New publication: Der christlich-islamische Dialog seit 1973 [‘Christian-Muslim dialogue since 1973‘]

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Migration has led to a growing religious and cultural diversity of German society. In public debates this diversity is often discussed as a societal challenge or even a cause of conflict. As David Rüschenschmidt in the Center for Religion and Modernity’s latest publication shows, the history of the Christian-Muslim dialogue does not conform to this narrative: Since the 1970s adherents of both faiths have met in dialogue, conversation and joint organisations, discussed religious differences, and acted as knowledge brokers and conflict mediators in civil society. However, while these initiatives benefitted processes of integration in local contexts, their effect on the general perception of “Islam” in Germany has been limited.

Flyer [German]

More information [German]

David Rüschenschmidt, Zwischen Kirchturm und Minarett: Der christlich-islamische Dialog seit 1973, Frankfurt am Main/New York: Campus Verlag, 2022 (Reihe 'Religion und Moderne' 25)