Research Foci
- (Localized) Model Order Reduction and reduced basis methods
- Theory and numerics of Friedrichs' systems
- Optimally stable discretizations, Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) methods, First-order least-squares methods
- Loclaized training approaches for multiscale problems
Doctoral AbstractThesis
Numerical methods for Friedrichs’ systems: Approximation theory, localized training and inherently stable model order reduction
- Supervisors
- Doctoral Subject
- Mathematik
- Doctoral Degree
- Dr. rer. nat.
- Awarded by
- Department 10 – Mathematics and Computer Science
Academic Education
- PhD in Mathematics, University of Münster
- MSc. Mathematics with minor in computer science, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- BSc. Mathematics with minor in computer science, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- Vorlesung: Scientific Computing [108417]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christian Engwer, Jan Alexander Schell)
[ - | | wöchentlich | Mo | M B 6 (M 6) | Jan Alexander Schell]
[ - | | wöchentlich | Do | M B 6 (M 6) | Jan Alexander Schell] - Praktikum: Non-linear modelling in the natural sciences [108339]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuer, Julia Schleuß, Prof. Dr. Christian Engwer, apl. Prof. Svetlana Gurevich, Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger, Prof. Dr. André Schlichting)
[14.10.2024 | | wöchentlich | Mo | M B 6 (M 6) | Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuer]
- Praktikum: Non-linear modelling in the natural sciences [106341]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuer, Julia Schleuß, Prof. Dr. Christian Engwer, apl. Prof. Svetlana Gurevich, Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger, Prof. Dr. André Schlichting)
- Praktikum: Non-linear modelling in the natural sciences [104493]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuer, Julia Schleuß, Prof. Dr. Christian Engwer, apl. Prof. Svetlana Gurevich, Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger, Prof. Dr. André Schlichting)
- Praktikum: Non-linear modelling in the natural sciences [102396]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuer, Julia Schleuß, Prof. Dr. Christian Engwer, apl. Prof. Svetlana Gurevich, Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger, Prof. Dr. André Schlichting)
- Praktikum: Introduction to Numerical Programming with Python [100378]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger, Hendrik Kleikamp) - Praktikum: Non-linear modelling in the natural sciences [100417]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuer, Prof. Dr. Christian Engwer, apl. Prof. Svetlana Gurevich, Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger, Prof. Dr. André Schlichting)
- Praktikum: Non-linear modelling in the natural sciences [108414]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuer, Prof. Dr. Christian Engwer, apl. Prof. Svetlana Gurevich, Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger, Prof. Dr. André Schlichting)
- Praktikum: Non-linear modelling in the natural sciences [106351]
(in cooperation with Julia Schleuß, Prof. Dr. Christian Engwer, apl. Prof. Svetlana Gurevich, Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger, Hendrik Kleikamp, Prof. Dr. André Schlichting, Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuer)
- Praktikum: Non-linear modelling in the natural sciences [104437]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuer, Julia Schleuß, Prof. Dr. Christian Engwer, apl. Prof. Svetlana Gurevich, Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger)
- Vorlesung: Scientific Computing [108417]
- Engwer, Christian, Ohlberger, Mario, and Renelt, Lukas. “Model order reduction of an ultraweak and optimally stable variational formulation for parametrized reactive transport problems.” SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, № 46 (5): A3205–A3229. doi: 10.1137/23M1613402.
- Engwer, Christian, Ohlberger, Mario, and Renelt, Lukas. “Construction of local reduced spaces for Friedrichs' systems via randomized training.” contribution to the Central-European Conference on Scientific Computing, ALGORITMY, Podbanské ().
- Kleikamp, Hendrik, and Renelt, Lukas. “Two-stage model reduction approaches for the efficient and certified solution of parametrized optimal control problems.” arXiv . doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2408.15900.
- Renelt, Lukas, Ohlberger, Mario, and Engwer, Christian. “An optimally stable approximation of reactive transport using discrete test and infinite trial spaces.” in Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X—Volume 2, Hyperbolic and Related Problems, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, edited by Emmanuel Franck, Jürgen Fuhrmann, Michel-Dansac Victor and Laurent Navoret. (Heidelberg: Springer, ). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-40860-1_30.
scientific talks
- Renelt, Lukas : “Model order reduction and localization of Friedrichs’ systems”. Reduced-Order Modeling for Complex Engineering Problems, Chicago, .
- Renelt, Lukas : “Nonlinear discretization of instationary PDEs with EDNNs: An introduction to Neural Galerkin and JAX”. Oberseminar Numerik, Münster, .
- Renelt, Lukas : “Efficient linear Model Order Reduction for Friedrichs’ systems”. Model Reduction and Surrogate Modeling (MORe) 2024, La Jolla, .
- Renelt, Lukas : “Model Order Reduction for Friedrichs' systems”. Minisymposium on 'New Trends in Model Order Reduction and Learning' at ALGORITMY 2024, Podbanske, .
- Renelt, Lukas : “Model Order Reduction for Friedrichs' systems”. YMMOR - Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction, Stuttgart, .
- Renelt, Lukas : “Model order reduction for inf-sup-stable problems using optimally stable discretization schemes”. Posterpresentation at MORTech 2023, Paris-Saclay, .
- Renelt, Lukas : “Friedrichs' systems and their use in model order reduction”. Oberseminar Numerik, Münster, .
- Renelt, Lukas : “An optimally stable numerical scheme for reactive transport”. Posterpresentation at Finite Volumes for Complex Applications 10 (FVCA10), Strasbourg, .
- Renelt, Lukas : “Model order reduction for reaction-advection problems”. Minisymposium on 'Reducing the irreducible: model reduction for transport-dominated problems' at ENUMATH 2023, Lisbon, .
- Renelt, Lukas : “An optimally stable discretization scheme for parametrized convection-dominated problems”. Minisymposium on 'Numerical methods for differential equations' at GAMM 93rd annual meeting, Dresden, .
- Renelt, Lukas : “Localized Model Order Reduction for convection-dominated problems using an optimally stable discretization”. YMMOR - Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction, Ulm, .
- Renelt, Lukas : “Localized MOR for advection-dominated convection-diffusion problems”. YMMOR - Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction, Münster, .
practical talks
- Renelt, Lukas : “Custom linear algebra backends: Using pyMOR with dune-istl”. pyMOR School and User meeting 2024, Münster, .
- Renelt, Lukas : “Representation of parametric PDEs in Dune-PDELab and application to model order reduction”. 7th DUNE user meeting, Dresden, .
- Keil, Tim; Renelt, Lukas : “Introduction to the Reduced Basis Method”. YMMOR - Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction, Münster, .
The YMMOR conference format
The YMMOR (Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction) is a conference format aimed at PhD students and early Postdocs working in the field of Model Order Reduction (website). More experienced researchers such as professors are explicitly not a part of both organisation and realisation of the conference in order to foster the informal atmosphere. The conference editions in Münster (2022), Ulm (2023) and Stuttgart (2024) were all well received by the approximately 40 international participants. The next iteration will take place in spring 2025 in Trieste, Italy.
The sustainability of the conference format is ensured by the YMMOR committee which also serves for connecting young researchers from different workgroups. I am a member of the committee and currently also responsible for the acquisition of new members. If you are interested you are very welcome to contact me!