Johannes Erchinger, M.Sc.

Curriculum Vitae
since 11/2021 PhD Thesis in the group of Prof. Dr. Frank Glorius, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster 03/2023 - 09/2023 Research stay in the group of Prof. Dr. Kenichiro Itami, Nagoya University, Japan 04/2021 - 10/2021 Master Thesis in the group of Prof. Dr. Frank Glorius, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster 09/2020 - 02/2021 Research stay in the group of Prof. Dr. Benjamin List at the Max-Planck-Institute for Coal Research, Mülheim an der Ruhr; focusing on organocatalysis. 03/2020 Research Internship in the group of Prof. Dr. Joost N.H. Reek, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 10/2019 - 10/2021 Master studies in Chemistry, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster 05/2019 - 07/2019 Bachelor thesis in the group of Prof. Dr. Frank Glorius, WWU Münster, Germany: “A Dual Catalytic Approach to 1,2-Diol Derivatives: Determination and Manipulation of the Selectivity” 10/2016 - 08/2019 Bachelor studies in Chemistry, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster Awards and Scholarships
04/2022 - 03/2024 Kekulé Scholarship of the Foundation Scholarship Fund of the German Chemical Industry Association (Stiftung Stipendien-Fonds des Verbandes der Chemischen Industrie) 07/2022 ACS Omega poster price BOS (Balticum Organicum Syntheticum) 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania Publications
J. E. Erchinger, M. Lenz, P. Mukherjee, Y.-B. Li, A. Suresh, C. G. Daniliuc, O. Gutierrez,* F Glorius,*
Mechanistic insights into the regiodivergent insertion of bicyclo[1.1.0]butanes towards carbocycle-tethered N-heteroarenes,
Chem. Sci. 2025, Advance Article. DOIY.-B. Li,§ M. Xu,§ L. A. Kellermann, J. E. Erchinger, S. Dutta, C. G. Daniliuc, X. Qi,* F. Glorius,*
A General Three-Component Nozaki-Hiyama-Kishi-Type Reaction Enabled by Delayed Radical-Polar Crossover,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2025, 147, 2642-2652.
§ These authors contributed equally.S. Dutta, Y.-L. Lu,§ J. E. Erchinger,§ H. Shao, E. Studer, F. Schäfer, H. Wang, D. Rana, C. G. Daniliuc, K. N. Houk,* F. Glorius,*
Double Strain-Release [2π+2σ]-Photocycloaddition,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 5232-5241.
§ These authors contributed equally.S. Dutta, J. E. Erchinger, F. Strieth-Kalthoff, R. Kleinmans, F. Glorius,
Energy transfer photocatalysis: exciting modes of reactivity,
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2024, 53, 1068-1089.H. Wang,§ J. E. Erchinger,§ M. Lenz,§ S. Dutta, C. G. Daniliuc, F. Glorius,
syn-Selective Difunctionalization of Bicyclobutanes Enabled by Photoredox-Mediated C–S σ-Bond Scission,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 23771-23780.
§ These authors contributed equally
Highlighted in Synfacts 2024, 20, 0078. DOIJ. E. Erchinger, R. Hoogesteger,§ R. Laskar,§ S. Dutta, C. Hümpel, D. Rana, C. G. Daniliuc, F. Glorius,
EnT-Mediated N–S Bond Homolysis of a Bifunctional Reagent Leading to Aliphatic Sulfonyl Fluorides,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 2364-2374.
§ These authors contributed equallyS. Ghosh, J. E. Erchinger, R. Maji, B. List,*
Catalytic Asymmetric Spirocyclizing Diels–Alder Reactions of Enones: Stereoselective Total and Formal Syntheses of α-Chamigrene, β-Chamigrene, Laurencenone C, Colletoic Acid, and Omphalic Acid,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 6703-6708.S. Dutta,§ J. E. Erchinger,§ F. Schäfers, A. Das, C. G Daniliuc, F. Glorius,
Chromium/Photoredox Dual-Catalyzed Synthesis of α-Benzylic Alcohols, Isochromanones, 1,2-Oxy Alcohols and 1,2-Thio Alcohols,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202212136.
§ These authors contributed equallyH.-M. Huang,§ P. Bellotti,§ J. E. Erchinger, T. O. Paulisch, F. Glorius,
Radical Carbonyl Umpolung Arylation via Dual Nickel Catalysis,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 1899-1909.
§ These authors contributed equallyJ. E. Erchinger, M. van Gemmeren,
Electrochemical Methods for Pd‐catalyzed C–H Functionalization,
Asian. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 10, 50-60 (Mini-Review).