
Please arrange your own transportation to Münster yourself. Whether you travel by plane, train or automobile, Münster is well connected to Germany’s transportation system. The nearest airport is the Flughafen Münster/ Osnabrück (FMO), which is about 45 minutes away by bus from the main train station in Münster. The airports in Dortmund, Düsseldorf and Amsterdam are also nearby. We recommend checking online air travel portals to compare prices and determine whether the airlines in your home city make stops at one of these airports. If you have any questions about what to do when you arrive, please contact the InfoPoint team at the International Office.

Semester ticket
Students at the University of Münster receive a semester ticket which entitles them to use all modes of public transportation in and around the city of Münster at no charge. After you have successfully enrolled and paid the semester fee, you can download and print out your semester ticket from the University of Münster Self-Service Portal. Your login information will be sent to your mailing address after you have enrolled. Please be sure that your name is legibly printed on your mailbox and that you are indeed reachable at that address.
Promptly log into your user account by entering the login data you receive. In your user account, you will find further information on how to transfer payment of the semester fee. Please pay this fee as soon as possible! You should also update or complete any missing data on the online portal if you are asked to do so.
New students and language course participants in their first semester can obtain the semester ticket one month prior to the official start of the semester (in March or September) for use in the Münsterland region. After the official start of the semester, the ticket can be used throughout the entire state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Information of the AStA (General Students' Committee) on the semester ticket [de]

FAQ on the Self-Service Portal

The semester ticket is only valid in combination with an official photo ID, such as your personal ID card or passport.

Please remember that your semester ticket can only be used when taking local and regional public transportation inside the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. This means it cannot be used on long-distance trains which are normally recognisable by their white colour and their name ICE or IC. The semester ticket cannot be used on EC trains either, as these are usually foreign long-distance trains. If you wish to use these trains, you will have to book a separate ticket via the Deutsche Bahn website or app. You can also purchase tickets before travelling at ticket automats or the official Deutsche Bahn ticket counters.

Ticket booking service of the Deutsche Bahn

Münster is known as Germany’s bicycle capital. On the promenade that encircles Münster’s historic city centre, there is a bike street that allows you to quickly reach all your destinations in Münster. Therefore, it makes sense to purchase your own bike for your time in Münster. You can find inexpensive offers on various online platforms or at (bike) flea markets, e.g. the Fietsenbörse. There is also the option of renting a bike long-term for around 20 euros per month.