Supervisors of the Graduate School Empirical and Applied Linguistics
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Name Research Focus
Dr. Teresa Barberio  (German Philology) Migration-related multilingualism, language diagnostics, metalinguistic awareness, text linguistics, migration linguistics, contact linguistics
Prof. Dr. Jens Bölte (Psychology)

Speech production and speech perception, morphology and phonology, event-related potentials and eye movements in psycholinguistics

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christina Clasmeier (Slavic Linguistics) Translation studies, aspectology of Slavic languages, syntax of Polish nominal phrase, psycholinguistics of Slavic languages

Prof. Dr. Antje Dammel (German Philology)

Historical linguistics of German (grammar und pragmatics); German compared with other Germanic languages and under typological comparison; language change and variation (empirical and theoretical),
morphology and morphosyntax; onomastics

Prof. Dr. Gunther De Vogelaer (Dutch Philology)

Morphology and syntax of Dutch, theory of language change, language acquisition, dialectology

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Deuber (English Philology)

Varieties of English worldwide (special focus: Caribbean), English-based pidgin and creole languages, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, language use in media (each in relation to the English language)

(Prof. Deuber is currently not available for new supervisions)

Prof. Dr. Christine Dimroth (German Philology)

Language acquisition and multilingualism, information structure and construction of discourse, focus particles and verum focus, comparative linguistics and thinking for speaking, language biographies and the age factor in language acquisition

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gut (English Philology)

Phonetics and phonology, second and third language acquisition, corpus linguistics, language change in the postcolonial varieties of English, Nigerian English, Scottish English

Dr. Katharina König (German Philology)

Language ideology and language attitude regarding migration-related multilingualism, interactional linguistic, multimodal linguistic, German as a foreign language, language criticism, institutional language

Dr. Romana Kopeckova (English Philology)

Third language acquisition, second language speech perception and production, the age factor

Dr. Dietha Koster (Dutch Philology)

Laguage acquisition, multilingualism, psycholinguistics, applied linguistics, mental lexicon


Dr. Netaya Lotze (German Philology)

Pragmatics, artificial intelligence and language, language and identity in public discource, critial media linguistics, artificial intelligence in e-learning tools

Prof. Dr. Dejan Matic (General Linguistics)

Information structure, discourse typology, pragmatics, language description and documentation, typology, semantics, syntax, indigenous languages of Siberia, languages of the Balkans, Ancient Greek

Prof. Dr. Frauke Matz (English Philology)

Teaching Methodology of Literature and Cultural Studies, Learning by Design, Blended Learning, Developing Narrative & Audio-Visual Competences, Individiualisation / Personalisation through Digital Media

Dr. Philipp Meer (English Philology) Varieties of English World-Wide, Sociolinguistics, Language Variation and Change, Sociophonetics, Acoustic Phonetics, Speech Prosody, Language Attitudes and Ideologies, Language in Education, World Englishes in English Language Teaching, Corpus Phonology/Corpus Linguistics

Dr. Sophia Oppermann  (German Philology) 

Historical linguistics of German, language change and language variation, diachronic syntax and morphosyntax, corpus linguistics (DDD reference corpora)

Prof. Dr. Christina Ossenkop (Romance Studies)

Research on language contact, feminine professional titles in the Romance-spreaking world

Dr. Nantke Pecht    (German Philology)

Migration-related multilingualism, contact linguistics, language variation & language change, attitude research, Ruhr German
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Reckermann (English Philology)

Teaching Englisch to young language learners, English in kindergarten, CLIL

Dr. Laura Reimer (German Philology)

Language processing, primary and secondary meaning, expressive meaning, information structure, speech disorder

Dr. Yazgül Şimşek
(German Philology)

Multilingualism, second language acquisition, language contact (German, Turkish, Kurdish), ineractional linguistic, functional pragmatic, phonology

Prof. Dr. Helmut Spiekermann (German Philology)

Variational linguistics (standard language research and dialectology), main focus on Low German, phonology, applied linguistics (German as a foreign language)

Prof. Dr. Katerina Stathi (German Philology) Lexicology, idiomaticity, morphosyntax, contrastive linguistics, corpus linguistics
Prof. Dr. Juliane Stude (German Philology)

Language acquisition, acquisition of discourse oral – written, language awareness, language assessment, language promotion



Prof. Dr. Georgia Veldre-Gerner (Romance Studies)

French and Italian linguistics, historical pragmatics of pronouns in Romanic, historical press language, language evaluation and language change in French
Dr. Verena Wecker (German Philology)

Language acquisition, German as a second language, morphology, language didactics, teaching grammar