Academic student advisory service

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

We are in the process of redistributing the tasks in the academic student advisory service.

You will soon find more detailed information linked here on which concerns you should best address to which contact persons.

Academic student advisory service

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Bild: Fachstudienberatung FB10

Dr. Angela Holtmann

Central email address:

Link to the current consultation hours

More information concerning the consultation hours can be found via the Learnweb course of the Academic Student Advisory Service.

Link to consultations for the MSc Mathematics

The usual consultation options by the academic student advisory service are currently (winter semester 2023/24 and summer semester 2024) not available for MSc Mathematics students. Please follow the link above for further information.

Study coordination

Dr. Angela Holtmann Dr. Sebastian Posur
Phone: (+49) 251 / 83-33018 Phone: (+49) 251 / 83-31274
Einsteinstraße 62, 48149 Münster Einsteinstraße 62, 48149 Münster

Tasks in the context of academic advisory service

  • Advice to all students at Faculty 10 on their questions about their studies, in particular about the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes (in Mathematics and Computer Science)


  • For the issuing of placement certificates for higher semesters as well as for the recognition of required coursework and degree-relevant examinations, please contact the degree programme and examination officers of the individual degree programmes directly!

  • To issue performance certificates according to §48 BAföG, please contact the BAföG officers from our faculty directly!

  • We only advise on the degree programmes and partial degree programmes in our faculty (i.e. Mathematics, Computer Science, Learning Area II: Basic Training in Mathematics).

    Information on the B.Sc. Information Systems and M.Sc. Information Systems degree programmes can be obtained from the Department of Information Systems at Faculty 04 (School of Business and Economics).

    Information on the B.Sc. Geoinformatics and M.Sc. Geoinformatics degree programmes is available at the Institute for Geoinformatics at Faculty 14 (Faculty of Geosciences).

  • If you are interested in studying abroad, please check this page or this page for the contact persons and more information!

You may find answers to frequently asked questions and further information on the right via the menu bar. Via the item Studienhinweise (in German) there is among other things information …

  • on the choice of subject-specific seminars for the students of the two-subject bachelor's programme and the Bachelor of Vocational College Education in mathematics
  • on the choice of advanced modules for the students of the Bachelor of Science Mathematics
  • on the distribution of minor subjects for the minor subjects with restricted admission (business administration, economics, philosophy, psychology) of the subject-specific degree programmes (Bachelor of Science Mathematics, Bachelor of Science Computer Science, Master of Science Mathematics, Master of Science Computer Science)
  • on the examination regulations for passing the modules 1 and 2 (in the two-subject bachelor's programme and the Bachelor of Vocational College Education in mathematics) as well as for the modules 1, 2, 5 and 6 (in the Bachelor of Science Mathematics, ER 2014 and 2020)
  • on the oral exams in module 4 (in the Bachelor of Science Mathematics, ER 2014 and 2020) and module 5 (in the two-subject bachelor's programme and the Bachelor of Vocational College Education in mathematics)

We are also in charge of:

  • cooperation in the allocation of courses in the HISLSF/QISPOS/SLcM
  • help with overlapping dates (of exams or compulsory courses)
  • Brennpunkt Lehre

Mailing address

Fachbereich 10 Mathematik und Informatik
Universität Münster
Einsteinstraße 62
D-48149 Münster

Further contacts for the subjects Mathematics and Computer Science

Ms. Hold, Ms. Lammers and Ms. Sander from the examinations office also answer questions from the examination context.

The individual lecturers are usually happy to help if you have any questions about the content and organisation of the course, the subject-specific course of study, etc.

For special questions as well as for the placement certificates and the recognition of required coursework and degree-relevant examinations, there are also the course and examinations officers for the individual degree programmes.

The students in the Mathematics and Computer Science Student Council and the GHR Student Council also regularly offer student advice. Here you can find out more about the courses and your studies from a student perspective.

Further contacts in the student advisory service

In addition to the subject-specific advisory service, there are other contact persons at the University of Münster who can help you with (not necessarily subject-related) questions before your studies, during your studies and at the end of your studies. You will find an overview of which concerns you should best turn to which office in the following file (in German):

Informationen zur Studienberatung – Orientierung für Studieninteressierte und Studierende (pdf, 150 KB).