
The names of the principal investigators in our network have been bolded. Publications released prior to 2021, when funding for our network commenced, represent previous project-related work.


Kunisch M, Beutler S, Pilger C, Kiefer F, Huser T, Wirth B. Active axial motion compensation in multiphoton-excited fluorescence microscopy. Opt Express 2025;33: 3620-3636. Abstract


Aranda-Pardos I, Imam-Chasan A, Alonso-Gonzalez N. Studying Efferocytosis Dynamics in Tissue-Resident Macrophages Ex Vivo. Methods Mol Biol 2024;2713: 389-405. Abstract
Bauer N, Beckmann D, Reinhardt D, Frost N, Bobe S, Erapaneedi R, Risse B, Kiefer F. Therapy-induced modulation of tumor vasculature and oxygenation in a murine glioblastoma model quantified by deep learning-based feature extraction. Sci Rep 2024;14: 2034. Abstract
Bauer N, Kiefer F. Genetically Encoded Reporters to Monitor Hypoxia. Methods Mol Biol 2024;2755: 3-29. Abstract
Chali SP, Westmeier J, Krebs F, Jiang S, Neesen FP, Uncuer D, Schelhaas M, Grabbe S, Becker C, Landfester K, Steinbrink K. Albumin nanocapsules and nanocrystals for efficient intracellular drug release. Nanoscale Horiz 2024;9: 1978-1989. Abstract
Ezquerra Riega SD, Gutierrez Suburu ME, Rodríguez HB, Lantaño B, Kleinschmidt M, Marian CM, Strassert CA. A case-study on the photophysics of chalcogen-substituted zinc(II) phthalocyanines. Chemistry – A European Journal 2024
Fischer-Riepe L, Kailayangiri S, Zimmermann K, Pfeifer R, Aigner M, Altvater B, Kretschmann S, Völkl S, Hartley J, Dreger C, Petry K, Bosio A, von Döllen A, Hartmann W, Lode H, Görlich D, Mackensen A, Jungblut M, Schambach A, Abken H, Rossig C. Preclinical Development of CAR T Cells with Antigen-Inducible IL18 Enforcement to Treat GD2-Positive Solid Cancers. Clin Cancer Res 2024;30: 3564-3577. Abstract
Frey M-L, Morsbach S, Domogalla M, Mailänder V, Steinbrink K, Landfester K. Process Control of Multistep Surface Functionalization on Hydroxyethyl Starch Nanocapsules Determines the Reproducibility of the Biological Efficacy. Biomacromolecules 2024;25: 7108-7122. Abstract
Haalck L, Thiele S, Risse B. Tracking Tiny Insects in Cluttered Natural Environments Using Refinable Recurrent Neural Networks. IEEE/CVF Winter Conference 2024: 7126-7135. Abstract
Heinl PV, Graulich E, Weigmann B, Wangorsch A, Ose R, Bellinghausen I, Khatri R, Raker VK, Scheurer S, Vieths S, Saloga J, Steinbrink K. IL-10-modulated dendritic cells from birch pollen- and hazelnut-allergic patients facilitate Treg-mediated allergen-specific and cross-reactive tolerance. Allergy 2024;79: 2826-2839. Abstract
Höffgen KS, Dabel J, Konken CP, Depke DA, Hermann S, Dörner W, Schelhaas S, Schäfers M, Mootz HD. Combining poly-epitope MoonTags and labeled nanobodies for signal amplification in cell-specific PET imaging in vivo. Nucl Med Biol 2024;136-137: 108937. Abstract
Hoffmann E, Masthoff M, Kunz WG, Seidensticker M, Bobe S, Gerwing M, Berdel WE, Schliemann C, Faber C, Wildgruber M. Multiparametric MRI for characterization of the tumour microenvironment. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2024;21: 428-448. Abstract
Holler M, Schlüter A, Wirth B. Dimension reduction, exact recovery, and error estimates for sparse reconstruction in phase space. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 2024;70: 101631. Abstract
Ji Y, Heidari A, Nzigou Mombo B, Wegner SV. Photoactivation of LOV domains with chemiluminescence. Chem Sci 2024;15: 1027-1038. Abstract
Kirse TM, Maisuls I, Cappellari MV, Niehaves E, Kösters J, Hepp A, Karst U, Wolcan E, Strassert CA. Neutral and Cationic Re(I) Complexes with Pnictogen-Based Coligands and Tunable Functionality: From Phosphorescence to Photoinduced CO Release. Inorg Chem 2024;63: 4132-4151. Abstract
Kirse TM, Maisuls I, Denofrio MP, Hepp A, Cabrerizo FM, Strassert CA. Functional Pt(II) and Re(I) Complexes with CO- and β Carboline-Based Coligands: From Time-Resolved Photoluminescence Spectroscopy and Evaluation of 1O2 Photosensitization Efficiency toward in vitro (Photo)cytotoxicity. Organometallics 2024
Kronenberg K, Hoffmann E, Hiddeßen L, Maus B, Gerwing M, Faber C, Sperling M, Wildgruber M, Karst U. P-based referencing for correcting tissue artifacts in laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry imaging of cancer samples. Metallomics 2024;16Abstract
Liebold I, Al Jawazneh A, Casar C, Lanzloth C, Leyk S, Hamley M, Wong MN, Kylies D, Gräfe SK, Edenhofer I, Aranda-Pardos I, Kriwet M, Haas H, Krause J, Hadjilaou A, Schromm AB, Richardt U, Eggert P, Tappe D, Weidemann SA, Ghosh S, Krebs CF, A-Gonzalez N, Worthmann A, Lohse AW, Huber S, Rothlin CV, Puelles VG, Jacobs T, Gagliani N, Bosurgi L. Apoptotic cell identity induces distinct functional responses to IL-4 in efferocytic macrophages. Science 2024;384: eabo7027. Abstract
Margeta R, Schelhaas S, Hermann S, Schäfers M, Niemann S, Faust A. A novel radiolabelled salmochelin derivative for bacteria-specific PET imaging: synthesis, radiolabelling and evaluation. Chem Commun (Camb) 2024Abstract
Nahardani A, Moradi S, Vo M, Reuter S, Hoerr V. 23Na Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Sepsis-Induced Acute Kidney Injury: A Preclinical Study 2024Abstract
Pasch T, Bäumer N, Bäumer S, Buchholz F, Mootz HD. Towards targeted Cas9 (CRISPR-Cas) delivery: Preparation of IgG antibody-Cas9 conjugates using a split intein. J Pept Sci 2024Abstract
Rassek P, Bobe S, Kies P, Roll W. The value of core needle biopsy in the diagnostic workup of a [18F]FDG-PET positive thyroid metastasis from colorectal cancer. Nuklearmedizin 2024;63: 43-44. Abstract
Rivas Aiello MB, Kirse TM, Lavorato GC, Maus B, Maisuls I, Kuberasivakumaran S, Ostendorp S, Hepp A, Holtkamp M, Winkler EL, Karst U, Wilde G, Faber C, Vericat C, Strassert CA. Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles with Phosphorescent Complexes as Hybrid Contrast Agents: Integration of MRI and PLIM. Small Science 2024Abstract
Sailaja STN, Maisuls I, Hepp A, Brünink D, Doltsinis NL, Faust A, Hermann S, Strassert CA. Dual Emissive Zn(II) Naphthalocyanines: Synthesis, Structural and Photophysical Characterization with Theory-Supported Insights towards Soluble Coordination Compounds with Visible and Near-Infrared Emission. nt J Mol Sci 2024Abstract
Sánchez MF, Faria S, Frühschulz S, Werkmann L, Winter C, Karimian T, Lanzerstorfer P, Plochberger B, Weghuber J, Tampé R. Engineering Mesoscale T Cell Receptor Clustering by Plug-and-Play Nanotools. Adv Mater 2024;36: e2310407. Abstract
Schache D, Peddi A, Nahardani A, Faber C, Hoerr V. Corrections for Rabi oscillations in cardiac chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI under the influence of very short preparation pulses. NMR Biomed 2024;37: e5081. Abstract
Schache D, Peddi A, Nahardani A, Faber C, Hoerr V. Corrections for Rabi oscillations in cardiac chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI under the influence of very short preparation pulses. NMR Biomed 2024;37: e5081. Abstract
Ventura D, Dittmann M, Büther F, Schäfers M, Rahbar K, Hescheler D, Claesener M, Schindler P, Riemann B, Seifert R, Roll W. Diagnostic Performance of [(18)F]TFB PET/CT Compared with Therapeutic Activity [(131)I]Iodine SPECT/CT and [(18)F]FDG PET/CT in Recurrent Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma. J Nucl Med 2024;65: 192-198. Abstract
Wen J, Pilger C, Wang W, Erapaneedi R, Xiu H, Fan Y, Hu X, Huser T, Kiefer F, Wei X, Yang Z. Watt-level all polarization-maintaining femtosecond fiber laser source at 1100  nm. Opt. Express 2024;32: 9625. Abstract
Wilken E, Havlas A, Masthoff M, Moussavi A, Boretius S, Faber C. Radial compressed sensing imaging improves the velocity detection limit of single cell tracking time-lapse MRI. Magn Reson Med 2024;91: 1449-1463. Abstract


Armstrong M, Wilken E, Freppon F, Masthoff M, Faber C, Xiao D. Dynamic cell tracking using time-lapse MRI with variable temporal resolution Cartesian sampling. Magn Reson Med 2023;90: 2443-2453. Abstract
Bauer N, Maisuls I, Pereira da Graca A, Reinhardt D, Erapaneedi R, Kirschnick N, Schäfers M, Grashoff C, Landfester K, Vestweber D, Strassert CA, Kiefer F. Genetically encoded dual fluorophore reporters for graded oxygen-sensing in light microscopy. Biosens Bioelectron 2023;221: 114917. Abstract
Bäumer N, Ogi S, Borsdorf L, Yamaguchi S, Fernández G. Amphiphile desymmetrisation-induced steric relief governs self-assembly pathways in aqueous media. Chem Commun (Camb) 2023;59: 8937-8940. Abstract
Beckmann D, Kockwelp J, Gromoll J, Kiefer F, Risse B. SAM meets Gaze: Passive Eye Tracking for Prompt-based Instance Segmentation. NeuRIPS. 2023 Workshop on Gaze Meets ML 2023
Cufe J, Gierse F, Schäfers KP, Hermann S, Schäfers MA, Backhaus P, Büther F. Dispersion-corrected extracorporeal arterial input functions in PET studies of mice: a comparison to intracorporeal microprobe measurements. EJNMMI Res 2023;13: 86. Abstract
Eilers F, Jiang X. Building Blocks for a Complex-Valued Transformer Architecture. ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2023: 1-5. Abstract
Elinkmann M, Reuter Sa, Holtkamp M, Heuckeroth S, Köhrer A, Kronenberg K, Sperling M, Rubner O, Quarles CD, Hippler M, Karst U. Improving detection thresholds and robust event filtering in single-particle and single-cell ICP-MS analysis. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 2023Abstract
Galbiati A, Dorten P, Gilardoni E, Gierse F, Bocci M, Zana A, Mock J, Claesener M, Cufe J, Büther F, Schäfers K, Hermann S, Schäfers M, Neri D, Cazzamalli S, Backhaus P. Tumor-Targeted Interleukin 2 Boosts the Anticancer Activity of FAP-Directed Radioligand Therapeutics. J Nucl Med 2023Abstract
Guastini M, Rajković M, Rumpf M, Wirth B. The Variational Approach to the Flow of Sobolev-Diffeomorphisms Model. Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision 2023: 551-564. Abstract
Haalck L, Mangan M, Wystrach A, Clement L, Webb B, Risse B. CATER: Combined Animal Tracking & Environment Reconstruction. Sci Adv 2023;9: eadg2094. Abstract
Hahn B, Wirth B. Convex reconstruction of moving particles with inexact motion model. Proc Appl Math and Mech 2023;23Abstract
Hau J-L, Kremser H, Knogl-Tritschler S, Stefanski V, Steuber J, Fritz G. Fast IMAC purification of non-tagged S100A8/A9 (calprotectin) from Homo sapiens and Sus scrofa. Protein Expr Purif 2023;208-209: 106275. Abstract
Heuckeroth S, Behrens A, Wolf C, Fütterer A, Nordhorn ID, Kronenberg K, Brungs C, Korf A, Richter H, Jeibmann A, Karst U, Schmid R. On-tissue dataset-dependent MALDI-TIMS-MS(2) bioimaging. Nat Commun 2023;14: 7495. Abstract
Hoffmann E, Gerwing M, Krähling T, Hansen U, Kronenberg K, Masthoff M, Geyer C, Höltke C, Wachsmuth L, Schinner R, Hoerr V, Heindel W, Karst U, Eisenblätter M, Maus B, Helfen A, Faber C, Wildgruber M. Vascular response patterns to targeted therapies in murine breast cancer models with divergent degrees of malignancy. Breast Cancer Res 2023;25: 56. Abstract
Hoffmann E, Gerwing M, Niland S, Niehoff R, Masthoff M, Geyer C, Wachsmuth L, Wilken E, Höltke C, Heindel WL, Hoerr V, Schinner R, Berger P, Vogl T, Eble JA, Maus B, Helfen A, Wildgruber M, Faber C. Profiling specific cell populations within the inflammatory tumor microenvironment by oscillating-gradient diffusion-weighted MRI. J Immunother Cancer 2023;11Abstract
Hoffmann E, Schache D, Höltke C, Soltwisch J, Niland S, Krähling T, Bergander K, Grewer M, Geyer C, Groeneweg L, Eble JA, Vogl T, Roth J, Heindel W, Maus B, Helfen A, Faber C, Wildgruber M, Gerwing M, Hoerr V. Multiparametric chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI detects metabolic changes in breast cancer following immunotherapy. J Transl Med 2023;21: 577. Abstract
Holler M, Wirth B. Exact reconstruction and reconstruction from noisy data with anisotropic total variation 2023Abstract
Höltke C, Enders L, Stölting M, Geyer C, Masthoff M, Kuhlmann MT, Wildgruber M, Helfen A. Detection of Early Endothelial Dysfunction by Optoacoustic Tomography. Int J Mol Sci 2023;24Abstract
Ji Y, Chakraborty T, Wegner SV. Self-Regulated and Bidirectional Communication in Synthetic Cell Communities. ACS Nano 2023;17: 8992-9002. Abstract
Jorch SK, McNally A, Berger P, Wolf J, Kaiser K, Chetrusca Covash A, Robeck S, Pastau I, Fehler O, Jauch-Speer S-L, Hermann S, Schäfers M, Van Gorp H, Kanneganti A, Dehoorne J, Haerynck F, Penco F, Gattorno M, Chae JJ, Kubes P, Lamkanfi M, Wullaert A, Sperandio M, Vogl T, Roth J, Austermann J. Complex regulation of alarmins S100A8/A9 and secretion via Gasdermin-D pores exacerbates autoinflammation in Familial Mediterranean Fever. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2023Abstract
Kaltenbach L, Martzloff P, Bambach SK, Aizarani N, Mihlan M, Gavrilov A, Glaser KM, Stecher M, Thünauer R, Thiriot A, Heger K, Kierdorf K, Wienert S, von Andrian UH, Schmidt-Supprian M, Nerlov C, Klauschen F, Roers A, Bajenoff M, Grün D, Lämmermann T. Slow integrin-dependent migration organizes networks of tissue-resident mast cells. Nat Immunol 2023;24: 915-924. Abstract
Kirse TM, Maisuls I, Spierling L, Hepp A, Kösters J, Strassert CA. One Dianionic Luminophore with Three Coordination Modes Binding Four Different Metals: Toward Unexpectedly Phosphorescent Transition Metal Complexes. Adv Sci (Weinh) 2023: e2306801. Abstract
Kockwelp J, Gromoll J, Wistuba J, Risse B. EyeGuide-From Gaze Data to Instance Segmentation. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC. 2023
Kockwelp J, Thiele S, Kockwelp P, Bartsch J, Schliemann C, Angenendt L, Risse B. Cell Selection-based Data Reduction Pipeline for Whole Slide Image Analysis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) 2023: 1824-1833. Abstract
Kong C, Pilger C, Kunisch M, Förster C, Schulte am Esch J, Huser T. Hyperspectral Coherent Raman Scattering (CRS) Microscopy Based on a Rapidly Tunable and Environmentally Stable Fiber Laser. Laser & Photonics Reviews 2023;17Abstract
Kronenberg K, Werner J, Bohrer P, Steiger K, Buchholz R, von Bremen-Kühne M, Elinkmann M, Paprottka PM, Braren RF, Lohöfer FK, Karst U. Simultaneous quantification of Gadoxetic acid and Cisplatin in hepatocellular carcinomas using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Metallomics 2023;15Abstract
Kronenberg K, Werner J, Seeba M, Rave H, Linsen L, Steiger K, Jeibmann A, Bohrer P, Paprottka PM, Braren RF, Lohöfer FK, Karst U. A multimodal view at cancerous liver tissue by chemical bioimaging and image segmentation strategies 2023Abstract
Lippe C, Schache D, Hoerr V. Book of Abstracts ESMRMB 2023 Online 39th Annual Scientific Meeting 4–7 October 2023. Magn Reson Mater Phy 2023;36: 1-328. Abstract
Ludwig N, Thörner-van Almsick J, Mersmann S, Bardel B, Niemann S, Chasan AI, Schäfers M, Margraf A, Rossaint J, Kahl BC, Zarbock A, Block H. Nuclease activity and protein A release of Staphylococcus aureus clinical isolates determine the virulence in a murine model of acute lung infection. Front. Immunol. 2023;14Abstract
Manha Veedu R, Niemeyer N, Bäumer N, Kartha Kalathil K, Neugebauer J, Fernández G. Sterically Allowed H-type Supramolecular Polymerizations. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2023;62: e202314211. Abstract
Muecklich S, Shehzad K, Tiemann J, Li L, Leson S, Nelson PJ, Jennemann R, Klein M, Becker C, Sandhoff R, Steinbrink K, Raker VK. DKK3 Promotes Oxidative Stress‒Induced Fibroblast Activity. J Invest Dermatol 2023;143: 1088-1090.e2. Abstract
Nienkötter A, Jiang X. Kernel-Based Generalized Median Computation for Consensus Learning. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 2023;45: 5872-5888. Abstract
Ortkrass H, Schürstedt J, Wiebusch G, Szafranska K, McCourt P, Huser T. High-speed TIRF and 2D super-resolution structured illumination microscopy with a large field of view based on fiber optic components. Opt Express 2023;31: 29156-29165. Abstract
Pruenster M, Immler R, Roth J, Kuchler T, Bromberger T, Napoli M, Nussbaumer K, Rohwedder I, Wackerbarth LM, Piantoni C, Hennis K, Fink D, Kallabis S, Schroll T, Masgrau-Alsina S, Budke A, Liu W, Vestweber D, Wahl-Schott C, Roth J, Meissner F, Moser M, Vogl T, Hornung V, Broz P, Sperandio M. E-selectin-mediated rapid NLRP3 inflammasome activation regulates S100A8/S100A9 release from neutrophils via transient gasdermin D pore formation. Nat Immunol 2023;24: 2021-2031. Abstract
Roll W, Faust A, Hermann S, Schäfers M. Infection Imaging: Focus on New Tracers?. J Nucl Med 2023;64: 59s-67s. Abstract
Sánchez MF, Tampé R. Ligand-independent receptor clustering modulates transmembrane signaling: a new paradigm. Trends Biochem Sci 2023;48: 156-171. Abstract
Silva-Vilches C, Bolduan V, Alabdullah M, Steinbrink K, Probst HC, Enk A, Mahnke K. Topical Application of Adenosine A(2)-Type Receptor Agonists Prevents Contact Hypersensitivity Reactions in Mice by Affecting Skin Dendritic Cells. J Invest Dermatol 2023;143: 408-418.e6. Abstract
Song J, Deshpande T, Zhang X, Hannocks M-J, Lycke N, Cardell SL, Sorokin L. The extracellular matrix of lymph node reticular fibers modulates follicle border interactions and germinal center formation. iScience 2023;26: 106753. Abstract
Stegmann DP, Steuber J, Fritz G, Wojdyla JA, Sharpe ME. Fast fragment and compound screening pipeline at the Swiss Light Source. Methods Enzymol 2023;690: 235-284. Abstract
Steiner ST, Maisuls I, Junker A, Fritz G, Faust A, Strassert CA. Concerning the photophysics of fluorophores towards tailored bioimaging compounds: a case study involving S100A9 inflammation markers. Photochem Photobiol Sci 2023;22: 2093-2104. Abstract
Thale I, Maskri S, Grey L, Todesca LM, Budde T, Maisuls I, Strassert CA, Koch O, Schwab A, Wünsch B. Imaging of K(Ca) 31 Channels in Tumor Cells with PET and Small-Molecule Fluorescent Probes. ChemMedChem 2023;18: e202200551. Abstract
Theiss T, Buss S, Maisuls I, López-Arteaga R, Brünink D, Kösters J, Hepp A, Doltsinis NL, Weiss EA, Strassert CA. Room-Temperature Phosphorescence from Pd(II) and Pt(II) Complexes as Supramolecular Luminophores: The Role of Self-Assembly, Metal-Metal Interactions, Spin-Orbit Coupling, and Ligand-Field Splitting. J Am Chem Soc 2023Abstract
von Wulffen M, Luehrmann V, Robeck S, Russo A, Fischer-Riepe L, van den Bosch M, van Lent P, Loser K, Gabrilovich DI, Hermann S, Roth J, Vogl T. S100A8/A9-alarmin promotes local myeloid-derived suppressor cell activation restricting severe autoimmune arthritis. Cell Rep 2023;42: 113006. Abstract
Wolf M, Joseph R, Austermann J, Scharrnbeck-Davis C, Hermann S, Roth J, Vogl T. S100A8/S100A9 Integrates F-Actin and Microtubule Dynamics to Prevent Uncontrolled Extravasation of Leukocytes. Biomedicines 2023;11Abstract
Zhao W-T, Herrmann K-H, Sibgatulin R, Nahardani A, Krämer M, Heitplatz B, van Marck V, Reuter S, Reichenbach JR, Hoerr V. Perfusion and T(2) Relaxation Time as Predictors of Severity and Outcome in Sepsis-Associated Acute Kidney Injury: A Preclinical MRI Study. J Magn Reson Imaging 2023;58: 1954-1963. Abstract


Backhaus P, Burg MC, Asmus I, Pixberg M, Büther F, Breyholz H-J, Yeh R, Weigel SB, Stichling P, Heindel W, Bobe S, Barth P, Tio J, Schäfers M. Initial Results of FAPI-PET/MRI to Assess Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer. J Nucl Med 2022Abstract
Backhaus P, Burg MC, Roll W, Büther F, Breyholz H-J, Weigel S, Heindel W, Pixberg M, Barth P, Tio J, Schäfers M. Simultaneous FAPI PET/MRI Targeting the Fibroblast-Activation Protein for Breast Cancer. Radiology 2022;302: 39-47. Abstract
Backhaus P, Gierse F, Burg MC, Büther F, Asmus I, Dorten P, Cufe J, Roll W, Neri D, Cazzamalli S, Millul J, Mock J, Galbiati A, Zana A, Schäfers KP, Hermann S, Weckesser M, Tio J, Wagner S, Breyholz H-J, Schäfers M. Translational imaging of the fibroblast activation protein (FAP) using the new ligand [(68)Ga]Ga-OncoFAP-DOTAGA. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2022;49: 1822-1832. Abstract
Bäumer N, Tiemann J, Scheller A, Meyer T, Wittmann L, Suburu MEG, Greune L, Peipp M, Kellmann N, Gumnior A, Brand C, Hartmann W, Rossig C, Müller-Tidow C, Neri D, Strassert CA, Rüter C, Dersch P, Lenz G, Koeffler HP, Berdel WE, Bäumer S. Targeted siRNA nanocarrier: a platform technology for cancer treatment. Oncogene 2022;41: 2210-2224. Abstract
Block H, Rossaint J, Zarbock A. The Fatal Circle of NETs and NET-Associated DAMPs Contributing to Organ Dysfunction. Cells 2022;11Abstract
Bobe S, Beckmann D, Klump DM, Dierkes C, Kirschnick N, Redder E, Bauer N, Schäfers M, Erapaneedi R, Risse B, van de Pavert SA, Kiefer F. Volumetric imaging reveals VEGF-C-dependent formation of hepatic lymph vessels in mice. Front Cell Dev Biol 2022;10: 949896. Abstract
Conrad C, Yildiz D, Cleary SJ, Margraf A, Cook L, Schlomann U, Panaretou B, Bowser JL, Karmouty-Quintana H, Li J, Berg NK, Martin SC, Aljohmani A, Moussavi-Harami SF, Wang KM, Tian JJ, Magnen M, Valet C, Qiu L, Singer JP, Eltzschig HK, Bertrams W, Herold S, Suttorp N, Schmeck B, Ball ZT, Zarbock A, Looney MR, Bartsch JW. ADAM8 signaling drives neutrophil migration and ARDS severity. JCI Insight 2022;7Abstract
Drees D, Eilers F, Jiang X. Hierarchical Random Walker Segmentation for Large Volumetric Biomedical Images. IEEE Trans Image Process 2022;31: 4431-4446. Abstract
Eliat F, Sohn R, Renner H, Kagermeier T, Volkery S, Brinkmann H, Kirschnick N, Kiefer F, Grabos M, Becker K, Bedzhov I, Schöler HR, Bruder JM. Tissue clearing may alter emission and absorption properties of common fluorophores. Sci Rep 2022;12: 5551. Abstract
Faust A, Bäumer N, Schlütermann A, Becht M, Greune L, Geyer C, Rüter C, Margeta R, Wittmann L, Dersch P, Lenz G, Berdel WE, Bäumer S. Tumor-Cell-Specific Targeting of Ibrutinib: Introducing Electrostatic Antibody-Inhibitor Conjugates (AiCs). Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2022;61: e202109769. Abstract
Fleischer MI, Röhrig N, Raker VK, Springer J, Becker D, Ritz S, Bros M, Stege H, Haist M, Grabbe S, Haub J, Becker C, Reyda S, Disse J, Schmidt T, Mahnke K, Weiler H, Ruf W, Steinbrink K. Protease- and cell type-specific activation of protease-activated receptor 2 in cutaneous inflammation. J Thromb Haemost 2022;20: 2823-2836. Abstract
Foray C, Barca C, Winkeler A, Wagner S, Hermann S, Schäfers M, Grauer OM, Zinnhardt B, Jacobs AH. Interrogating Glioma-Associated Microglia and Macrophage Dynamics Under CSF-1R Therapy with Multitracer In Vivo PET/MRI. J Nucl Med 2022;63: 1386-1393. Abstract
Frey M-L, Han S, Halim H, Kaltbeitzel A, Riedinger A, Landfester K, Lieberwirth I. Nanocarriers Made of Proteins: Intracellular Visualization of a Smart Biodegradable Drug Delivery System. Small 2022;18: e2106094. Abstract
Gerwing M, Hoffmann E, Kronenberg K, Hansen U, Masthoff M, Helfen A, Geyer C, Wachsmuth L, Höltke C, Maus B, Hoerr V, Krähling T, Hiddeßen L, Heindel W, Karst U, Kimm MA, Schinner R, Eisenblätter M, Faber C, Wildgruber M. Multiparametric MRI enables for differentiation of different degrees of malignancy in two murine models of breast cancer. Front. Oncol. 2022;12Abstract
Grabska-Zielińska S, Pin JM, Kaczmarek-Szczepańska B, Olewnik-Kruszkowska E, Sionkowska A, Monteiro FJ, Steinbrink K, Kleszczyński K. Scaffolds Loaded with Dialdehyde Chitosan and Collagen-Their Physico-Chemical Properties and Biological Assessment. Polymers (Basel) 2022;14Abstract
Helfen A, Rieß J, Fehler O, Stölting M, An Z, Kocman V, Schnepel A, Geyer C, Gerwing M, Masthoff M, Vogl T, Höltke C, Roth J, Ng T, Wildgruber M, Eisenblätter M. In vivo imaging of microenvironmental and anti-PD-L1-mediated dynamics in cancer using S100A8/S100A9 as an imaging biomarker. Neoplasia 2022;28: 100792. Abstract
Helmers I, Hossain MS, Bäumer N, Wesarg P, Soberats B, Shimizu LS, Fernández G. Anti-cooperative Self-Assembly with Maintained Emission Regulated by Conformational and Steric Effects. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2022;61: e202200390. Abstract
Holterhus M, Altvater B, Kailayangiri S, Rossig C. The Cellular Tumor Immune Microenvironment of Childhood Solid Cancers: Informing More Effective Immunotherapies. Cancers (Basel) 2022;14Abstract
Honold L, Austrup M, Faust A, Konken CP, Schwegmann K, Zinnhardt B, Daniliuc CG, Haufe G, Schäfers M, Kopka K, Hermann S. Towards Optimized Bioavailability of (99m)Tc-Labeled Barbiturates for Non-invasive Imaging of Matrix Metalloproteinase Activity. Mol Imaging Biol 2022;24: 434-443. Abstract
Hüppe N, Schunke J, Fichter M, Mailänder V, Wurm FR, Landfester K. Multicomponent encapsulation into fully degradable protein nanocarriers via interfacial azide-alkyne click reaction in miniemulsion allows the co-delivery of immunotherapeutics. Nanoscale Horiz 2022;7: 908-915. Abstract
Jehn U, Wiedmer N, Boeckel GR, Pavenstädt H, Thölking G, Reuter S. Fast Tacrolimus Metabolism Does Not Promote Post-Transplant Diabetes Mellitus after Kidney Transplantation. Int J Mol Sci 2022;23Abstract
Jin Y, Ding Y, Richards M, Kaakinen M, Giese W, Baumann E, Szymborska A, Rosa A, Nordling S, Schimmel L, Akmeric EB, Pena A, Nwadozi E, Jamalpour M, Holstein K, Sáinz-Jaspeado M, Bernabeu MO, Welsh M, Gordon E, Franco CA, Vestweber D, Eklund L, Gerhardt H, Claesson-Welsh L. Tyrosine-protein kinase Yes controls endothelial junctional plasticity and barrier integrity by regulating VE-cadherin phosphorylation and endocytosis. Nat Cardiovasc Res 2022;1: 1156-1173. Abstract
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Backhaus P, Büther F, Wachsmuth L, Frohwein L, Buchholz R, Karst U, Schäfers K, Hermann S, Schäfers M, Faber C. Toward precise arterial input functions derived from DCE-MRI through a novel extracorporeal circulation approach in mice. Magn Reson Med 2020;84: 1404-1415. Abstract
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Büther F, Jones J, Seifert R, Stegger L, Schleyer P, Schäfers M. Clinical Evaluation of a Data-Driven Respiratory Gating Algorithm for Whole-Body PET with Continuous Bed Motion. J Nucl Med 2020;61: 1520-1527. Abstract
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