Participation in the Cluster of Excellence
- Head of the Centre for Research Communication
- Advisor to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly
- Responsible for the Cluster of Excellence’s media and public relations (national and international media activities, social media, multimedia, website, newsletter, marketing)
- Identifying and editing socially relevant research topics for media and non-academic target audiences
- Advising scholars on transfer matters and liaising scholars and the media as well as non-academic institutions as interview partners, guest authors and speakers
- Developing and designing formats for research communication (transfer event, exhibitions, film and lecture series, political panels, dialogue with the citizens)
- Maintaining contact with representatives from the media, from politics, education, religions and culture, and with cooperation partners in museums, foundations and publishing houses
- Imparting media skills to professors and junior researchers in interview and media trainings
- Teaching: Introduction to research communication in seminars and workshops
Key activities
- Research communication for the humanities and social sciences
- Religious Policy
- Religion and Media, Religion in the public sphere
- Strategies, language and formats for research communication and the public positioning of academic institutions
- Specialist journalism and presentations on research, politics, religion, churches, ethics, history, culture and social issues
- Workshops and seminars about discipline-specific research communication
- General volume on Religious Policy Today
- „Gesellschaft braucht Religionsforschung“ (Interview by Deutsche Universitätszeitung DUZ)
- “Researchers enter their knowledge into debates” (interview by Gerda Henkel Stiftung)
Academic Education
- Study of History, English and Economics at the University of Cologne and at Trinity College, Dublin
- Scholarship holder of Cusanuswerk
- Magister Artium (German Master of Arts) at the University of Cologne in History, English and Economics; Final thesis with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schieder on religion in 19th-century decorum books for middle-class women
- Lecturer at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Department for Research Communication at the Institute for German studies
- Head of the Centre for Research Communication at the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" at the University of Münster; Advisor to the General Assembly; Lectures and workshops on research communication for the humanities and social sciences; Organisation and presentation of research communication events
- Head of the regional editorial office of North Rhine-Westphalia of the Catholic News Agency (KNA) in Bonn; Nationwide specialist journalistic publications on politics, religions, churches, ethics, education, culture and social issues; Presentation of panel discussions, conferences and book reports on politics, religions and social issues; Media courses for junior journalists and East European journalists; PR consulting for organisations
- Editorial journalist at the KNA central editorial office in Bonn and at the KNA regional office of North Rhine-Westphalia in Cologne
- Employment: Department of English, University of Cologne (Dr. Ansgar Nünning, chair of Prof. Dr. Natascha Würzbach); Engagement: art bookshop Walther König, Cologne; Greven Verlag, Cologne; graphic designing for Magdalenen Verlag, Holzkirchen
- KNA traineeship in Bonn, Berlin and Frankfurt/Main, also covering print, photography and television at the Institut zur Förderung publizistischen Nachwuchses (institute for the advancement of media juniors, ifp) in Munich
- Freelance work: press office of the University of Cologne; press office of the Düsseldorf fair; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.); Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger; Rheinische Post; Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR)
External Functions
- Science communication programme (WPK, Wissenschaftskommunikationsprogramm) of the Austrian Science Fonds (FWF, Österreichischer Wissenschaftsfonds) (Referee)
- Siggener Kreis 2024 „Mythos Vertrauen. Vertrauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung und die Rolle der Wissenschaftskommunikation“ (The Myth of Trust. Trust in Science and Research and the Role of Science Communication), Gut Siggen (Holstein), Toepfer Stiftung, ZEIT Verlag, Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD) (Member)
- Communicator Award of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Stifterverband (Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany) (Jury member)
- Funding of projects for Research Communication (Teilprojekte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) (Referee)
- Social media and website exhibition "Kleine Fächer - Große Potenziale" (Small Disciplines – Great Potential) (digital extension of the museum exhibition of the same name on small disciplines in the humanities at the Archaeological Museum of University of Münster in X @religionpolitik und Instagram @religionundpolitik) (Initiator)
- The nationwide first training programme“Religious Journalism” of the Cluster of Excellence „Religion and Politics“ in cooperation with the ifp School of Journalism and the Catholic Academy Berlin (Co-founder)
- Working group „Society and Politics“ of the 101st German Catholic Convention in Münster (101. Deutscher Katholikentag) (Appointed member)
- Open-air lecture theatre of the Cluster of Excellence of the University of Münster at the 101st German Catholic Convention in Münster (101. Deutscher Katholikentag) (on religious policy today, and religion and violence in the past and present) (Initiator and Co-organiser)
- „Religion and Politics. The Magazine“ (Head of editorial team)
- Center for Digital Humanities at the University of Münster (Member)
- Public lecture series “Music and religion” of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” at the University of Münster (Co-organiser)
- Working committee “Leitlinien zur guten Wissenschafts-PR” (guidelines for good PR in research), organised by the umbrella organisation “Wissenschaft im Dialog” (Science in Dialogue, WiD) and the Bundesverband Hochschulkommunikation (German association of university communication) (Member)
- Public lecture series “Religious policy today” of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” of the University of Münster (Co-organiser)
- Bundesverband Hochschulkommunikation (German association of university communication) (Member)
- National symposia on research communication (Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation (Wissenschaft im Dialog – Science in Dialogue), annual conference of the German association of university communication) (Participant)
- Institut zur Förderung publizistischen Nachwuchses (institute for the advancement of media juniors, ifp) in Munich (Managing committee)
- Alliance for Science (“1648 - Dialogues for Peace” working group, Member)
- Regular journalists’ get-togethers in Cologne, Bonn and Münster (Organisation)
- Research communication study trip to universities and think tanks in New York and Washington, supported by North American offices of the German Research Association (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)
- Journalistis’ trips to Central and Eastern Europe
- Advance journalists’ trainings (e.g., Akademie für Publizistik, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung) (Participant)
- van Melis, Viola, „Wie Geschichte in der Gegenwart ankommt“, in: DUZ Wissenschaft und Management. Ausgabe 4.2020 // 8. Mai
- van Melis, Viola, „Wissenschaft und Politik. Corona-Krise: Der Kommunikations-Komplex“, in: Frankfurter Rundschau (15.4.2020 )
- van Melis, Viola, „Rückkehr zu alten Mustern“, in: DUZ Deutsche Universitätszeitung (20.04.2020 )
- van Melis, Viola, „Im Bermuda-Dreieck von Corona. Zusammenspiel von Forschung, Politik und Medien“, in: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (17.4.2020 )
- van Melis, Viola, „Visuelle Wissenschaftskommunikation. Ein Türöffner zur Welt der Geisteswissenschaften“ , in: Klatt, Stefan: „Geistwürfe“. Visuelle Wissenschaftskommunikation für geisteswissenschaftliche Einrichtungen der WWU Münster 2010–2017. Katalog zur Ausstellung vom 18. Dezember 2017 bis 5. Januar 2018 im Münsteraner Schloss, Münster: Wissenschaftliche Schriften der WWU Münster, Reihe XIX - Band 5, 2019, 12-15.
- Gerster, Daniel; van Melis, Viola; Willems, Ulrich (Hg.), Religionspolitik heute. Problemfelder und Perspektiven in Deutschland , Freiburg: Herder 2018. Download
- van Melis, Viola, „Historische Forschungsthemen in der Öffentlichkeit – Ein Vermittlungskonzept von lokaler bis nationaler Reichweite“, in: Kenkmann, Alfons; Spinnen, Bernadette, bcsd e.V. (Hg.), Stadtgeschichte. Stadtentwicklung. Stadtmarke. Zur Adaption von Geschichte im Stadtmarketing, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler Verlag 2018, S. 45-58.
- van Melis, Viola; Gerster, Daniel, "Religionspolitik heute – eine Einführung", in: Gerster, Daniel; van Melis, Viola; Willems, Ulrich (Hg.), Religionspolitik heute. Problemfelder und Perspektiven in Deutschland, Freiburg: Herder 2018, 13-37.
- van Melis, Viola, „Mehr Religionsvielfalt in den Medien. Eine religions- und medienpolitische Begründung“, in: Gerster, Daniel; van Melis, Viola; Willems, Ulrich (Hg.), Religionspolitik heute. Problemfelder und Perspektiven in Deutschland, Freiburg: Herder 2018, 284-293.
- van Melis, Viola, „Friedensgespräche in Münster“. In: Salzkörner, 23. Jg., Nr. 5, 12.
- van Melis, Viola. „Religion in der Öffentlichkeit“. In: Herder Korrespondenz 69, Nr. 9 (2015).
- Heimbach-Steins, Marianne; van Melis, Viola; Arning, Holger. „Der Exzellenzcluster "Religion und Politik" der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster.“ Jahrbuch Politische Theologie 6/7 (2013): 359-365.
- van Melis, Viola. Theologie in der Öffentlichkeit. Erfahrungen der Wissenschaftskommunikation mit einer religionsvergessenen Gesellschaft. In: Unter Hochspannung. Die Theologie und ihre Kontexte, herausgegeben von Hoffmann, Veronika, Kleemann,Georg M., Orth, Stefan, 133. Freiburg: Herder 2012.
van Melis, Viola (2024): "Research communication – between pluralisation and polarisation. A glance at the social sciences and humanities." Forschungsdialog Sozialwissenschaften, Fachbereich 06 der Universität Münster, Münster, 04.07.2024
- van Melis, Viola (2020): „Research communication for the humanities and social sciences. Examples of how to encounter an increasingly populistic climate of debate.“ 72. Jahrestagung der „Brasilianischen Gesellschaft für den Fortschritt der Wissenschaft“ (SBPC), Roundtable „Challenges of Communicating Science to Society“ des Deutschen Wissenschafts- und Innovationshauses São Paulo (DWIH), São Paulo, 2.12.2020.
- van Melis, Viola (): "The significance of religion in the 21st-century public". Medientreff der Katholischen Akademie in Berlin und des Fördervereins des Instituts zur Förderung publizistischen Nachwuchses (ifp), Berlin, .
- van Melis, Viola (): commentary on the lecture of communication scientist Tim Karis: “Kosher cookery shows, Muslim broadcasting councils and the short weekly TV sermon ‘Sunday Thoughts’: religion and media regulation in Europe. Öffentliche Ringvorlesung „Religionspolitik heute“ des Exzellenzclusters „Religion und Politik“ der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), Münster, .
- van Melis, Viola (): Religious policy today. Introductory lecture about key subjects of the public lecture series of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” with the same title". Ringvorlesung des Exzellenzclusters „Religion und Politik“ , Münster, .
- van Melis, Viola (): "Research communication for the humanities – how the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” conveys research topics in Münster’s urban public. ". Kongress "History Sells? – Geschichte und Marke(ting)", Historischen Rathaus in Münster, .
- van Melis, Viola (): "Discussion lecture “advantages of high-content research communication – those who convey research content give their university a public profile”". Workshop „Wissenschaftskommunikation“ des Exzellenzclusters „Cells in Motion“ (CiM) der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, .
- van Melis, Viola (): "Research communication for the humanities and the social sciences – a pilot project at the University of Münster’s Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics”". Vortragsabend bei Soroptimist International, Münster, .
- van Melis, Viola (): "Religion in public – why theological expertise is in demand in the debates of a pluralistic society". Studientag „Medienpräsenz in der Theologie“ des Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultätentag, Wiesbaden, .
- van Melis, Viola (): "Pioneering Work at the Cluster of Excellence: Research Communication for the Humanities and Social Sciences". WWU International Staff Week der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), Münster, .
- van Melis (): "Research Communication in Germany: Developments and Current Trends. Pioneering Work at the Cluster of Excellence: Research Communication for Humanities and Social Science". Rectors' Meeting 2014 des International Research Universities Network (IRUN) an der Universität Münster, Münster, .
- van Melis, Viola (): "An historian in research communication". Präsentation im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung „Berufe für Historiker“ der „Schnittstelle Geschichte & Beruf“ des Historischen Seminars der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), Münster, .
- van Melis, Viola (2011): “Fremde Vertrautheit. Beobachtungen zur gesellschaftlichen Wirksamkeit der Theologie” (Strange Familiarity. Observations on the Social Effectiveness of Theology), answer to a lecture by Daniel Bogner. Symposium “Die Theologie und ihre Kontexte. Glaubensreflexion im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft, Kirche, Existenz und Öffentlichkeit” (Theology and its Contexts. Reflection on Faith Between the Poles of Science, Church, Existence and the Public) on the occasion of the 65th birthday of Jürgen Werbick, Münster, 16.07.2011
- van Melis, Viola; Arning, Holger (): "‘Religion and politics’ in the media – why the University of Münster’s Cluster of Excellence has discovered a market gap". 3. Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation, Mannheim, .
Panel contributions
- „Challenges of religious policy“, panel discussion at the conference „The Link between Politicizing Religion and Community Stability and Prosperity“ of the Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities and the Conference of European Rabbis (CER), Berlin (16. 01.2020)
- „Transfer von Religionsforschung im Podcast“ (Transfer of Religion Research in Podcasts", opening of the "TheoPodcast" of the Catholic Theological Faculty of the WWU Münster, Münster (22.01.2020)
- „Fostering the Public Understanding of Religion in Europe“, Roundtable – European Academy of Religion (EuARe) Annual Conference 2019, Bologna (04.3.2019)
- "Religionspolitik heute“ (Religious Policy Today), Panel Discussion in a forum on „Christianity and Islam“ for scriptwriters and film producers, Akademie für Film- und Fernsehdramaturgie TOP Talente e.V., Frankfurt-St. Georgen (09.10.2018)
- “Christian Identity and (In)Tolerance in Secular Western Europe”, panel discussion on the study of the same name of Pew Research Center, Washington DC, Aspen Institute Germany, Berlin (29.05.2018)
- “Wissenschaftskommunikation heute: immer mehr, immer bunter – immer wichtiger?” (Science Communication Today: More Content, More Colour – More Importance?), panel discussion plus exhibition opening, University Curator, Cultural Office University of Münster (WWU), WWU Graduate Center, Science Circus, Münster (07.05.2018)
- “Nachrichtenqualität in Echtzeit” (Real-Time News Quality), panel discussion at the Federal Congress of Bund Neudeutschland (ND), Aachen (16.04.2009)
Discussions chaired
- Presentation and discussion of an international survey on identity conflicts in Europe “Of Defenders and Explorers: An identity conflict over belonging and threat”, Cluster of Excellence „Religion and Politics“, University of Münster (21.06.2021)
- Panel discussion „Gab es das Mittelalter im Islam? Vom Nutzen und Nachteil von Epochengrenzen in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive“ (Were there any Middle Ages in Islam? The benefits and disadvantages of epochal boundaries in a global historical perspective), Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics”, University of Münster, Münster (25.04.2019)
- Discussion evening „Missbrauch und Prävention – Impulse für eine Theologie, die nicht ausweicht“ (Abuse and prevention - impulses for a theology that does not evade), Faculty of Catholic Theology, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, parish St. Lamberti, Audimax, Münster (05.06.2019)
- “Open-Air-Hörsaal” (open-air lecture theatre) of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” of the University of Münster at the 101st German Catholic Convention, with panel discussions and short lectures on religious politics today and religions and violence in history and the present, Fürstenberghaus courtyard, Münster (12.05.2018)
- Theological matinee “Zur Zukunft der christlichen Ethik Matinee“ (On the Future of Christian Ethics) on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Antonio Autiero, Catholic Academy in Berlin, Berlin (28.01.2018)
- Opening ceremony of the progress programme “Religiöse Pluralität und ihre Regulierung in der Region” (Religious Plurality and its Regulation in the Region), panel discussion on religious plurality in society and its challenges, Center for Religious Studies (CERES) of Ruhr-Universität Bochum and Centre for Religion and Modernity (CRM) of the University of Münster, Kunstmuseum Bochum, Bochum (01.12.2016)
- Meeting of religious communities and denominations “Wie denken wir über Menschen anderer Religionen?” (How do we Think about People of Other Religions) as part of the annual event series “1648 – Dialogues on Peace” of the city of Münster, Rüstkammer Rathaus, Münster (10.10.2013)
- Dialogue on deck on the exhibition ship MS Wissenschaft “Wie denken wir über Menschen anderer Religionen? (How do we Think about People of Other Religions?), floating science centre in the Science Year 2013 “Die demografische Chance” (The Demographic Opportunity), Federal Ministry of Education and Research and Wissenschaft im Dialog (Science in Dialogue, WiD), municipal port of Münster (02.06.2013)
- “Unsere Kanzel für Sie” (Our Pulpit for you), discussion evening for citizens, Heilig Kreuz Kirche, Münster (13.05.2013)
- Panel discussion “Was is(s)t die Welt?” (What is the World (Eating)?) with Felix zu Löwenstein on “Food Crash. Wir werden uns ökologisch ernähren oder gar nicht mehr” (Food Crash. We will eat ecologically or not at all), Münster (06.09.2012)
- Panel discussion “Kirche im Aufbruch – wohin? Das Memorandum im Dialog” (Church on the Move – where to? The Memorandum in Dialogue), Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Münster, Münster (31.05.2011)
- Conference on the transfer project “Expedition Münsterland”, research transfer office (Afo) of the University of Münster, Zeiss Planetarium, LWL Museum für Naturkunde, Münster (28.03.2011)
- Panel discussion “Kirche und Missbrauch – Die Theologie darf nicht schweigen” (Church and Abuse – Theology Must not be Silent), Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Münster, Münster (03.05.2010)
- Social policy congress “Beratung verbindet – persönlich, solidarisch, katholisch” (Counselling Connects – in a Personal, Solidary, Catholic Manner), German National Catholic Counselling Forum (21.10.2010), Maternushaus, Cologne
- Conference “Letzte Reise. Sterben, Tod und Trauer in der Gegenwart” (The Last Journey. Dying, Death and Grief in the Present”, Rhineland Regional Council (LVR), LVR Institute of Regional Studies and Regional History, Cologne (10.10.2009)
- Panel discussion “50 Jahre Gleichberechtigung – Und jetzt?” (50 Years of Equality – and now?) with Federal Minister of Health Ulla Schmidt, FAM Fair 2008, Aachen (14.11.2008)
- Panel discussion “Ehe, Familie, Lebenspartnerschaft im Wandel. Und wo bleiben die Kirchen?” (Marriage, Family, Life Partnership in Transition. And Where are the Churches?), 97th German Catholic Convention, Osnabrück (22.05.2008)
- Conference “Chancen nutzen, Potenziale erschließen: Studentinnen mit Behinderung starten durch” (Seizing Opportunities, Tapping Potential: Female Students with Disabilities get Started) on the first mentoring programme for female students with disabilities in Germany, Hildegardis-Verein, Bad Honnef (07./08.12.2007)
- Panel discussion “Pluralisierung gegen Integralismus? Das Thema Islam, Fundamentalismus und Moderne als Herausforderung an die Fundamentaltheologie” (Pluralisation against Integralism? The Topic of Islam, Fundamentalism and Modernity as a Challenge to Fundamental Theology), conference “Wiederkehr der Religionen? Standortbestimmung und Fragehorizonte” (Return of Religions? Assessment and Question Contexts) of the Initiative Pro Geisteswissenschaften (Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Volkswagen Foundation, ZEIT-Stiftung, Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft) and the University of Münster’s Department for Medieval and Modern Church History (21.10.2006)
- Interview Aachener Zeitung „When complexity meets exaggeration. Interview on research communication“ („Wenn Komplexität auf Zuspitzung trifft. Interview zur Wissenschaftskommunikation“) (26. Mai 2020 )
- „Making research easy to understand“ in wissen|leben. Die Zeitung der WWU Münster (Mai 2020)
- Interview German University Newspaper DUZ "Society Needs Research on Religion" („Gesellschaft braucht Religionsforschung“) (13.12.2019)
- Interview “ForscherInnen speisen ihr Wissen in Debatten ein” (researchers enter their knowledge into debates) with L.I.S.A., the science portal of Gerda Henkel Stiftung about research communication in the humanities and the consequences of digitisation. 11/2016
- dpa interview “Flüchtlingskrise: Potenzial der Migrationsforschung mehr nutzen” (refugee crisis: making better use of the potential of migration research) about knowledge transfer from the humanities and the social sciences in politics and the civil society. 01/2014. In: dpa-Dossier Bildung Forschung (no. 04/2016, 25 January 2016) of the German Press Agency (Deutschen Presse-Agentur, dpa)
- dpa interview “Cluster-Kommunikatorin: Hochschulen brauchen Forschungsredakteure” (cluster communicator: universities need research editors) on the national debate about quality in research communication. 08/2014. In: dpa-Dossier Bildung Forschung (no. 33/2014, 11 August 2014) of the German Press Agency (Deutsche Presse-Agentur, dpa)
- dpa interview “Wissenschaftskommunikation voll im Trend” (research communication in full swing) about research communication for the humanities. 04/2014. In: dpa-Dossier Bildung Forschung of the German Press Agency (Deutsche Presse-Agentur, dpa)
- Master-Seminar on Science Communication, Contribution to „Research Communication for the Humanities and Social sciences“, Department of Communication, University of Münster, Münster (20.5.2019)
- Workshop “Religion and Media. Responsibility of Religions for Peace” (Religion und Medien. Friedensverantwortung der Religionen) for international religious representatives; on behalf of the Federal Foreign Office; Deutsche Welle Akademie, Bonn (16.07.2018)
- Colloquium Strategic Research Communication, Schweizerisches Pastoralsoziologisches Institut (SPI), Sankt Gallen, Schweiz (14.11.2017)
- Third media training for postgraduates at the Graduate School of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics”, Münster (15.-19.2.2016)
- Media relations and public relations work proseminar for the Bachelor course “Wissenschaft Medien Kommunikation” (research, media, communication) (basic module: research and public relations work), teaching assignment at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe (summer semester 2015)
- Second media training for postgraduates at the Graduate School of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics”, Münster (10.-14.10.2011)
- First media training for postgraduates at the Graduate School of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics”, Münster (04.-08.10.2010)
- Seminars “Journalistische Recherche” (Journalistic investigation), advanced training for journalists from Central and Eastern Europe, “Ostkurs” (East course) of the Institute for the Promotion of Young Journalists (ifp), Munich (2008 and 2009)
- Workshop “Nachrichten schreiben” (Writing news), Public Relations Diocese Day 2007, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cologne, Cologne (22.03.2003)
- Training of journalist trainees and interns of Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur (Catholic News Agency, KNA), central editorial office of KNA, Bonn (2000-2003), and North Rhine-Westphalian state editorial office, Cologne and Bonn (2003-2009)