Network life

Teambuilding at our IRTG Multiscale Imaging retreat in Borken. Here is the archery team … (June 2024)
Teambuilding at our IRTG Multiscale Imaging retreat in Borken. Here is the archery team … (June 2024)
© CRC inSight / Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • … in action! (Retreat of our IRTG Multiscale Imaging, June 2024)
    © CRC inSight / Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • The other half of our group … (Retreat of our IRTG Multiscale Imaging, June 2024)
    © CRC inSight / Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • … undertook team activities in a climbing forest. (Retreat of our IRTG Multiscale Imaging, June 2024)
    © CRC inSight / Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • Our PIs provided our junior researchers with tips on funding opportunities and grant application. These supplemented a workshop on scientific writing. (Retreat of our IRTG Multiscale Imaging, June 2024)
    © CRC inSight / Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • Preparations for a barbecue. (Retreat of our IRTG Multiscale Imaging, June 2024)
    © CRC inSight / Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • Research data meets analysis methods: Scientists from our CRC who generate data and those who develop and provide analysis methods came together in a workshop to discuss their current challenges and needs with each other. Pitch presentations were followed by a “speed-dating” inspired session (picture) that served to identify potential overlaps in one-on-one sessions. (January 2024)
    © Uni Münster/Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • Research data meets analysis methods – here during a coffee break. Subsequent data and algorithm demonstrations led to in-depth discussions. (January 2024)
    © Uni Münster/Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • Retreat of our PIs in Hilden. (September 2023)
    © Uni MS/Christiane Natsch
  • Poster slam at the 3rd Inflammation & Imaging Symposium in Münster: The annual symposium organised by our CRC together with several other research networks at our university brings together our local community with international guests. Over three days, we shared new insights and ideas in inflammation research and immune system imaging. (September 2023)
    © Uni Münster/Erk Wibberg
  • Poster slam at the 3rd Inflammation & Imaging Symposium in Münster: Around 30 junior scientists – including our CRC’s doctoral researchers – each gave a one-minute overview about their research. (September 2023)
    © Uni Münster/Erk Wibberg
  • Poster walk at the 3rd Inflammation & Imaging Symposium in Münster: Our CRC’s doctoral researchers used the opportunity to discuss their projects. (September 2023)
    © Uni Münster/Erk Wibberg
  • Poster walk at the 3rd Inflammation & Imaging Symposium in Münster (September 2023)
    © Uni Münster/Erk Wibberg
  • Poster walk at the 3rd Inflammation & Imaging Symposium in Münster (September 2023)
    © Uni Münster/Erk Wibberg
  • Poster walk at the 3rd Inflammation & Imaging Symposium in Münster (September 2023)
    © Uni Münster/Erk Wibberg
  • Congratulations on her PhD: Biochemist Dr. Katharina Höffgen received the certificate of her scientific education in our Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) “Multiscale Imaging” from Prof. Friedemann Kiefer during our summer lectures. (June 2023)
    © Uni MS/Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • This time, the summer lectures for our IRTG’s junior researchers focused on chemical-biological strategies for multiscale imaging as well as biological aspects of inflammation. (June 2023)
    © Uni MS/Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • The summer lectures also focused on mathematical and computational approaches for the analysis of multiscale imaging data. (June 2023)
    © Uni MS/Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • CRC inSight Progress Report Meeting (March 2023)
    © Uni MS/Erk Wibberg
  • CRC inSight Progress Report Meeting (March 2023)
    © Uni MS/Erk Wibberg
  • CRC inSight Progress Report Meeting (March 2023)
    © Uni MS/Erk Wibberg
  • CRC inSight Progress Report Meeting (March 2023)
    © Uni MS/Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • CRC inSight Progress Report Meeting (March 2023)
    © Uni MS/Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • A team from our Collaborative Research Centre at the European Molecular Imaging Meeting in Salzburg in 2023: In a focus session, our spokespersons presented our network’s research concept. In addition, our members gave several talks and presented posters on the latest findings from their research projects. (March 2023)
    © CRC inSight
  • Exchange meeting on combining a career and family life: Volker Baisch, an expert in the field, visited us and gave input with a focus on work-life strategies in partnerships, attitudes in our society as a whole and leadership cultures in the workplace. In a panel discussion, colleagues from our community shared their thoughts and experiences. (August 2022)
    © Uni MS/Doris Niederhoff
  • A little break during our first summer lectures. Our network’s early-career researchers received input from our principal investigators covering optical and nuclear imaging technologies as well as magnetic resonance imaging and mass spectrometry, including their applications in inflammation research. (Summer lectures, August 2022)
    © Uni MS/Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • Movie time! We watched the film “Picture a scientist” together in which several female scientists provide insight into their experiences with discrimination, sexism and racism in science, and which complements these personal examples with scientific evidence on the topic as a whole. (July 2022)
    © Uni MS/Doris Niederhoff
  • Our movie event was part of our network activities to help make science more diverse, equitable and open to all. We found the film to be impressive and rewarding, and it provided food for longer conversations and personal exchange afterwards. (July 2022)
    © Uni MS/Doris Niederhoff
  • Biologist, Dr Samriti Sharma, and doctoral researcher in biology, Mathis Richter, have convinced our Careers Committee of their research ideas and acquired funding for their first independent junior research projects! (May 2022)
    © Uni MS/Erk Wibberg
  • “I learnt about the funding programme for postdocs at the CRC’s retreat and saw many opportunities for cooperation within the network – that’s how the idea for my project was born,” says Samriti Sharma. She is using the funding from her start-up project to study how immune cells (neutrophils and macrophages) interact in the defence against bacterial infection and how bacteria (Yersinia pseudotuberculosis) manage to survive. (May 2022)
    © Uni MS/Erk Wibberg
  • In his pilot project, Mathis Richter uses multiplex imaging to study how and where certain immune cells (neutrophils) develop in the bone marrow and how this process changes when inflammation is present. “It was a cool experience for me to carefully plan what I wanted to do in the project and with what goals – I noticed how the idea came to maturity while I was writing the proposal,” he says. (May 2022)
    © Uni MS/Erk Wibberg
  • We used the first retreat of our research network to get to know each other. (October 2021)
    © Uni MS/Ann-Christin Dietrich
  • At the network retreat, the individual project teams presented their latest results and discussed current research questions and ideas. (October 2021)
    © Uni MS/Doris Niederhoff
  • The first meeting of our doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, and the coordination team of our Integrated Research Training Group (Corona summer of 2021)
    © Uni MS/Erk Wibberg

Welcome ...

... to the Collaborative Research Centre 1450 “inSight – Multiscale imaging of organ-specific inflammation”! In our network, we investigate how the body regulates inflammation in different organs and, to this end, develop a specific multisale imaging methodology that brings together information from single cells to entire organisms.

© Uni MS/Maikl Jamal Ibrahim Ibrahim

Photo gallery: Inflammation & Imaging Symposium and artwork at the MIC

A meeting full of exchange and inspiration: Yesterday (9. September), as part of our symposium, the Collaborative Research Centre “Breaking Barriers” celebrated its successful completion after twelve years of funding. The artist Cordula Hesselbarth presented her twelve-metre high artwork “Re | Solution” that takes an artistic approach to our research.

© Uni Münster/Johannes Wulf

Juggling research and hospital work

As a clinician scientist, junior professor Dr Philipp Backhaus is good at juggling the demands of research and hospital work. A specialist in nuclear medicine with six children, he hopes his research will help bring about concrete improvements in medical care. This is a dual role that requires good organisational abilities and the support of those around him.