Name | Research Focus |
Dr. Teresa Barberio (German Philology) | Migration-related multilingualism, language diagnostics, metalinguistic awareness, text linguistics, migration linguistics, contact linguistics |
Prof. Dr. Jens Bölte (Psychology) |
Speech production and speech perception, morphology and phonology, event-related potentials and eye movements in psycholinguistics |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christina Clasmeier (Slavic Linguistics) | Translation studies, aspectology of Slavic languages, syntax of Polish nominal phrase, psycholinguistics of Slavic languages |
Prof. Dr. Antje Dammel (German Philology) |
Historical linguistics of German (grammar und pragmatics); German compared with other Germanic languages and under typological comparison; language change and variation (empirical and theoretical), |
Prof. Dr. Gunther De Vogelaer (Dutch Philology) |
Morphology and syntax of Dutch, theory of language change, language acquisition, dialectology |
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Deuber (English Philology) |
Varieties of English worldwide (special focus: Caribbean), English-based pidgin and creole languages, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, language use in media (each in relation to the English language) (Prof. Deuber is currently not available for new supervisions) |
Prof. Dr. Christine Dimroth (German Philology) |
Language acquisition and multilingualism, information structure and construction of discourse, focus particles and verum focus, comparative linguistics and thinking for speaking, language biographies and the age factor in language acquisition |
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gut (English Philology) |
Phonetics and phonology, second and third language acquisition, corpus linguistics, language change in the postcolonial varieties of English, Nigerian English, Scottish English |
Dr. Katharina König (German Philology) |
Language ideology and language attitude regarding migration-related multilingualism, interactional linguistic, multimodal linguistic, German as a foreign language, language criticism, institutional language |
Dr. Romana Kopeckova (English Philology) |
Third language acquisition, second language speech perception and production, the age factor |
Dr. Dietha Koster (Dutch Philology) |
Laguage acquisition, multilingualism, psycholinguistics, applied linguistics, mental lexicon
Dr. Netaya Lotze (German Philology) |
Pragmatics, artificial intelligence and language, language and identity in public discource, critial media linguistics, artificial intelligence in e-learning tools |
Prof. Dr. Dejan Matic (General Linguistics) |
Information structure, discourse typology, pragmatics, language description and documentation, typology, semantics, syntax, indigenous languages of Siberia, languages of the Balkans, Ancient Greek |
Prof. Dr. Frauke Matz (English Philology) |
Teaching Methodology of Literature and Cultural Studies, Learning by Design, Blended Learning, Developing Narrative & Audio-Visual Competences, Individiualisation / Personalisation through Digital Media |
Dr. Philipp Meer (English Philology) | Varieties of English World-Wide, Sociolinguistics, Language Variation and Change, Sociophonetics, Acoustic Phonetics, Speech Prosody, Language Attitudes and Ideologies, Language in Education, World Englishes in English Language Teaching, Corpus Phonology/Corpus Linguistics |
Dr. Sophia Oppermann (German Philology) |
Historical linguistics of German, language change and language variation, diachronic syntax and morphosyntax, corpus linguistics (DDD reference corpora) |
Prof. Dr. Christina Ossenkop (Romance Studies) |
Research on language contact, feminine professional titles in the Romance-spreaking world |
Dr. Nantke Pecht (German Philology) |
Migration-related multilingualism, contact linguistics, language variation & language change, attitude research, Ruhr German |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Reckermann (English Philology) |
Teaching Englisch to young language learners, English in kindergarten, CLIL |
Dr. Laura Reimer (German Philology) |
Language processing, primary and secondary meaning, expressive meaning, information structure, speech disorder |
Dr. Yazgül Şimşek |
Multilingualism, second language acquisition, language contact (German, Turkish, Kurdish), ineractional linguistic, functional pragmatic, phonology |
Prof. Dr. Helmut Spiekermann (German Philology) |
Variational linguistics (standard language research and dialectology), main focus on Low German, phonology, applied linguistics (German as a foreign language) |
Prof. Dr. Katerina Stathi (German Philology) | Lexicology, idiomaticity, morphosyntax, contrastive linguistics, corpus linguistics |
Prof. Dr. Juliane Stude (German Philology) |
Language acquisition, acquisition of discourse oral – written, language awareness, language assessment, language promotion
Prof. Dr. Georgia Veldre-Gerner (Romance Studies) |
French and Italian linguistics, historical pragmatics of pronouns in Romanic, historical press language, language evaluation and language change in French |
Dr. Verena Wecker (German Philology) |
Language acquisition, German as a second language, morphology, language didactics, teaching grammar |