Opening event of the “Global Bible” project

On May 3, 2023, at 3 p.m., the launch event of the CRM/DFG project “Global Bible: British and German Biblical Societies Translating Colonialism, 1800-1914” will take place. This project is funded by the fourth round of the UK-German Funding Initiative in the Humanities. In the UK, the project is financially supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) under UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). The Global Bible (GloBil) project aims to critically examine the British and German contributions to the creation of a global Bible, i.e., the attempt to translate the Christian Scriptures into all the languages of the world. We invite you to come hear Dr. Felicity Jensz present the project and meet the project team (including Dr. Michael Wandusim) at a social reception at the Bible Museum.
Please register by 4/28 for better planning:
Venue: Conference room of the Bibelmuseum, Pferdegasse 1