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1009052.
    • Meyer J., Ratz T., Pauls A., Hellmers S., Boll S., Fudickar S., Hein A., Bauer JM., Koppelin F., Lippke S., Peters M., Pischke CR., Voelcker-Rehage C., Zeeb H., Forberger S. (). Designing and applying technology for prevention-Lessons learned in AEQUIPA and its implications for future research and practice. Frontiers in public health, 10, Article 832922. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.832922.
    • Gökçe E., Stojan R., Mack M., Bock O., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Lifestyle matters: Effects of habitual physical activity on driving skills in older age. Brain Sciences, 12(6). doi: 10.3390/brainsci12050608.
    • Janssen, T I Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Körperliche Aktivität am Arbeitsplatz und in Freizeit von Gesundheitspersonal - systematische Übersicht zum „Physical Activity Paradox“. In Wegner M, Jürgensen J (Hrsg.): Sport, Mehr & Meer – Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung. 0. Aufl. Hamburg: Feldhaus Verlag.
    • Rudisch J, Fröhlich S, Pixa NP, Müller K, Kutz DF, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Bimanual coupling is related to functional intra- and interhemispheric connectivity. In Wegner M, Jürgensen J (Eds.): Sport, Mehr & Meer – Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung. 0. Aufl. Hamburg: Feldhasu Verlag.
    • Dreiskämper D, Henning L, Tietjens M, Neuber N, Voelcker-Rehage C, Konjer M, Pürgstaller E, Dahl S Janssen T I. (). Und die soziale Schere wird größer? – Eine Längsschnittstudie zur Entwicklung von Fitness und Motorik im Kindesalter während der Corona-Pandemie. In Wegner M, Jürgensen J (Hrsg.): Sport, Mehr & Meer – Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung. 0. Aufl. , S. 224. Hamburg: Feldhaus Verlag.
    • Henning, L, Binnenbruck, A, Voelcker-Rehage, C, Tietjens, M, Krüger, M, Janssen, T I, Heilen, C, Neuber, N. (). Prävention sexualisierter Gewalt am Institut für Sportwissenschaft der Universität Münster. In Wegner Manfred, Jürgensen, Jonas (Hrsg.): Sport, Mehr & Meer – Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung. 0. Aufl. , S. 356. Hamburg: Feldhaus Verlag.
    • Stojan R, Mack M, Bock O Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Higher physical fitness is positively associated with dual-task walking performance and brain activation in virtual reality in older adults. In 25. sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag der dvs, Kiel (online). 0. Aufl. .
    • Wollesen Bettina., Janssen Tanja I., Müller Hermann, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Effects of cognitive-motor dual task training on cognitive and physical performance in healthy children and adolescents: A scoping review. Acta Psychologica, 224, Article 103498. doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2022.103498.
    • Voelcker-Rehage C, Stojan R. (). Zusammenhang zwischen körperlicher und geistiger Fitness im Alter. In Klatt Stefanie, Strauß Bernd (Hrsg.), Kognition und Motorik – Sportpsychologische Grundlagenforschung und Anwendungen im Sport (0. Aufl. , S. tba). [online first]
    • Pixa NH., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Boost the Brain with HIIT. Neurophysiological Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training. In Manfred Wegner & Jonas Jürgensen (Hrsg.). Sport & Mehr. Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung. 25. Sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft (dvs). 29-31.03.2022, Kiel. 0. Aufl. .
    • Kutz DF., Fröhlich S., Rudisch J., Müller K., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Is finger tapping a biomarker to classify cognitive status in octogenarian. In Proceedings of the 39th congress of the IUPS 2022, Bejing. 0. Aufl. .
    • Sanseverino Giuseppe, Krumm Dominik, Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia, Odenwald Stephan. (). Preliminary Validation of a Virtual Environment for Simulation and Recognition of Human Gestures. In Gerbino, Salvatore; Lanzotti, Antonio; Martorelli, Massimo; Buil, Ramón Mirálbes; Rizzi, Caterina; Roucoules, Lionel (Eds.): Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing IV. 0. Aufl. , pp. 605–613. Berlin: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-15928-2_53.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Lippert Laura, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Object weights can be predicted from movement kinematics in a replacement task. In Stetter, Bernd; Herzog, Michael; Spancken, Sina; Stein, Thorsten (Eds.): Modularität in der motorischen Kontrolle. 0. Aufl. , pp. 89–90. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. doi: 10.5445/IR/1000150155.
    • Mack M., Stojan R., Bock O., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Cognitive-motor multitasking in older adults: a randomized controlled study on the effects of individual differences on training success. BMC Geriatrics, 22, Article 581. doi: 10.1186/s12877-022-03201-5.
    • Mack M., Stojan R., Bock O., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). The effects of executive functions and physical fitness on street crossing behavior during multitasking in older adults. In Modularität in der motorischen Kontrolle: Tagungsband. 0. Aufl. .
    • Reimers A.K., Brand R., Voelcker-Rehage C., Wollesen B. (). Partial replacement of the Editorial Board of the German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research : Fluent transition. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 52(4), 497–503. doi: 10.1007/s12662-022-00858-3.
    • Kutz DF., Fröhlich S., Rudisch J., Müller K., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Finger Tapping as a Biomarker to Classify Cognitive Status in 80+-Year-Olds. Journal of personalized medicine, 12. doi: 10.3390/jpm12020286..
    • Kardys C., Küper K., Getzmann S., Falkenstein M., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). A Comparison of the Effects of Short-Term Physical and Combined Multi-Modal Training on Cognitive Functions. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(12). doi: 10.3390/ijerph19127506.
    • Ratz T., Pischke C.R., Lippke S., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Distinct physical activity and sedentary behavior trajectories in older adults during participation in a physical activity intervention: a latent class growth analysis. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 19, Article 1. doi: 10.1186/s11556-021-00281-x.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Kinematic and Dynamic Characteristics of Handover Actions in Human Dyads and Their Influencing Factors. In Wagner, Manfred; Jürgensen, Jonas (Eds.): Sport, Mehr & Meer – Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung. 0. Aufl. , p. 307. Hamburg: Feldhaus Verlag.
    • Wollesen, B., Müller, H., Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Training Based on Multitasking – With a Specific Focus on Motor-Cognitive Multitasking. In A. Kiesel, L. Johannsen, I. Koch, H. Müller (Eds.), Handbook of Multitasking (0. Aufl. , pp. 347–397). Basel : Springer International Publishing.
    • Cordes, T., Zwingmann, K., Rudisch, J., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Wollesen, B. (). Efficacy of a multicomponent chair-based exercise program with cognitive-motor exercises to promote independence in activities of daily living for nursing home residents with mobility restrictions. In European College of Sport Science 2022 , Sevilla. 0. Aufl. .
    • Julian, R., Muhle, M., Spielmann, J., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Mayer, J. Beavan, A. (). Acute responses to blood flow restriction exercise: can cooling alleviate the negatives? . In 25. Sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag der dvs, Kiel. 0. Aufl. .
    • Mack, M., Stojan, R., Bock, O., Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). The effects of executive functions and phsical fitness on street crossing behavior during multitasking in older adults. In Jahrestagung der dvs-Sektion Sportmotorik 2022 , Karlsruhe. 0. Aufl. .
    • Gaidai R, Goelz C, Mora K, Rudisch J, Reuter EM, Godde B, Reinsberger C, Voelcker-Rehage C, Vieluf S. (). Classification characteristics of fine motor experts based on electroencephalographic and force tracking data. Brain Research, 1792, 148001–148001. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2022.148001.
    • Lippke S., Ratz T., Keller FM., Juljugin D., Peters M., Pischke C., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Mitigating Feelings of Loneliness and Depression by Means of Web-Based or Print-Based Physical Activity Interventions: Pooled Analysis of 2 Community-Based Intervention Trials. JMIR aging, 5(3), Article e36515. doi: 10.2196/36515.
    • Henning Lena, Dreiskämper Dennis, Tietjens Maike, Neuber Nils, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia, Konjer Mara, Pürgstaller Esther, Dahl Stefanie, Janssen Tanja. (). Und die soziale Schere wird größer? Eine Längsschnittstudie zur Entwicklung der Fitness im Kindesalter während der COVID19-Pandemie. In Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia; Pixa, Nils Henrik; Rudisch, Julian et al. (Eds.): 54. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie: "Ein Gehirn, viel Bewegung - Variabilität und Plastizität über die Lebensspanne". 0. Aufl. , p. 9. Münster: asp.
    • Pischke CR., Ratz T., Peters M., Buck C., Meyer J., von Holdt K., Lippke S. Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Web-Based Versus Print-Based Physical Activity Intervention for Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Crossover Randomized Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 10(3), Article e32212. doi: 10.2196/32212.
    • Auerswald T, Hendker A., Ratz T., Lippke S., Pischke CR., Peters M., Meyer J., Holdt KV., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Impact of Activity Tracker Usage in Combination with a Physical Activity Intervention on Physical and Cognitive Parameters in Healthy Adults Aged 60+: A Randomized Controlled Trial. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(7). doi: 10.3390/ijerph19073785.
    • Peters M., Ratz T., Wichmann F., Lippke S., Voelcker-Rehage C., Pischke CR. (). Ecological Predictors of Older Adults' Participation and Retention in a Physical Activity Intervention. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(6), Article 3190. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19063190.

    • Pixa NH, Hübner L, Kutz DF, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). A Single Bout of High-Intensity Cardiovascular Exercise Does Not Enhance Motor Performance and Learning of a Visuomotor Force Modulation Task, but Triggers Ipsilateral Task-Related EEG Activity. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(23). doi: 10.3390/ijerph182312512.
    • Stojan R, Mack M, Bock O, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). The Importance of maintaining motor and cardiovascular fitness for better driving performance among older adults. In 53. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie, Tübingen (online). 0. Aufl. .
    • Mack M, Stojan R, Bock O, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). The association of cognitive, motor, and cardiovascular fitness with street crossing performance under multitasking conditions. In Society for Neuroscience, Digital Poster Presentation. 0. Aufl. .
    • Fröhlich S, Müller K, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). High-agers with better cardiovascular fitness perform Flanker task quicker. In 6th International Conference Aging & Cognition 2021, Leuven, Belgium (online). 0. Aufl. .
    • Stojan R, Mack M, Bock O, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Brain activation during dual task walking in older adults – a high-density fNIRS study. In Society for Neuroscience, Digital Poster Presentation. 0. Aufl. .
    • Bock O, Stojan, R, Mack, M, Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Persisting effects of multitasking on car drivers’ braking responses. In Society for Neuroscience, Digital Poster Presentation. 0. Aufl. .
    • Stojan R, Mack M, Bock O, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Frontoparietal brain activation during dual-task walking is associated with cardiovascular and motor coordinative fitness. In Society for Neuroscience, Chicago (online). 0. Aufl. .
    • Fröhlich S., Müller K., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Normative Data for the CERAD-NP for Healthy High-Agers (80–84 years) and Effects of Age-Typical Visual Impairment and Hearing Loss. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 1. doi: 10.1017/S1355617721001284.
    • Pischke, C., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Ratz, T., Peters, M., Buck, C., Meyer, J., von Holdt, K., Lippke, S. (). A web-based versus a print-based physical activity intervention for community-dwelling older adults: Randomized trial with a cross-over design. JMIR mHealth and uHealth., 32212. [online first]
    • Cordes T., Zwingmann K., Rudisch J., Voelcker-Rehage C., Wollesen B. (). Multicomponent Exercise to Improve Motor Functions, Cognition and Well-Being for Nursing Home Residents who are Unable to Walk – A Randomized Controlled Trial. Experimental Gerontology, 153(111484). doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2021.111484.
    • Auerswald, T., von Holdt, K., Meyer, J., Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Daily physical activity and sedentary behaviour of nursing home residents. In EGREPA Conference 2021 Active Aging - New Challenges and New Opportunities, Digital, Münster. 0. Aufl. .
    • Fröhlich S., Kutz DF., Müller K., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Characteristics of Resting State EEG Power in 80+-Year-Olds of Different Cognitive Status. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2021.675689.
    • Goelz C., Mora K., Rudisch J., Gaidai R., Reuter E., Godde B., Reinsberger C., Voelcker-Rehage C., Vieluf S. (). Classification of visuomotor tasks based on electroencephalographic data depends on age-related differences in brain activity patterns. Neural Networks, 142, 363–374. doi: 10.1016/j.neunet.2021.04.029.
    • Stojan R.., Kaushal N., Bock O.L., Hudl N., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Benefits of Higher Cardiovascular and Motor Coordinative Fitness on Driving Behavior Are Mediated by Cognitive Functioning: A Path Analysis. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2021.686499.
    • Bock O., Stojan R., Wechsler K., Mack M., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Distracting tasks have persisting effects on young and older drivers’ braking performance. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 161. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2021.106363.
    • Stojan R., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Neurophysiological Correlates of Age Differences in Driving Behavior During Concurrent Subtask Performance. NeuroImage, 225. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117492.
    • Schott, N., Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Motorische Entwicklung über die Lebensspanne. In A. Güllich M. Krüger (Ed.), Bewegung, Training , Leistung und Gesundheit: Handbuch Sport und Sportwissenschaft (0. Aufl. , pp. 1–32). Basel : Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-53386-4_68-1.
    • Ratz T., Voelcker-Rehage C., Pischke CR., Muellmann S., Peters M., Lippke S. (). Health-Related Lifestyle and Dropout from a Web-Based Physical Activity Intervention Trial in Older Adults: A Latent Profile Analysis. Health Psychology, 40(8), 481–490. doi: 10.1037/hea0001091.
    • Hager L., Averbeck B., Voelcker-Rehage C., Kutz DF.,. (). Sex Differences in the Consumption of Over-the-Counter Analgesics Among Amateur Volleyball Players. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 13(1). doi: 10.1186/s13102-021-00273-5.

    • Hendker Anna, Jetzke Malte, Eils Eric, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). The Implication of Wearables and the Factors Affecting Their Usage among Recreationally Active People. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(8532). doi: 10.3390/ijerph17228532.
    • Rudisch J., Müller K., Kutz DF., Brich L., Sleimen-Malkoun R., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). How Age, Cognitive Function and Gender Affect Bimanual Force Control . Frontiers in Physiology, 11. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00245.
    • Müller K, Fröhlich S, Germano AMC, Kondragunta J, Agoitia Hurtado MFdC, Rudisch J, Schmidt D, Hirtz G, Stollmann P, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Sensor-based systems for early detection of dementia (SENDA): a study protocol for a prospective cohort sequential study. BMC Neurology, 20. doi: 10.1186/s12883-020-01666-8.
    • Voelcker-Rehage C., Kutz D.F. (). Neurokognition und Bewegung. In Schüler J., Wegner M., Plessner H. (Hrsg.), Sportpsychologie (0. Aufl. , S. 69–88). Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-56802-6_4.
    • Stojan R, Mack M, Bock O, Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Single vs. combined motor cognitive training effects on brain function during dual task walking. In SPP 1772 Summer School: training aspects related to multitasking, Breisach (Freiburg). 0. Aufl. .
    • Rudisch J, Pixa NH, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Motor Control. In Hackfort D, Schinke RJ (Eds.), The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Sport and Exercise Psychology (0. Aufl. , pp. 342–355). London: Routledge.
    • Fröhlich S, Müller K, Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Cardiovascular fitness of older adults predicts interference costs by distractors. In 52nd Annual meeting of the German Society for Sport Psychology e.V., Salzburg, Austria, online. 0. Aufl. .
    • Mack M, Stojan R, Bock O, Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). The influence of external task constraints on cognitive-motor interference and task prioritization in older adults. In SPP 1772 Summer School: training aspects related to multitasking, Breisach, Deutschland. 0. Aufl. .
    • Zwingmann, K., Hübner, L. Verwey, W. B., Barnhoorn, J., Godde, B., Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Regular participation in leisure time activities and high cardiovascular fitness improve motor sequence learning in older adults. Psychological Research, 85, 1488–1502.
    • Wichmann F., Pischke C. R., Jürgens D., Darmann-Finck I., Koppelin F., Lippke S., Pauls A., Peters M., Voelcker-Rehage C., Muellmann S. (). Requirements for (web-based) physical activity interventions targeting adults above the age of 65 years – qualitative results regarding acceptance and needs of participants and non-participants. BMC Public Health, 20(1). doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-08927-8.
    • Schoenbach J., Bolte Gabriele, Czwikla G., Manz K., Mensing M., Muellmann S., Voelcker-Rehage C., Lhachimi S. K. (). Equity impacts of interventions to increase physical activity among older adults: a quantitative health impact assessment. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17(1). doi: 10.1186/s12966-020-00999-4.
    • Pischke C. R., Voelcker-Rehage C., Peters M., Ratz T., Pohlabeln H., Meyer J., von Holdt K., Lippke S. (). Examining implementation and effects of an IT- vs. a print-based intervention for the promotion of physical activity among community-dwelling older adults - Study protocol of a randomized trial with a cross-over design. Journal of medical Internet research, 9(4). doi: 10.2196/15168.
    • Bischoff L. L., Cordes T., Meixner C., Schoene D., Voelcker-Rehage C., Wollesen B. (). Can Cognitive-Motor Training Improve Physical Functioning and Psychosocial Wellbeing in Nursing Home Residents? A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study as Part of the PROCARE Project. Aging clinical and experimental research, 33(4), 943–956. doi: 10.1007/s40520-020-01615-y.
    • Stute K., Hudl N., Stojan R., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Shedding light on the effects of moderate acute exercise on working memory performance in healthy older adults: An fnirs study. Brain Sciences, 10(11), 1–23. doi: 10.3390/brainsci10110813.
    • Brand R., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). DEAL and an interim report on the journal’s development DEAL und eine Zwischenbilanz über die Entwicklung der Zeitschrift. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 50(1). doi: 10.1007/s12662-020-00645-y.
    • Pesce, C. Voelcker-Rehage, C., Tenenbaum, G., Eklund, R. C., Boiangin, N. (). The Unique Contribution of Physical Activity to Successful Cognitive Aging . In G. Tenenbaum, R. C. Eklund, N. Boiangin (Eds.), Handbook of Sport Psychology 4th edition (0. Aufl. , pp. 832–856). New York City: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781119568124.ch40.
    • Otto A, Pietschmann J, Appelles L, Bebenek M, Bischoff LL, Hildebrand C, Johnen B, Jöllenbeck T, Kemmler W, Klotzbier T, Korbus H, Rudisch J, Schott N, Schoene D, Voelcker-Rehage C, Vogel O, Vogt L, Weigelt M, Wilke J, Zwingmann K, Wollesen B. (). Physical activity and health promotion for nursing staff in elderly care: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 10(10), e038202. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038202.
    • Auerswald T, Meyer J, von Holdt K, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Application of Activity Trackers among Nursing Home Residents-A Pilot and Feasibility Study on Physical Activity Behavior, Usage Behavior, Acceptance, Usability and Motivational Impact. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(18). doi: 10.3390/ijerph17186683.
    • Pischke CR, Voelcker-Rehage C, Peters M, Ratz T, Pohlabeln H, Meyer J, von Holdt K, Lippke S. (). Implementation and Effects of Information Technology-Based and Print-Based Interventions to Promote Physical Activity Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Protocol for a Randomized Crossover Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(4), e15168–e15168. doi: 10.2196/15168.
    • Ratz T, Lippke S, Muellmann S, Peters M, Pischke CR, Meyer J, Bragina I, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Effects of Two Web-Based Interventions and Mediating Mechanisms on Stage of Change Regarding Physical Activity in Older Adults. Applied psychology. Health and well-being, 12(1), 77–100. doi: 10.1111/aphw.12174.

    • Reuter EM, Vieluf S, Koutsandreou F, Hübner L, Budde H, Godde B, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). A Non-linear Relationship Between Selective Attention and Associated ERP Markers Across the Lifespan. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 30–30. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00030.
    • Cordes T, Bischoff LL, Schoene D, Schott N, Voelcker-Rehage C, Meixner C, Appelles L, Bebenek M, Berwinkel A, Hildebrand C, Jöllenbeck T, Johnen B, Kemmler W, Klotzbier T, Korbus H, Rudisch J, Vogt L, Weigelt M, Wittelsberger R, Zwingmann K, Wollesen B. (). A multicomponent exercise intervention to improve physical functioning, cognition and psychosocial well-being in elderly nursing home residents: a study protocol of a randomized controlled trial in the PROCARE (prevention and occupational health in long-term care) project. BMC Geriatrics, 19(1), 369. doi: 10.1186/s12877-019-1386-6.
    • Rudisch Julian, Kramer Anne, Wollesen Bettina, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Dual-task costs in highly aged residents of primary care settings. In Society for Neuroscience, Chicago. 0. Aufl. .
    • Rudisch Julian, Müller Katrin, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Complexity matching in asymmetric bimanual movement tasks is reduced in individuals with mild cognitive impairments. In Society for Neuroscience, Chicago. 0. Aufl. .
    • Stojan R, Hudl N, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Applying functional near-infrared spectroscopy in ecologically valid virtual scenarios. In 51st Annual meeting of the German Society for Sport Psychology, Halle (Saale), Deutschland. 0. Aufl. .
    • Stojan R., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Hemodynamic activity while driving and conducting secondary tasks in younger and older adults. In 49th Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience, Chicago, USA. 0. Aufl. .
    • Stojan R., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). A Systematic Review on the Cognitive Benefits and Neurophysiological Correlates of Exergaming in Healthy Older Adults. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(5). doi: 10.3390/jcm8050734.
    • Forte, R., Pesce, C., Baldassarre, A., Shea, J., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Capranica, L. Condello, G. (). How Older Adults Cope with Cognitive Complexity and Environmental Constraints during Dual-Task Walking: The Role of Executive Function Involvement. International journal of environmental research and public health, -.
    • Stojan, R. Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). A Systematic Review on the Cognitive Benefits and Neurophysiological Correlates of Exergaming in Healthy Older Adults. Journal of Clinical Medicine, -.
    • Meyer, J., v. Holdt, K., Beck, E., Brandes, M., Pischke, C. and Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Toy or tool? Activity trackers for the assessment of physical activity in the wild. In IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), Xi'an, China. 0. Aufl. .
    • Mueller, K. Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Gesund durch Bewegung. In Schlesselmann, E., Hofgrefe Verlag (Hrsg.), Bewegung und Mobilitätsförderung. Praxishandbuch für Pflege- und Gesundheitsberufe. (0. Aufl. , S. 25–50).
    • Muellmann, S., Buck, C., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Bragina, I., Lippke, S., Meyer, J., ... Pischke, C. R. (). Effects of two web-based interventions promoting physical activity among older adults compared to a delayed intervention control group in Northwestern Germany: Results of the PROMOTE community-based intervention trial. Preventive Medicine Reports, -.
    • Winneke, A., Hübner, L., Godde, B., Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Moderate Cardiovascular Exercise Speeds Up Neural Markers of Stimulus Evaluation During Attentional Control Processes. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8.
    • Wollesen, B. Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Differences in Cognitive-Motor Interference in Older Adults While Walking and Performing a Visual-Verbal Stroop Task. Frontiers Aging Neuroscience, -. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2018.00426.
    • Schott, N., Rudisch, J., Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Meilensteine der Motorischen Verhaltensforschung. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 26. doi: 10.1026/1612-5010/a000259.
    • Ludyga, S., Koutsandréou, F., Reuter, E.-M., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Budde, H. (). A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effects of Aerobic and Coordinative Training on Neural Correlates of Inhibitory Control in Children. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8. doi: 10.3390/jcm8020184.
    • Lehne, L., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Meyer, J., Bammann, K., Gansefort, D., Brüchert, T., Bolte, G. (). Equity Impact Assessment of Interventions to Promote Physical Activity among Older Adults: A Logic Model Framework. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16030420.
    • Hübner, L., Vieluf, S., Godde, B., Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Explaining individual differences in fine motor performance and learning in older adults: the contribution of muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 27. doi: 10.1123/japa.2018-0289.
    • Glinka, K., Staudinger, U. M., Voelcker-Rehage, C., Godde, B. (). Neural processing of arousing emotional information is associated with executive functioning in older adults. Emotion, -.
    • Bock, O., Haeger, M. Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Structure of executive functions in young and in older persons. PloS one, 14. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216149.
    • Fröhlich S, Müller K, Voelcker-Rehage C. (). The relationship of cardiovascular fitness and flanker task performance in old adults. In 51th Annual meeting of the German Society for Sport Psychology e.V., Halle/Saale, Germany. 0. Aufl. .

    • Rudisch J., Zwingmann K., Stojan R., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Exergaming at a self-selected intensity does not immediately improve working memory and task switching. In 50th Annual meeting of the German Society for Sport Psychology, Köln, Deutschland. 0. Aufl. .
    • Stojan R., Rudisch J., Zwingmann K., Fröhlich S., Janouch C., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Hemodynamic Correlates of Additional Task Loads In An Ecologically Valid Driving Scenario. In 50th Annual meeting of the German Society for Sport Psychology, Köln, Deutschland. 0. Aufl. .
    • Stojan R., Rudisch J., Zwingmann K., Fröhlich S., Janouch C., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Hemodynamic correlates of additional cognitive and motor tasks during driving in a virtual environment. In 51st Conference of the German Psychological Society, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. 0. Aufl. .
    • Zwingmann K., Stojan R., Rudisch J., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Acute exergaming effects on cognitive performance. In 51st Conference of the German Psychological Society, Frankfurt am Main. 0. Aufl. .
    • Rudisch J., Zwingmann K., Stojan R., Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Using Exergaming for Combining Cognitive Training and Cardiorespiratory Exercise. In 51st Conference of the German Psychological Society, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. 0. Aufl. .
    • Meyer, J., von Holdt, K., Bragina, I. Voelcker-Rehage, C. (). Using activity tracker data for the assessment of physical activity in public health studies. In IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, New York City. 0. Aufl. . doi: 10.1109/ICHI.2018.00071. [online first]
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    Vieluf, Solveig. Uni- and bimanual control across the adult lifespan – age and expertise, behavior and neurophysiological correlates
  • Wissenschaftliche Vorträge

    • Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia : „Gehirngesundheit und körperliche Fitness“. Gesundheitspsychologie 4.0 — Konzeptuelle Innovationen, interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, neue Karrieren, Siegen, .
    • Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia : “Physical activity to enhance cognitive, motor and brain plasticity in older adults”. Physical Activity and Aging: Multidisciplinary Applications, Montreal, .
    • Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia : “Use It or Lose It – Mobility, Cognition and Plasticity in Older Adults. ”. From cell to protocol - translating physical activity research to clinical practice in older adult population, Haifa, .

    • Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia : „Bewegungsarten und Kognition – wie wir durch Bewegung die Hirnleistung verbessern können“. 3. Münchner Symposium für Haltungs- und Bewegungsforschung, München, .
    • Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia : „Bewegung ist die beste Medizin“. 9. Stuttgarter Sportkongress, Stuttgart, .

    • Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia : „Use it or lose it - Befunde aus der Physiologie, Psychologie und Kognitionswissenschaft. “. Hochschultag des FB 09, Gießen, .DOI: