MM Connect

Veranstaltungsreihe von und für Promovierende und Postdocs
© MM

Das Veranstaltungsformat "MM Connect" bietet jungen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern des Clusters die Möglichkeit, sich regelmäßig auszutauschen. Sie können sich und ihr Forschungsprojekt vorstellen (MM Arrival), sich verabschieden, wenn der nächste Karriereschritt ansteht (MM Departure) und sich über Tools, Konzepte und Erfahrungen austauschen (MM Impulse). Mit MM Common Ground haben erfahrene Wissenschaftler:innen eine Plattform, um ihre Sicht auf das akademische Leben zu teilen und persönliche Tipps an Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen weiterzugeben. Im MM ReConnect geben ehemalige Mitglieder Einblicke in ihre Karrierewege in- und außerhalb des akademischen Systems nach ihrer Zeit in Münster.

Die Veranstaltungsreihe findet alle zwei bis drei Wochen freitags um 14 Uhr im MM Conference Centre statt.

Neue Veranstaltung eingeben

Current Talks

Date Speaker InstitutionTitle
18.10.2024Sam Shepherd, Anna Cascioli, Lawrence Lo and Björn Gebhard [MM Connect] Arrival Talks
25.10.2024Simone, Azul, Ravjot and Roberto [MM Connect] Departure Talks

Past Talks

Date Speaker InstitutionTitle
10.10.2024Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Postdocs of Mathematics Münster Universität Münster Scientific postdoc presentations
01.10.2024Imke Franzmeier MM Spotlight on ...
23.08.2024Diego and others MM Departure talks
12.07.2024Johannes Branahl, Achim Krause [MM Connect] MM Departure and MM ReConnect
05.07.2024Junior Parfait Ngalamo, Marjory Mwanza and Abakar Assouna Mahamat YAM-Fellows (2023/2024Junior Parfait Ngalamo, Marjory Mwanza and Abakar Assouna Mahamat (YAM-Fellows (2023/2024)
27.06.2024Wensing MM Spotlight on MMGS Progress Review
21.06.2024Thomas Nikolaus, Dima Sinapova [MM Connect] MM Common Ground
13.06.2024Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Postdocs of Mathematics Münster Universität Münster Scientific postdoc presentations
13.06.2024Wensing/Franzmeier MM Spotlight: Applying outside of academia
07.06.2024[MM Connect] Dmitry Kabanov, Devarshi Mukherjee, James Stanfield, Ben de Bondt, Alexander Schell MM Arrival Talks
17.05.2024Raquel Murat, Bahareh Yousefi [MM Connect] MM Arrival
08.05.2024Franzmeier/Wensing MM Spotlight on Shaping the doctoral phase
26.04.2024Ada Lovelace Fellows 2023 Ada Lovelace Seminar
12.04.2024SAFIR [MM Connect] MM Impulse on Third-party funding
23.02.2024Marko Sobak [MM Connect] MM Departure
30.01.2024Imke Franzmeier Workshop on 'Goals: finding and reflecting your own path' for postdoctoral researchers at Mathematics Münster
26.01.2024Cancelled [MM Connect] MM Impulse Third-party funding INSTEAD: MM Connect Rethink
12.01.2024Jannes Bantje [MM Connect] MM ReConnect
14.12.2023Imke Franzmeier Workshop on 'Goals' for doctoral researchers
08.12.2023Tingxiang Zou, Kostas Zemas & Darya Sukhorebska [MM Connect] MM Departures & MM Stay
24.11.2023Azul Fatalini, Benjamin Brück, Zahra Mohammadi, Robin Sroka, Lukas Obermeyer Ressources for PhD students and MM Arrivals
10.11.2023Olga Vvedenskaya Dragonfly Mental Health A Scientist's Primer on Mental Health
27.10.2023MM Connect André Schlichting, Julia Schleuß, Allen Fang, Simon Gabriel & Jule Kalbertod, Imke Franzmeier: MM Common Ground, MM Stay, and MM Arrival

Would you like to give a talk or do you have ideas or suggestions for additional events, speakers or trainings? Great! Send a mail to or talk to Julia Schleuß.

Guiding questions and topics for your MM Connect talk

(These questions are only ideas/suggestions for your talk. You are welcome to find your own topics. A more exhaustive list of questions can be handed out in advance to (potential) speakers).


  • MM Arrival

    getting to know the newcomers

    • About me/Who am I?
    • What have I done prior to my new/current position (Masters, PhD): where and with whom have I studied/worked with?
    • What am I looking forward to with regard to the upcoming PhD/Postdoc period?
    • What am I good at and could teach others? Which knowledge/skills could I share with others?
    • ...


  • MM Departure

    Getting to know what others were doing at MM and what they are up to next.

    • What have I done during my PhD/Postdoc period here at Mathematics Münster?
    • What were my highlights during my PhD/Postdoc period?
    • What have I achieved in the last year? What were the challenges? What did I do well and with what did I have difficulties?
    • What’s next: Which city am I moving to and why? How did I get the new job (experiences in job hunting)? Which challenges am I expecting for the next steps?
    • ...


  • MM Impulse

    Conveying knowledge, tools and experience that can help to succeed in academia and structure or improve work routines.

    • Project management
    • Handling procrastination
    • Shaping your supervision
    • LaTeX or GitLab tricks
    • Networking


  • MM Common Ground

    Finding a common ground of advanced and young researchers beyond the borders of one’s own mathematical research field. Professors can share their insights into academic life regarding the way of thinking and working, challenges and motivation.

    • What would I have liked to know as a PhD student/ postdoc? I wish someone had told me that ...
    • My experience living and working in different countries ...
    • Which idea/concept motivates my research? What is the “core idea” or leading question of my field of research?
      How does my research relate to the terms: Dynamics – Geometry – Structure?
    • I feel stuck, when ... Usually I attempt to get unstuck by doing ...
    • The most beautiful aspect of my research is ....
    • ...