Dr. Sophie Siestrup
© privat

Dr. Sophie Siestrup

Institut für Psychologie
Fliednerstraße 21
D-48149 Münster
Raum: Fl 310 b
Tel.: +49 (0) 251 / 83 34131

E-Mail: s.siestrup [at] uni-muenster.de


Akademischer Werdegang

             seit 2023    

             Postdoktorandin am Psychologischen Institut der Universität Münster,
             Arbeitseinheit Biologische Psychologie (Prof. Dr. Ricarda I. Schubotz)

             2019 bis 2023

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin am Psychologischen Institut der Universität Münster, Arbeitseinheit Biologische Psychologie (Prof. Dr. Ricarda I. Schubotz)

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Neuro- und Verhaltensbiologie der Universität Münster, Abteilung für Verhaltensbiologie (Prof. Dr. Helene Richter)

2017 – 2018
Studentische Hilfskraft am Institut für Neuro- und Verhaltensbiologie der Universität Münster, Abteilung für Verhaltensbiologie

2016 – 2019
MSc Biowissenschaften, Universität Münster
Masterarbeit: „Effect of affect? Validating a touchscreen-based cognitive judgment bias test for laboratory mice“

2013 – 2016
BSc Biowissenschaften, Universität Münster


  • Neuronale Grundlagen des episodischen Gedächtnisses
  • ‘Updating’ von Erinnerungen


Selvan, R.N., Cheng, M., Siestrup, S., Mecklenbrauck, F., Jainta, B., Pomp, J., Zahedi, A., Tamosiunaite, M., Wörgötter, F., Schubotz, R.I. (2024). Updating predictions in a complex repertoire of actions and its neural representation. NeuroImage 296 (2024) 120687

Mecklenbrauck F., Gruber, M., Siestrup, S., Zahedi, A., Grotegerd, D., Mauritz, M., Trempler, I., Dannlowski, U., Schubotz R.I. (2023). The Significance of Structural Rich Club Hubs for the Processing of Hierarchical Stimuli. Human Brain Mapping 2023;1–28, doi.org/10.1002/hbm.26543

Siestrup S., Schubotz R.I. (2023). Minor Changes Change Memories: FMRI and Behavioral Reflections of Episodic Prediction Errors. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 35(11), 1823–1845. doi.org/10.1162/jocn_a_02047

Siestrup S., Jainta B., Cheng S., Schubotz R.I. (2022) Solidity meets surprise: Cerebral and behavioral effects of learning from episodic prediction errors. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 35:2, pp. 291–313. doi.org/10.1162/jocn_a_01948

Siestrup, S., Jainta., B., El-Sourani, N., Trempler, I., Wurm, M. F., Wolf, O. T., Cheng, S., & Schubotz, R. I. (2022) What happened when? Cerebral processing of modified structure and content in episodic cueing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 34(7):1287-1305. doi.org/10.1162/jocn_a_01862

Jainta, B., Siestrup, S., El-Sourani, N., Trempler, I., Wurm, M.F., Werning, M., Cheng, S., Schubotz, R.I. (2021) Seeing what I did (not): Cerebral and behavioral effects of agency and perspective on episodic memory re-activation. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 15:793115. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.793115

Melotti, L., Siestrup, S., Peng, M., Vitali, V., Dowling, D., von Kortzfleisch, V. T., … Richter, S. H. (2021). Individuality, as well as genotype, affects characteristics and temporal consistency of courtship songs in male mice. Animal Behaviour, 180, 179–196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2021.08.003

Krakenberg, V., Siestrup, S., Palme, R., Kaiser, S., Sachser, N., Richter, S.H., (2020) Effects of different social experiences on emotional state in mice. Scientific Reports (2020) 10:15255 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-71994-9

Bodden, C; Siestrup, S; Palme, R; Kaiser, S; Sachser, N; Richter, SH (2018): Evidence-based severity assessment: Impact of repeated versus single open-field testing on welfare in C57BL/6J mice. Behavioural Brain Research 336: 261-268.


Siestrup, S., Jainta, B., Cheng, S., & Schubotz, R. I (2024, June). Cerebral reflections of memory modification following episodic prediction errors. Poster at the Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM). Seoul, Korea.

Siestrup, S., Jainta, B., Cheng, S., & Schubotz, R. I (2024, May). How the brain adapts episodic representations after prediction errors: New insights on memory modification. Poster at the Annual Conference "Psychology and Brain" (PuG). Hamburg, Germany.

Siestrup, S., & Schubotz, R. I (2023, Juli). Upon the relevance of episodic prediction errors: Influence on brain response and memory. Poster auf dem Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM). Montréal, Kanada.

Siestrup, S., El-Sourani, N., Jainta, B., Trempler, I., Wolf, O. T., Cheng, S., & Schubotz, R. I. (2022, August – September). The influence of structure and content modification in episodic cueing on brain activity and memory. Vortrag auf der 22nd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Lille, Frankreich.

Siestrup, S., Jainta, B., El-Sourani, N., Trempler, I., Wolf, Oliver T., Cheng, S., & Schubotz, R. I (2022, Juni). Structure and content modifications in episodic cueing: impact on brain activity and memory. Poster auf dem Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM). Glasgow, Schottland (virtuelle Konferenz).

Siestrup, S., Jainta, B., Trempler, I., & Schubotz, R. I (2021, März). Investigating the neural substrates of episodic memory updating based on new sequential and semantic information – evidence from an fMRI study. Poster (“short presentation“) auf der 63. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP). Ulm, Deutschland (virtuelle Konferenz).

Siestrup, S., Jainta, B., Trempler, I., & Schubotz, R. I (2021, Februar). Structure and content expectation violation in episodic memory updating – evidence from an fMRI study. Vortrag auf der Generative Episodic Memory: Interdisciplinary perspectives from neuroscience, psychology and philosophy 2021 (GEM). Bochum, Deutschland (virtuelle Konferenz).


Auszeichnungen und Preise

Poster Prize of the DGPA at the Annual Conference "Psychology and Brain" (PuG) 2024 for the poster “How the brain adapts episodic representations after prediction errors: New insights on memory modification”