Multiscale imaging of mechanisms underlying mast cell-dependent inflammation
Principal investigators: Tim Lämmermann, Angelika Rambold
Project number: CRC 1450 C08
Project term: 01/2025–12/2028
Mast cells play pivotal roles in local and systemic forms of anaphylactic inflammation. Employing multifaceted imaging methodology, our study aims at (1) understanding the intracellular interplay of organelle systems upon mast cell activation, (2) investigating how mast cell-activating triggers disseminate inflammatory signal through the tissue, and (3) developing methodology to assess systemic anaphylactic reactions with whole body imaging.
Principal investigators
Project member
Stecher, Manuel, Dr. rer. nat.
Institute of Medical Biochemistry, ZMBE
The names of the principal investigators in our network have been bolded. Publications released prior to 2025, when funding for the project commenced, represent previous project-related work.
Kaltenbach L, Martzloff P, Bambach SK, Aizarani N, Mihlan M, Gavrilov A, Glaser KM, Stecher M, Thünauer R, Thiriot A, Heger K, Kierdorf K, Wienert S, von Andrian UH, Schmidt-Supprian M, Nerlov C, Klauschen F, Roers A, Bajenoff M, Grün D, Lämmermann T. Slow integrin-dependent migration organizes networks of tissue-resident mast cells. Nat Immunol 2023;24: 915-924. Abstract |
Mihlan M, Safaiyan S, Stecher M, Paterson N, Lämmermann T. Surprises from Intravital Imaging of the Innate Immune Response. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 2022;38: 467-489. Abstract
Schuster E-M, Epple MW, Glaser KM, Mihlan M, Lucht K, Zimmermann JA, Bremser A, Polyzou A, Obier N, Cabezas-Wallscheid N, Trompouki E, Ballabio A, Vogel J, Buescher JM, Westermann AJ, Rambold AS. TFEB induces mitochondrial itaconate synthesis to suppress bacterial growth in macrophages. Nat Metab 2022;4: 856-866. Abstract |
Kienle K, Glaser KM, Eickhoff S, Mihlan M, Knöpper K, Reategui E, Epple MW, Gunzer M, Baumeister R, Tarrant TK, Germain RN, Irimia D, Kastenmüller W, Lämmermann T. Neutrophils self-limit swarming to contain bacterial growth in vivo. Science 2021;372Abstract |
Rambold AS, Pearce EL. Mitochondrial Dynamics at the Interface of Immune Cell Metabolism and Function. Trends Immunol 2018;39: 6-18. Abstract |
Buck MD, O'Sullivan D, Klein Geltink RI, Curtis JD, Chang C-H, Sanin DE, Qiu J, Kretz O, Braas D, van der Windt GJW, Chen Q, Huang SC-C, O'Neill CM, Edelson BT, Pearce EJ, Sesaki H, Huber TB, Rambold AS, Pearce EL. Mitochondrial Dynamics Controls T Cell Fate through Metabolic Programming. Cell 2016;166: 63-76. Abstract |
Rambold AS, Cohen S, Lippincott-Schwartz J. Fatty acid trafficking in starved cells: regulation by lipid droplet lipolysis, autophagy, and mitochondrial fusion dynamics. Dev Cell 2015;32: 678-692. Abstract |
Lämmermann T, Afonso PV, Angermann BR, Wang JM, Kastenmüller W, Parent CA, Germain RN. Neutrophil swarms require LTB4 and integrins at sites of cell death in vivo. Nature 2013;498: 371-375. Abstract |
Rambold AS, Kostelecky B, Elia N, Lippincott-Schwartz J. Tubular network formation protects mitochondria from autophagosomal degradation during nutrient starvation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011;108: 10190-10195. Abstract |
Lämmermann T, Bader BL, Monkley SJ, Worbs T, Wedlich-Söldner R, Hirsch K, Keller M, Förster R, Critchley DR, Fässler R, Sixt M. Rapid leukocyte migration by integrin-independent flowing and squeezing. Nature 2008;453: 51-55. Abstract |