During the general assembly on February 2023, the panel was elected to represent the members for the next two years.

The following members represent the panel:

Prof. Dr. Lutz Doering  (Spokesperson)
Faculty of Protestant Theology, New Testament and Institut Judaicum Delitzschianum

Prof. Dr. Alexander Arweiler [de]
Faculty of History and Philosophy, Institute for Classical Philology

Prof. Dr. Hans Beck
Faculty of History and Philosophy, Seminar for Ancient History/ Institute for Epigraphy

Prof. Dr. Eve-Marie Becker
Faculty of Protestant Theology, New Testament

Prof. Dr. Grünbart [de]
Faculty of History and Philosophy, Institute for Byzantine Studies and Modern Greek Studies

Prof. Dr. Syrinx von Hees [de]
Faculty of Philology, Institute for Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies

Prof. Dr. Kristin Kleber [de]
Faculty of Philology, Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Prof. Dr. Clemens Leonhard [de]
Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology, Seminar for Liturgy

Prof. Dr. Achim Lichtenberger [de]
Faculty of History and Philosophy, Institute for Classical Archeology and Christian Archeology

Prof.in Dr. Angelika Lohwasser [de]
Faculty of Philology, Institute for Egyptology and Coptology

For Academic Staff:

Dr. Monnica Klöckener [de]

Dr. Matthias Sandberg [de]

For Students:

Kim Ailleen Renzel


Dr. Nikola Moustakis