Educational Sciences: Module "Educational Processes and Social Change"


The teaching serves to impart sociological expertise for understanding the social significance of education, educational acquisition and educational mobility as well as their documentation through school-leaving certificates in organizations geared to this purpose. Another objective is to enable students to comprehend specifically sociological interpretations of social reality and the scientific definition of sociological terms in the context of education, as well as to recognize their usefulness in application to the analysis of interrelationships between individual possibilities and social conditions. In this way, the teaching of sociological research brings a perspective that goes beyond the level of interaction to the scientific examination of education, teaching and learning within the educational science curriculum and contributes to creating the conditions for building further competencies for the teaching profession, especially in the areas of "educating" (competencies: B4-6), "assessing" (competency: C7) and "innovating" (competencies: D-9-11).

Course content

The lectures and seminars deal with classical sociological approaches and concepts for the observation and interpretation of social action, social structures and social conditions as well as with contemporary diagnoses, the comparison of which makes it possible to clarify selected structural processes of social change such as individualization as a mode of socialization, democratization, (functional) differentiation and marketization.
This includes the study of socialization theoretical approaches in the historical field of tension between approaches to socialization of others and approaches to socialization of oneself as well as the results of school- and peer-oriented socialization research and social inequality research oriented toward the sociology of education, which ask about context-bound determinant influences of social-structural characteristics on educational success, such as social gender, social origin, family conditions, and immigration history. In this way, research topics are also taken up that are negotiated in educational policy and educational science as guiding principles of heterogeneity, diversity and inclusion.