A look back on our conferences

4th Inflammation & Imaging Symposium and Final Symposium of the CRC 1009 Breaking Barriers

Münster, Germany, 9–11 September 2024
The image motif of our conference in 2024: Activated mouse embryonic fibroblasts – actin fibers (red), microtubules (blue), and paxillin adhesion points (green) were visualised by fluorescence microscopy.
© Marc Wolf / Roth lab, Institute of Immunology, Münster

Lead: CRC 1009 Breaking Barriers

Co-organisers: CRC 1450 inSight, CRU 342 Organ Dysfunction During Systemic Inflammation, Medical Scientist Programme InFlame, Clinician Scientist Programme CareerS, Translational Centre for Inflammation (TRACI), Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre

3rd Inflammation & Imaging Symposium

Münster, Germany, 11–13 September 2023
The image motif of our conference in 2023: Murine bone marrow-derived neutrophils (pink) forming neutrophil extracellular trap (NET)-like structures around incorporated bacteria (Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, blue) in vitro – confocal microscopy.
© Ann-Katrin Wienkamp / Rossaint Lab, UKM Anesthesiology

Lead: Clinical Research Unit (CRU) 342 “Organ Dysfunction During Systemic Inflammation”

Co-organisers: CRC 1009 Breaking Barriers, CRC 1450 inSight, CRC/TRR 128 Multiple Sclerosis, CRC/TRR 332 Neutrophils, Medical Scientist Programme InFlame, Clinician Scientist Programme CareerS, Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre

2nd Inflammation & Imaging Symposium

Münster, Germany, 12–14 September 2022
The image motif of our conference in 2022: a 3D computer reconstruction of microscopic images of a human skin biopsy. A new method enabled distinct visualization of the spatial arrangement of blood vessels (white) and lymphatic vessels (red).
© CRC inSight - Hägerling R et al./JCI Insight 2017

Lead: Collaborative Research Centre 1450 “inSight – Multiscale imaging of organ-specific inflammation”

Co-organisers: CRC 1009 “Breaking Barriers”, CRC 1348 “Dynamic Cellular Interfaces”, CRC/TRR 128 “Multiple Sclerosis”, CRU 342 “Organ Dysfunction During Systemic Inflammation”, Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre

1st Inflammation & Imaging Symposium

Münster, Germany, 2–4 November 2021
© CRC 1009

Lead: Collaborative Research Centre 1009 “Breaking Barriers”

Co-organisers: CRC 150 “inSight”, CRU 342 “Organ Dysfunction During Systemic Inflammation”, CRC/TRR 128 “Multiple Sclerosis”, Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research (IZKF), Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre