Private Homepage
Research InterestsMultiscale analysis of two-phase flow in porous media with complex heterogeneities
Model reduction of parametric partial differential equations
Numerical analysis of partial differential equations
Selected PublicationsBuhr Andreas, Iapichino Laura, Ohlberger Mario, Rave Stephan, Schindler Felix, Smetana Kathrin Localized model reduction for parameterized problems. Model Order Reduction: Volume 2 Snapshot-Based Methods and Algorithms, 2021, pp 245 - 306 online
Rave Stephan, Schindler Felix A locally conservative reduced flux reconstruction for elliptic problems. Special Issue: 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)arXiv Vol. 1903.09082, 2019 online
Ohlberger Mario, Schaefer Michael, Schindler Felix Localized Model Reduction in PDE Constrained Optimization. Shape Optimization, Homogenization and Optimal Control – DFG-AIMS workshop held at the AIMS Center Senegal, March 13-16, 2017 International Series of Numerical Mathematics, 2018, pp 143-163 online
Ohlberger M, Rave S, Schindler F True Error Control for the Localized Reduced Basis Method for Parabolic Problems. Model Reduction of Parametrized SystemsMS&A (Modeling, Simulation and Applications) Vol. 2016 (1606.09216), 2017, pp 169-182 online
Leibner T, Milk R, Schindler F Extending DUNE: The dune-xt modules. Archive of Numerical Software Vol. 5 (1), 2017, pp 193-216 online
Ohlberger M, Schindler F Non-Conforming Localized Model Reduction with Online Enrichment: Towards Optimal Complexity in PDE constrained Optimization. Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VIII - Hyperbolic, Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: FVCA 8, Lille, France, June 2017, 2017, pp 357-365 online
Milk R, Rave S, Schindler F pyMOR - Generic algorithms and interfaces for model order reduction. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Vol. 38 (5), 2016, pp 194-216 online
Ohlberger M, Schindler F Error control for the localized reduced basis multi-scale method with adaptive on-line enrichment. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. Vol. 37 (6), 2015, pp A2865-A2895 online
Albrecht F, Ohlberger M The localized reduced basis multi-scale method with online enrichment. Oberwolfach Reports Vol. 7, 2013, pp 406-409 online
Albrecht F, Haasdonk B, Kaulmann S, Ohlberger M The Localized Reduced Basis Multiscale Method. , 2012, pp 393-403 online
Selected ProjectsLocalized Reduced Basis Methods for PDE-constrained Parameter Optimization This projects is concerned with model reduction for parameter optimization of nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs). The goal is to develop a new paradigm for PDE-constrained optimization based on adaptive online enrichment. The essential idea is to design a localized version of the reduced basis (RB) method which is called Localized Reduced Basis Method (LRBM). online
EXC 2044 - C4: Geometry-based modelling, approximation, and reduction In mathematical modelling and its application to the sciences, the notion of geometry enters in multiple related but different flavours: the geometry of the underlying space (in which e.g. data may be given), the geometry of patterns (as observed in experiments or solutions of corresponding mathematical models), or the geometry of domains (on which PDEs and their approximations act). We will develop analytical and numerical tools to understand, utilise and control geometry, also touching upon dynamically changing geometries and structural connections between different mathematical concepts, such as PDE solution manifolds, analysis of pattern formation, and geometry. online
Project membership
Mathematics Münster

C: Models and Approximations

C4: Geometry-based modelling, approximation, and reduction
Current TalksLocally conservative Reduced Basis methods. 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics GAMM 2019, Universität Wien, Wien, Österreich Slides Link to event
Current PublicationsWenzel, Tizian; Haasdonk, Bernard; Kleikamp, Hendrik; Ohlberger, Mario; Schindler, Felix Application of Deep Kernel Models for Certified and Adaptive RB-ML-ROM Surrogate Modeling. Large-Scale Scientific ComputationsLecture Notes in Computer Science, 2024 online
Keil, Tim; Ohlberger, Mario; Schindler, Felix Adaptive Localized Reduced Basis Methods for Large Scale PDE-constrained Optimization. Large-Scale Scientific ComputationsLecture Notes in Computer Science, 2024 online
Tim Keil, Mario Ohlberger, Felix Schindler, Julia Schleuß Local training and enrichment based on a residual localization strategy. , 2024 online
Haasdonk B, Kleikamp H, Ohlberger M, Schindler F, Wenzel T A new certified hierarchical and adaptive RB-ML-ROM surrogate model for parametrized PDEs. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Vol. 45 (3), 2023 online
Gavrilenko Pavel, Haasdonk Bernard, Iliev Oleg, Ohlberger Mario, Schindler Felix, Toktaliev Pavel, Wenzel Tizian, Youssef Maha A full order, reduced order and machine learning model pipeline for efficient prediction of reactive flows. Large-Scale Scientific ComputingLecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2022, pp 378-386 online
Banholzer S, Keil T, Mechelli L, Ohlberger M, Schindler F, Volkwein S An adaptive projected Newton non-conforming dual approach for trust-region reduced basis approximation of PDE-constrained parameter optimization. Pure and Applied Functional Analysis Vol. 7 (5), 2022 online
Gavrilenko Pavel, Haasdonk Bernard, Iliev Oleg, Ohlberger Mario, Schindler Felix, Toktaliev Pavel, Wenzel Tizian, Youssef Maha A full order, reduced order and machine learning model pipeline for efficient prediction of reactive flows. Large-Scale Scientific ComputingLecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2022, pp 378-386 online
Banholzer S, Keil T, Mechelli L, Ohlberger M, Schindler F, Volkwein S An adaptive projected Newton non-conforming dual approach for trust-region reduced basis approximation of PDE-constrained parameter optimization. Pure and Applied Functional Analysis Vol. 7 (5), 2022 online
Fokina, D, Iliev O, Toktaliev P, Oseledets I, Schindler F On the Performance of Machine Learning Methods for Breakthrough Curve Prediction. arXiv [physics.flu-dyn] Vol. 2204.11719, 2022 online
Current ProjectsEXC 2044 - C4: Geometry-based modelling, approximation, and reduction In mathematical modelling and its application to the sciences, the notion of geometry enters in multiple related but different flavours: the geometry of the underlying space (in which e.g. data may be given), the geometry of patterns (as observed in experiments or solutions of corresponding mathematical models), or the geometry of domains (on which PDEs and their approximations act). We will develop analytical and numerical tools to understand, utilise and control geometry, also touching upon dynamically changing geometries and structural connections between different mathematical concepts, such as PDE solution manifolds, analysis of pattern formation, and geometry. online
Phone+49 251 83-35051
FAX+49 251 83-32729
Secretary   Sekretariat Wernke
Frau Silvia Wernke
Telefon +49 251 83-35052
Fax +49 251 83-32729
Zimmer 120.001
AddressDr. Felix Schindler
Angewandte Mathematik Münster: Institut für Analysis und Numerik
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Münster
Einsteinstrasse 62
48149 Münster
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