• 2025

  • 2024

    © Felicity Jensz

    The “Global Bible” Project in the University Newspaper wissen|leben

    The CRM project “Globil Bible” is presented in the december edition of the university newspaper wissen|leben. The article offers an exciting insight into the goals and approaches of the project, which deals with the global distribution of biblical texts, the attempt to translate the texts into all the languages of the world and their meaning.

    © privat

    Conference ‘Translating Colonialism’ in Cambridge, November 2024

    Project Global Bible

    From 7 to 8 November 2024, participants from all over the world came together for the ‘Translating Colonialism conference’ at Westminster College, University of Cambridge.
    The conference was the major event for the second year of the Global Bible project, and has been over a year in the planning and thinking.

    Papers were organised into panels which corresponded roughly to geographical and chronological themes, though the range and diversity of topics and approaches was a key feature of the conference. Continue reading...

    © Waxmann

    New Publication: Beyond Boundaries

    This Festschrift in honor of Perry Schmidt-Leukel on the occasion of his seventieth birthday brings together essays that constructively engage with his erudite and wide-ranging contributions to the fields of Theology of Religions, Interreligious Theology, Philosophy of Religion, Buddhist and Religious Studies, Buddhist-Christian Relations, and Interreligious Dialogue.

    © Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG

    New Publication: Religionsunterricht 4.0

    Based on current religious constitutional law, Arnulf von Scheliha and Hinnerk Wißmann discuss the necessity and options for a future-proof further development of religious education in schools, which will do justice to the growing religious plurality as well as the religious development of the pupils.

    © Privat

    Collaborative Workshop: History, Reception, and Dissemination of Mother-Tongue Bibles in (post)Colonial Ghana

    KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, 2 July 2024

    The DFG-funded GloBil project organised a workshop in cooperation with the Department of Religious Studies at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, Ghana, on Tuesday, 2 July 2024. The workshop took place at the IDL Amonoo-Neizer Conference Centre and KNUST and was organised by Prof. J. E. T. Kuwornu-Adjaottor (Department of Religious Studies, KNUST), Dr. Michael Wandusim (CRM University of Münster) and PD Dr. Felicity Jensz (University of Münster).

    © Ifes

    Panel discussion: The church membership survey under discussion

    with PD Dr. Martin Fritz (EZW Berlin) andProf. Dr. Isolde Karle (RU Bochum)

    The Institute for Ethics and Associated Social Sciences (IfES) and the CRM cordially invite you to a panel discussion on the occasion of the 6th Church Membership Survey (SME) on the 3rd of July 2024, 6 pm c.t.

    The results of the 6th SME will be examined from a systematic-theological perspective by PD Dr Martin Fritz (EZW Berlin) and from a practical-theological perspective by Prof Dr Isolde Karle (RU Bochum).

    If you are interested, you can find more information here...

    © RaMi

    RADIS Interdisciplinary Symposium 2024

    ZiF Bielefeld - 22 to 23 February 2024

    The RADIS interdisciplinary symposium "Societal Causes and Effects of Radical Islam in Germany and Europe", organised by the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) at Bielefeld University, took place from 22 to 23 February 2024. Anna-Maria Meuth from the recently successfully finished project "RaMi - From the Margins to the Centre" was also present.

    © National Livary of New Zealand

    Call for Papers: Conference “Translating Colonialism? Global Networks of Bible Translation and their Cultural and Linguistic Impact”

    Westminster College, Cambridge, 7-8 November 2024

    On 7-8 November, the research projekt "Global Bible" is organising the conference “Translating Colonialism? Global Networks of Bible Translation and their Cultural and Linguistic Impact” at Westminster College, Cambridge. The organizers are inviting abstracts for short presentations by PhD/postgraduate students at the conference.
    These will be part of a dedicated postgraduate session attended by all conference participants.

    If interested, you can find further information here.

    © campus

    New Release: Die soziale Macht des Christlichen

    By Karl Gabriel

    The religious power of Christianity and the churches is on the wane in Germany and Western Europe. As a social power, however, Christianity remains a relevant social factor. Charismatic personalities founded social organisations in the 19th century that still form the backbone of independent welfare work in Germany today. Moreover, many special features of the German welfare state, such as the central role of social insurance, cannot be explained without looking at the denominations and their plurality. More...

    © campus

    New Release: Pastoral und Politik

    by Britt Schlünz

    Spain is a region that has long been neglected in European history. Britt Schlünz analyses - in the interplay between centre and periphery, between Madrid, Catalonia, the Vatican and the colony of Cuba - the conflict-ridden Spanish secularisation of the 19th century. Her study focuses on the clerical actors and contributes to the understanding of the key conflicts and central phenomena of the century in Europe: the possibilities of adaptation of the religious field, the formation of liberalism and the processes of decolonisation. Read more...

    © campus

    New release "The communication strategies of Pope Francis"

    by Johannes Löffler

    The power of the modern papacy is based on the targeted use of contemporary means of public display of historical authority and personal charisma. Whether Twitter, YouTube or Instagram - not least in the digital media, the Holy See has also succeeded in mobilising the masses beyond the Vatican in recent years. Using the example of Pope Francis' term of office, Johannes Ludwig Löffler analyses the verbal and non-verbal communication strategies of the papacy at the beginning of the 21st century. Read more...

    © campus

    New release: Uta Elisabeth Hohmann: Erwählt oder gewählt?

    Der Beitrag theologischer Parlamentarier:innen zur Annäherung von Protestantismus und Demokratie

    In the search for the right relationship between Protestantism and democracy, the parliamentary activity of German theologians suggests that they were and are particularly challenged to synthesise their religious convictions with the democratic idea. Continue reading...

    © campus

    New Release: Rhetoric of secularization

    by Daniel Weidner

    "Secularization" is an important and controversial term for the self-understanding of Western societies - it refers to both the disappearance of religion in modernity and its transformation. Daniel Weidner shows how secularization was discussed in the 20th century and how central these considerations were for philosophical, theological, sociological and cultural self-understanding. read more...

  • 2023

    © Wbg Academic

    Book Launch: Gottes Werk und Fleisches Lust by Prof. Dr. Anne Käfer

    in cooperation with The Center of Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research and The Seminary for Reformed Theology

    On the 31st of January 2024, at 18:00, CRM is organizing a book launch for the new publication "Gottes Werk und Fleisches Lust" by Prof. Dr. Anne Käfer in cooperation with the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research and the Seminar for Reformed Theology at the University of Münster.

    Further information can be found  here...

    © Westphalia Press

    Daniel Bar-Tal: Public Lecture including book presentation and workshop

    in cooperation with University Dusiburg-Essen

    From 22 to 25 January 2024, Prof. em. Daniel Bar-Tal (School of Education/Tel Aviv University) will present his new monograph at the University of Münster and hold a workshop at the University Essen, offering further exchange concerning his research.

    For further information continue reading here...

    © RaMi

    The international conference "In Search of the Radicalized Mainstream: Mobilizing, normalizing and normativizing far-right ideologies from the centre" on November 9 and 10, 2023 aim to explore, discuss, and redefine the relationship between the radicalized margins and the mainstream across different social, regional and historical contexts

    International Conference

    The international conference "In Search of the Radicalized Mainstream: Mobilizing, normalizing and normativizing far-right ideologies from the centre" on November 9 and 10, 2023 aim to explore, discuss, and redefine the relationship between the radicalized margins and the mainstream across different social, regional and historical contexts.
    Continue reading...

    © campus

    New Release: Between Divine Punishment and Conspiracy Theories

    Conspiracy theory and "alternative theology" interpretations as well as negations of the Corona pandemic have been unusually effective in Germany since 2020; in the "liberal milieu," which is convinced of the evidence of medical and scientific expertise, they have caused considerable irritation. read more...


    © Uni Münster

    The Money Trail - A New Perspective on Catholicism and Mission?

    Colloquium lecture by Dr Frederike Schotters

    On 19 April 2023 at 6 pm, Dr Frederike Schotters (Tübingen) will speak about »The Trail of Money – A New Perspective on Catholicism and Mission?«. The transnationalisation of Catholicism in the 19th century was largely driven by Catholic laity and a broad fundraising movement.
    Read more…

    © A feature of the Bible Society Centenary Celebrations, in: The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 23. März 1904)

    “Global Bible” project launched

    On 1 April, the Global Bible (GloBil) project was launched at CRM. The project, led by CRM member PD Dr Felicity Jensz, aims to critically analyse the British and German contribution in the creation of a global Bible, i.e. the attempt to translate the Christian scriptures into all the languages of the world. By the beginning of the twentieth century, parts of the Bible had been translated into some 1,000 languages, including many languages that had not previously known a written language. Much of what we know today about the languages of the Global Majority is based on the arduous work of indigenous translators and missionary linguists from the colonial period, often over decades. However, this important knowledge has remained largely hidden in religious archives until today. GloBil will open up the archives of German and British Bible societies to uncover the history of the global Bible movement and its discovery of global languages. To do this, GloBil will examine Bible translations in three geographically diverse regions; the Arctic, Oceania and Australia, and West Africa.

    Read more …

    © Campus Verlag

    New publication: Flaying of a Controversial Institution. On the Sociology of the Catholic Church

    by Karl Gabriel (Häutungen einer umstrittenen Institution. Zur Soziologie der katholischen Kirche)

    The Catholic Church is in the midst of the most serious crisis in its recent history. There are even voices that expect an imminent demise of Catholicism. But does this stand up to sociological analysis? In the 26th volume of the series "Religion and Modernity," Karl Gabriel explores the historically determined self-blockades that have led to the decline of the Catholic Church.  read more …

  • 2022

    © CRM

    Chosen or Elected?

    November 9, 2022 | Room JO 101 | Johannisstraße 1, 48143 Münster

    Presentation of the research results from the project "Protestant Theologians as Parliamentarians".

    A book presentation of the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" with Dr. Johann Hinrich Claussen, Cultural Commissioner of the Council of the EKD, and other guests.

    Registration for digital participation until 8 November 2022 with Martina Forstmann (forstma@uni-muenster.de).

    Books of the project:
    »Erwählt oder gewählt?«
    by Uta Elisabeth Hohmann

    »Eyn sonderlicher Gottisdienst«
    by Uta Elisabeth Hohmann (ed.),
    Arnulf von Scheliha (ed.)

    © Templeton

    Follow-up project: "Explaining religious change across generations: an international study of religious transmission in families"

    The John Templeton Foundation has approved funding for the international research project "Explaining religious change across generations: an international study of religious transmission in families" by the Münster sociologists of religion Christel Gärtner and Olaf Müller. Following the project "The Transmission of Religion Across Generations", the teams from five countries will concentrate primarily on the cross-country comparative analyses until June 2024 and combine the qualitative and quantitative analyses ("mixed methods").

    © Privat

    Short report on the Interim Conference: "The transmission of religion across generations: a comparative international study of continuities and discontinuities in family socialisation"

    in Münster from 9-11 June 2022

    In June, more than 30 researchers from nine countries met in the premises of the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" at the University of Münster. Together they discussed interim results of the research project on the transmission of religion in families over the course of generations, which was carried out in Germany, Finland, Italy, Canada and Hungary. more...

    © Campus

    New publication: The many faces of religion

    'Die vielen Gesichter der Religion'

    How did the Lutheran clergy in the royal capital of Berlin in the 18th century – an era of secularization and the emergence of bourgeois culture – move between church congregation and political authorities? Based on a wide array of sources, Florian Grumbach explores in “Predigt, Publikum and Seelenheil” (‘Sermon, audience, and salvation’), the 23rd book in the series “Religion und Moderne”, the pastoral practice and daily work of the clergy such as their sermons or publishing activities. more...

    © ECX

    Digital lecture: "Sexualized violence in churches"

    On May 2, 2022, the Center for Religion and Modernity (CRM) held a digital lecture and discussion event on the subject of "Sexualized violence in churches". Prof. Dr. Thomas Großbölting and Prof. Dr. Klaus Große Kracht, who investigated the cases of sexual abuse in the Diocese of Münster, informed the members of the CRM in compact form about their approach and the structural results of their study. Afterwards, methodical questions in particular were lively discussed. more...

    © Privat

    "Generations Project": Short report on the project meeting in Málaga (Spain)

    from 31.3.-3.4.2022.

    The researchers of the project "The transmission of religion across generations: a comparative international study of continuities and discontinuities in family socialization", directed by Prof. Christel Gärtner and funded by the John Templeton Foundation, met from March 31 to April 4 in Fuengirola near Málaga to exchange the results of the analyses of their data. more...

    © EXC

    Conference: Die Dynamik des Religiösen in Prozessen des Politischen

    From 8 to 10 March 2022 the conference

    ‘Die Dynamik des Religiösen in Prozessen des Politischen’ [Engl. ‘The dynamics of religion in processes of politics’]

    will take place in Montabaur. The conference is organized jointly by the Cluster of Excellence ‘Religion and Politics’, University of Münster, and the DFG Research Unit ‘Being Catholic in the German Federal Republic. Semantics, Practices, and Emotions in Western Germany’s Society 1965–1989/90’. The conference features numerous members of the Center for Religion and Modernity who will present introductory statements and participate in panel discussions. more...



    © Campus

    22: Karl Gabriel, Die vielen Gesichter der Religion: Religionssoziologische Analysen jenseits der Säkularisierungolume 22: Karl Gabriel, Die vielen Gesichter der Religion: Religionssoziologische Analysen jenseits der Säkularisierung

    Around the turn of the century, scholars of religion declared a ‘return of religion’ in modern society. Nowadays, the secularization theory – considered obsolete by many during the last few decades – has found a renewed interest. In view of recent scandals in churches and religious communities, a societal decline of religion appears again conceivable to observers.
    Contiune reading...

  • 2021

    Corona-gae98bcf39 1920Corona-gae98bcf39 1920
    © Pixabay

    Digital Lecture and discussion on „Religion in the (post)pandemic age“

    Because of the pandemic situation the lecture will take place digitally.

    If you are interested, please send an  E-Mail.

    Before: The Center for Religion and Modernity invites everyone interested to the lecture of Prof. Dr. Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati on „Religion in der (post)pandemischen Zeit. Eine Bestandsaufnahme“ [„Religion in the (post)pandemic age. An evaluation“], Monday, December 6, 2021, at 6.15 pm. Prof. Dr. Pezzoli-Olgiati is Professor for the Study and the History of Religion at the University of Munich (LMU). In her lecture she will examine what constitutes „religion“ and „religious communities“ in a (post)pandemic age, how researchers should approach the issue, and what future societal transformations the pandemic might bring.

    Logo RamiLogo Rami
    © RaMi

    First meeting of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the project “From the margins to the centre? Right-wing populist interpretations of (radial) Islam as a societal challenge in Europe and beyond” (RaMi)

    In early November, the International Scientific Advisory Board of the project “From the margins to the centre? Right-wing populist interpretations of (radial) Islam as a societal challenge in Europe and beyond” (RaMi) met for the first time in a virtual meeting. more...

  • 2020

  • 2019

  • 2018

  • 2017

  • 2016

  • 2015

  • 2014

  • 2013

  • 2012