Evaluation and quality assurance measures

Word "Qualität" seen through a magnifier
© Fachbereich Philologie

The Faculty of Philology has implemented university-wide quality assurance measures, by which all faculties at the University of Münster are comprehensively evaluated in terms of their performance in research and teaching. Aside from these standardised, university-wide procedures, the Faculty of Philology strives to continually improve its faculty-specific quality assurance tools, e.g. by successively strengthening efforts to collect and analyse internal data.

results of the student course evaluation
© Uni MS - Judith Kraft

Student course evaluations

Possibly the most prominent quality assurance measure is the obligatory student course evaluations. The results of the evaluation are discussed by the participants of the respective course at the end of the semester.

 information and measures for quality assurance
© Uni MS - Peter Grewer

Other quality assurance measures

Each of the various measures are considered components which, when implemented together, create a comprehensive quality assurance repertory. In addition to the student course evaluations, some of these centrally initiated instruments include accreditation and re-accreditation procedures, external assessments, graduate surveys and student surveys.