Mittagsseminar zur Arithmetik: Judith Lutz (Münster): Rational Witt Spaces and Diamonds

Rational Witt spaces were introduced by Deninger in 2018. I will recall their definition and explain how the points of these spaces, in nice cases, can be descr...

Oberseminar p-adische Arithmetik: Vector bundles in the v-topology and Sen theory: João Lourenço: Galois cohomology of ${mathcal B}_en$

Victor Saunier (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord): Exact categories and their stable envelopes

Abstract: To any (oo-)category equipped with an exact structure, there exists an initial stable oo-category Stab(E) receiving an exact functor from E. If E is a...

Tee-Seminar: Hannah Boss (University Münster): HNN-extensions of hyperbolic groups

In 1998, Kharlampovich and Myasnikov proved that if two subgroups of a hyperbolic group G satisfy certain conditions, then the associated HNN extension of G is ...

Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie: Anna Dall'Acqua (Universität Ulm), Vortrag: Willmore flows of tori of revolution: fixed conformal class and asymptotic behavior

Abstract: The Willmore energy of a two-dimensional surface is given by the integral of the mean curvature squared. It is a type of bending energy and a special ...

Mittagsseminar zur Arithmetik: Valentijn Karemaker (Utrecht): Supersingular abelian varieties and their automorphism groups

Let A_g be the moduli space over F_p of g-dimensional principally polarised abelian varieties (where p is a prime and g >= 1), and let S_g be the supersingular ...

Dr. Jiawei Li (University of Edinburgh): Pathwise well-posedness of stochastic nonlinear wave equations with multiplicative noises

Over the last decade, there has been a significant development in the study of stochastic dispersive PDEs, broadly interpreted with random initial data and/or a...

Joachim Cuntz: A new look at operator homotopy in KK-theory. Oberseminar C*-Algebren.