Daniel Bar-Tal: Public Lecture, Book Launch, and Workshop

From 22 to 25 January 2024, Prof. em. Daniel Bar-Tal (School of Education/Tel Aviv University) will present his new monograph at the University of Münster and hold a workshop at the University Essen, offering further exchange concerning his research.
Daniel Bar-Tal is distinguished for his research on the socio-psychological foundations and dynamics of intractable conflicts. Furthermore, he developed a conceptual framework for understanding children's political socialization and for peace education. He is concerned with the Israeli-Arab-Palestinian conflict and has presented comprehensive socio-political psychological analyses of its emergence, persistence and maintenance. He has received numerous awards for his work in the field of international relations.
Further information on the event will follow shortly, as well as on the website of the University Duisburg-Essen.
Here you can find Daniel Bar-Tal's book: Sinking into the honey trap of the intractable conflict: The case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, translated by Barbara Doron, Washington, DC: Westphalia 2023, ISBN: 978-1637237168