The Institute for Ethics and Associated Social Sciences is responsible for interdisciplinary research and teachings within the area of theological ethics and neighboring social sciences. Lectures about the history and theories of ethics take place regularly, as do lectures about their most important field of application (esp. political, peace, legal, economical and bioethic) and about general religious sociology. Take a look at the current class schedule.
The institute holds annual and public lectures. You can find a list of all previously held lectures here (only available in German).
The IfES offers various services: counseling through panel members, expert valuations and lectures. Please direct business requests and questions to the secretary's office.
Award for Excellent Research
The Booster Club rewards excellent research papers with an annual prize. For more information, click here (only available in German).
The IfES sits within the Faculty of Protestant Theology. Find your way to us here.
From 12 to 14 March 2025, a conference on utopian thinking and human-animal relations will take place at the Institute of Ethics and Related Social Sciences.
Based on the biblical motif of human-animal peace (Isaiah 11:6-9), the event will explore the question of what utopias can do for animal ethics and human-animal studies. This will be examined from historical, sociological, artistic, philosophical and not least theological perspectives.
It is possible to take part in the conference - you are cordially invited to do so!
Further information and the programme can be found here...
Please send your registration to:
Dr Cornelia Mügge (c.muegge@uni-muenster.de)
The Centre for Religion and Modernity cordially invites you to the book launch of the new publication by Prof. Dr Arnulf von Scheliha and Prof. Dr Hinnerk Wißmann ‘Religionsunterricht 4.0’ on 27 January 2025, 6 p.m. c.t., Johannisstr. 4.
Denominational religious education has increasingly become the subject of political and social controversy in Germany. The authors will discuss with Ulrich Willems the possibilities for the further development of religious education in schools in accordance with Article 7 (3) of the Basic Law. In their recently published book ‘Religionsunterricht 4.0’ (Religious Education 4.0), the authors have analysed the reasons for teaching religion in schools from the internal perspective of the religious communities. However, growing religious plurality and demographic change urgently call for a review of the current organisation - especially if the specific aims of religious education are to be maintained.
Following the event, the Centre for Religion and Modernity invites you to a drinks reception in the foyer.
Further information can be found here...
On January 30, 2025, the annual Winter Reunion of the International Working Group on Religion and Utopia will take place – this year online.
The planned program and further information can be found here
For additional details and registration, please contact:
Cornelia Mügge: c.muegge@uni-muenster.de
Christian Schlenker: christian.schlenker@unige.ch
Based on current religious constitutional law, Arnulf von Scheliha and Hinnerk Wißmann discuss the necessity and options for a future-proof further development of religious education in schools, which will do justice to the growing religious plurality as well as the religious development of the pupils. The authors present ideas which could be considered in the religious policy negotiation processes between the state and religious communities.
Arnulf von Scheliha, Hinnerk Wißmann: Religious Education 4.0. A Discussion of Religious Policy from a Legal and Ethical Perspective
by von Scheliha, Arnulf und Wißmann, Hinnerk: Religious Education 4.0. A Discussion of Religious Policy from a Legal and Ethical Perspective, Tübingen 2024.
publishing site
Kwangwoo Park: Kirche als solidarische Gemeinschaft. Eine ethische Rekonstruktion der Kirchentheorie mit Blick auf die Christliche Sittenlehre von Friedrich D. E. Schleiermacher
by Park, Kwangwoo: Kirche als solidarische Gemeinschaft. Eine ethische Rekonstruktion der Kirchentheorie mit Blick auf die Christliche Sittenlehre von Friedrich D. E. Schleiermacher. Wien/ Zürich 2023. [Entwürfe zur christlichen Gesellschaftswissenschaft, Vol. 46].
Publisher's page
Arnulf von Scheliha: Friedrich Schleiermacher als Sozialphilosoph des Christentums
by Scheliha, Arnulf: Friedrich Schleiermacher als Sozialphilosoph, Berlin/Boston 2023.
Publisher's page
Jürgen P. Rinderspacher: Zeiten der Pandemie. Wie Corona unseren Umgang mit der Zeit verändert
by Rinderspacher, Jürgen P.: Zeiten der Panedmie. Wie Corona unseren Umgang mit der Zeit verändert, Leverkusen 2022.
Publisher's page
Emanuel Hirsch: Autobiographische Texte
by Hirsch, Emanuel: Autobiographische Texte, herausgegeben von Friedrich Hauschildt, Oer-Erkenschwick 2022 [Emanuel Hirsch: Gesammelte Werke, Vol. 44].
Publisher's page
Uta Elisabeth Hohmann / Arnulf von Scheliha (Ed.): »Eyn sonderlicher Gottisdienst«? Evangelische Theologinnen und Theologen als Parlamentarier
by Hohmann, Uta Elisabeth / von Scheliha, Arnulf (Ed.): »Eyn sonderlicher Gottisdienst«? Evangelische Theologinnen und Theologen als Parlamentarier, Frankfurt a.M. 2022 [Schriftenreihe »Religion und Moderne«, Vol. 24].
Publisher's page
Malte Dominik Krüger / Constantin Plaul / Christian Polke / Arnulf von Scheliha (Ed.): Freiheit Denken. Protestantische Transformationen in der Gegenwart
by Krüger, Malte Dominik / Plaul, Constantin / Polke, Christian / von Scheliha, Arnulf (Ed.): Freiheit Denken. Protestantische Transformationen in der Gegenwart, Frankfurt a.M. 2021 [Beiträge zur rationalen Theologie, Vol. 25].
Publisher's page
Johann Hinrich Claussen / Martin Fritz / Andreas Kubik / Arnulf von Scheliha / Rochus Leonhardt: Christentum von rechts. Theologische Erkundungen und Kritik
by Claussen, Johann Hinrich / Fritz, Martin / Kubik, Andreas / von Scheliha, Arnulf / Leonhardt, Rochus: Christentum von rechts. Theologische Erkundungen und Kritik, Tübingen 2021.
Publisher's page
Bastian König / Marcel Kreft (Ed.): Protestantisches Familienbild? Theologische und sozialphilosophische Reflexionen auf ein strittiges Konzept
by König, Bastian / Kreft, Marcel (Ed.): Protestantisches Familienbild? Theologische und sozialphilosophische Reflexionen auf ein strittiges Konzept, Leipzig 2021.
Publisher's page
Emanuel Hirsch: Christliche Rechenschaft II. "Ergänzungen" zum "Leitfaden zur christlichen Lehre"
by Hirsch, Emanuel: Christliche Rechenschaft II: "Ergänzungen" zum "Leitfaden zur christlichen Lehre", herausgegeben, eingeleitet und mit Registern versehen von Arnulf von Scheliha und Justus Bernhard, Kamen 2020 [Emanuel Hirsch: Gesammelte Werke, Vol. 18/2].
Publisher's page
Jürgen Rinderspacher: "Beeilt Euch!" Zeitprobleme im sozial-ökologischen Transformationsprozess
by Rinderspacher, Jürgen: "Beeilt Euch!" Zeitprobleme im sozial-ökologischen Transformationsprozess, München 2020.
Publisher's page
Jana Huisgen: Der christliche Glaube als reflektierte Erfahrung. Eine Studie zur Schleiermacherrezeption Gerhard Ebelings
by Huisgen, Jana: Der christliche Glaube als reflektierte Erfahrung. Eine Studie zur Schleiermacherrezeption Gerhard Ebelings, Frankfurt a.M. 2020 [Beiträge zur rationalen Theologie, Vol. 24].
Publisher's page
Emanuel Hirsch: Christliche Rechenschaft I. "Erläuterungen" zum "Leitfaden zur christlichen Lehre
by Hirsch, Emanuel: Christliche Rechenschaft I: "Erläuterungen" zum "Leitfaden zur christlichen Lehre", herausgegeben, eingeleitet und mit Registern versehen von Arnulf von Scheliha und Justus Bernhard, Kamen 2020 [Emanuel Hirsch: Gesammelte Werke, Vol. 18/1].
Publisher's page