Studying Mathematics and Computer Science in Münster

Most study-related information (except for the English-language MSc Mathematics) is available in German only. It includes, for instance, information regarding courses, degrees and examination regulations. A list of key contacts and frequently asked questions can also be found.


The following list contains only information on the MSc Mathematics. For information on the other (German-language) degree programmes of our Faculty, please have a look at the German version of this page!

Information event: Structure of the M.Sc. Mathematics

We, the Academic Advisory Service of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, would like to announce the following information event:

Structure of the M.Sc. Mathematics

It will take place online on Tuesday, 26 September, 2023 at 9 a.m. via Zoom:

Information event: How to register properly in QISPOS

We, the Academic Advisory Service of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, would like to announce the following information event - now provided by the general Academic Student Advisory Service:

How to register properly in QISPOS

It will take place online on Friday, 15 December, 2023 at 2 p.m. via Zoom:

All students in the M.Sc. Mathematics programme are welcome to participate, both the new and the more advanced students.

Applications for minor subjects starting in the winter semester 2024/25

Applications for the minor subjects with limited places (Business Administration, Economics, Philosophy, Psychology) in our Faculty starting in the winter semester 2024/25 are possible until Thu, 3 October, 2024. On Fri, 4 October, 2024, the places will be allocated by the study coordination.

| Advance notification

Information event: How to register properly in QISPOS

The Academic Student Advisory Service of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science is planning an information event on

How to register properly in QISPOS

The information event will take place timeously before the (university wide) end of the QISPOS registration period for "undated" exams or required coursework (which is 13 December 2024). Date and time fpr the event yet to be announced.