New international master's scholarship holders have started their studies

The new holders of the scholarships for excellent international master’s students have arrived: Yassaman Jafarabadi, Vindula Kumaranayake and Devansh Sehta started their studies at the University of Münster in October. They are supported by full grant scholarships awarded by the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. They were welcomed by Dennis Binder, who coordinates the Cluster's scholarship programmes, and Dr. Bianca Santoro, the mentor for international master's students at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
In the following interviews, the three new scholarship holders tell us why they chose Münster, which mathematical topics they will focus on and what they hope to achieve during their time here.
Devansh Sehta finished his undergraduate studies at the Chennai Mathematical Institute in India. His three main areas of interest are number theory, algebra and geometry. He investigates how they relate to other areas of mathematics.
Why did you choose to come to Münster for your master’s studies?
I enjoy exploring a wide range of mathematical topics, and I think the way these many subjects interconnect is very lovely. Münster is a Cluster of Excellence and offers a wide variety of modules, which made it a strong candidate as a place to apply to. Moreover, I really enjoy observing nature and Münster has a lot to offer in that regard.
What worked well during your start in Münster and what was more difficult?
My transition to Münster has gone extremely smoothly. Be it studying, communicating with professors or even giving a seminar talk, I haven't had any issues. Finding permanent housing has been the only challenge I've encountered so far. But everyone has been really kind and helped me in any way they can.
What hopes do you have for your time in Münster?
I wish to learn loads of math and make tons of new friends. I've always enjoyed learning math from people so much more than learning it alone with a book.
Yassaman Jafarabadi completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Tehran, Iran. Her main areas of interest are algebraic topology and algebraic geometry. She sees her academic future in algebraic geometry and is currently focusing on this area.
Why did you choose to come to Münster for your master’s studies?
The department’s reputation, the variety of fields available to master's students and the outstanding professors are the main reasons why I chose WWU. It was crucial for me to pick a programme that would allow me to explore my interests and other areas of mathematics so that I could pick my future studies with care and objectivity. The department also hosts a lot of lectures and seminars, which helps you feel a part of the mathematical community.
What worked well during your start in Münster and what was more difficult?
My start at the university has been really smooth. I felt connected to the department's environment almost instantly. And the city also feels warm and welcoming and it is becoming like a second home. The challenging part for me was that I initially had a very difficult time navigating the various offices and institutions necessary to legalize my stay in Germany. All of this was made a little more challenging by the fact that I do not speak German.
What hopes do you have for your time in Münster?
I want to get the most out of both my academic experience and my time spent living in Germany. I'm incredibly appreciative of the chance that has been given to me. Therefore, my main goal is to learn everything I can. My objective at the end of these two years is to find a clearer path in my professional and academic life and get closer to the person I am.
Vindula Kumaranayake did his bachelor’s majoring in mathematics, a four-year degree, at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Then he continued his studies at Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comte, France, and successfully completed a one-year master’s (M1) degree in mathematical physics. He is mainly interested in PDEs, differential geometry, global analysis and their applications within general relativity. He is also curious about algebraic topology and mathematical logic.
Why did you choose to come to Münster for your master's studies?
I very much admired the versatility and plethora of selections offered by the master’s programme at Münster. I consider WWU Münster an ideal place to continue my education as well as my future research. This will surely improve my capabilities and expose me to contemporary research paradigms. Moreover, the opportunity to apply for a scholarship was one of the main reasons to apply to this university. This is a great opportunity for prospective students.
What worked well during your start in Münster and what was more difficult?
I really enjoy being here and am way happier to be here because I feel that foreigners like me are always warmly welcomed in Münster. As an international student, I appreciate how supportive this city is and how international friendly it is.
What hopes do you have for your time in Münster?
I would like to complete my MSc really well and would like to acquire better research and communication skills in mathematics.
Scholarship programmes at Mathematics Münster
The MM scholarship programme is intended to make the master's programme even more attractive to students from abroad. To this end, we make full-time scholarships and short-term funding available for outstanding international master's students. In addition, there is a support programme for German master's students looking to spend time studying abroad. Through these measures, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster are promoting the international exchange of especially talented students and increasing the visibility and reputation of Münster as a hot spot for mathematics.
Mathematics Münster’s scholarship programme for master’s students
Study programme M.Sc. Mathematics Münster