Guest article on the BIOCIVIS project on the website of the Berlin Institute for Participation

On January 26, 2021, Carolin Bohn and Victoria Hasenkamp, members of the interdisciplinary BIOCIVIS project led by ZIN spokesperson Prof. Doris Fuchs and ZIN member Prof. Bodo Philipp, published a guest article named " Participatory Bioeconomy. How can participatory processes secure the benefits of bioeconomic technologies and strengthen democratic participation?" in the "Practice" section of the Berlin Institute for Participation website.
The Institute coordinates the Alliance for Diverse Democracy ("Allianz Vielfältige Demokratie"), of which the two authors are members. In their guest article, which is available online here, Carolin Bohn and Victoria Hasenkamp provide a brief insight into the topic of "Bioeconomy in discussion" before going into more detail about the epistemic interest of the BIOCIVIS project and the dialog events planned for summer 2021, the Biodialogues.