Panel discussion: The church membership survey under discussion
with PD Dr. Martin Fritz (EZW Berlin) andProf. Dr. Isolde Karle (RU Bochum)

The Institute for Ethics and Associated Social Sciences (IfES) and the CRM cordially invite you to a panel discussion on the occasion of the 6th Church Membership Survey (SME) on the 3rd of July 2024, 6 pm c.t.
The results of the 6th SME will be examined from a systematic-theological perspective by PD Dr Martin Fritz (EZW Berlin) and from a practical-theological perspective by Prof Dr Isolde Karle (RU Bochum).
The panel discussion will take place on campus at the Faculty of Protestant Theology, Universitätsstr. 13-17, room 102.
Participation via Zoom is also possible. Please register for online participation by 2 July with Ms Martina Forstmann (