Master's programmes at the Faculty of Philology

The following overview presents the master's degree programmes currently offered at the Faculty of Philology, as well as interdisciplinary master's programmes, in which the faculty's institutes are involved. For detailed information about the individual programmes, click the corresponding links.
Explanations and information

Explanations and information

MA = Master of Arts
MEd(G) = Master of Education (with a concentration on primary school education)
MEd(HRSGe) = Master of Education (with a concentration on secondary school education)
MEd(GyGe) = Master of Education (teaching degree programme for Gymnasium and Gesamtschule)
MEd(BK) = Master of Education (teaching degree programme for vocational college)
* Interdisciplinary degree programme (managed by the Faculty of Protestant Theology (FB 01)). Participating subjects in the Faculty of Philology (FB 09): Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Middle Eastern Archaeology, Egyptology, Coptology, Indo-European Linguistics, Arabic and Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies.
** Interdisciplinary degree programme (managed by the Faculty of History and Philosophy (FB 08)). Participating subject in the Faculty of Philology (FB 09): German Studies

Please note: The MEd programmes listed on this page were established in accordance with the Teacher Training Act (LABG 2009). For information about the MEd pilot project programmes currently being phased out, e.g. MEd (BK/BAB) and MEd (BK/2F), visit the homepages of the respective institutes and view the section "Auslaufende Studiengänge" (degree courses, phasing out) on the website of the Student Advice and Counselling Centre (ZSB). You can find detailed information about teaching degree programmes offered at the University of Münster at the web page of Zentrale Studienberatung (in German only).

New: In the summer semester 2016, the Faculty of Philology began offering an open master’s programme with a cross-disciplinary curriculum which allows students to attend courses outside their subject of study. You can learn more about the open master’s degree programme "Language – Literature – Culture" at the special web page.

Last updated: 31.07.2024