First MMGS Poster Session
The first poster session of our Mathematics Münster Graduate School (MMGS) took place yesterday. The very well attended event started with short presentations at the "Posterblitz". Afterwards, the speakers gave detailed information about their research projects in the Cluster Lounge.
The idea of the MMGS Poster Session is to offer an informal place for the MM early career researchers to present and discuss their research to their peers and the other members of the Cluster. For more information visit the MMGS webpage.

Thomas Tony: Scalar curvature comparison geometry and the higher index.© MM/vl Simone Ramello: Beyond surjectivity: valued fields with an endomorphism.© MM/vl Robert Franz: Morse Theory and the Barannikov Complex.© MM/vl Mathias in Wolde-Lübke: Poisson-Laguerre tessellations© MM/vl Margarete Ketelsen: Model-Theoretic Tilting.© MM/vl Luzie Kupffer: Equivariant limits and rare phenomena for hyperbolic groups.© MM/vl Isabel Lammers: Kernel Density Estimator.© MM/vl David Steigenberger: Volumes of Random Beta Simplices and Parallelotopes.© MM/vl