Dr. Philipp Meer

Professur für Englische Sprachwissenschaft (Prof. Gut)
Dr. Philipp Meer

Johannisstr. 12-20, Raum AE 109, Aegidiistr. 5
48143 Münster

T: +49 251 83-26143


Mon 15-16 (please register at least 1 day in advance via e-mail)

Akademische Profile

Externes Profil

  • Forschungsschwerpunkte

    • Weltweite Varietäten des Englischen
    • Sociolinguistics
    • Language Variation and Change
    • Sociophonetics
    • Akustische Phonetik
    • Speech Prosody
    • Spracheinstellungen und Sprachideologien
    • Sprachgebrauch im Bildungsbereich
    • World Englishes in English Language Teaching
    • Corpus Phonology/Corpus Linguistics
  • Promotion

    Standard English in Trinidadian Secondary Schools: Accent Variation and Attitudes

    Englische Philologie
    Dr. phil.
    Verleihender Fachbereich
    Fachbereich 09 – Philologie
    Linguistic research has only recently turned to the issue of the developing postcolonial standards of English in the anglophone Caribbean, which is characterized by diversity and complexity of linguistic norms. While the norm orientation in some domains of Standard English use has been investigated, the educational context is still underresearched, although it is a decisive context for the negotiation and inculcation of linguistic norms. The PhD project aims at contributing to the question of whether and to what degree an endonormative standard is emerging in Trinidad, the second largest island in the anglophone Caribbean in terms of population, by focusing on the school context, specifically on secondary schools. In order to draw conclusions about the norm orientation in these schools, the accents of students and teachers are analyzed and their attitudes toward accents of English are investigated. Word lists, reading passages, and interview recordings are used for an automated acoustic (and auditory) sociophonetic analysis of selected vocalic, consonantal, and prosodic features, while attitudes are elicited on the basis of a verbal-guise survey with advanced secondary students. Taking into account local, regional and global influences on Standard English use as well as attitudes, the proposed dissertation not only contributes to the discussion of the status of standards in Trinidad, but also bears implications for research on the emergence of standards in the wider anglophone Caribbean and on a general level.
  • Vita

    Akademische Ausbildung

    Postdoc in English Linguistics, University of Münster
    Visiting PhD student / Doutorado Sanduíche, Speech Prosody Studies Group, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil
    Doktorand in Englischer Linguistik, WWU Münster
    M.Ed. Englisch & Sozialwissenschaften, WWU Münster
    B.A. Anglistik/Amerikanistik & Politikwissenschaften, WWU Münster
    Auslandsstudium am Hastings College, Nebraska, USA

    Beruflicher Werdegang

    Research Associate (Postdoc), Chair of English Linguistics (Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gut), University of Münster
    Research Assistant, Lehrstuhl für Variationslinguistik (Prof. Dr. Dagmar Deuber), WWU Münster
    Research Assistant, Lehrstuhl für Englische Sprachwissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gut), WWU Münster
    Studentische Hilfskraft, Lehrstuhl für Variationslinguistik (Prof. Dr. Dagmar Deuber), WWU Münster


    IPA Student Award – International Phonetic Association (IPA)
    GAPS Graduate Award – Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien (GAPS)

    Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten in Gremien

    Association for Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon)
    Classroom Linguistics (Special Interest Group)
    Education, Languages and Internationalisation Network (ELINET)
    European COST Action: Language in the Human-Machine Era (LITHME) - Working Groups 6 & 8
    Learner Corpus Association
    Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG)
    International Association for World Englishes (IAWE)
    International Phonetic Association (IPA)
    Global Englishes in ELT in Germany
    World Englishes in NRW (WEiN)
    Society for Caribbean Linguistics (SCL)
    International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE)
  • Publications



    1. Meer, Philipp. (2023). Standard English in Trinidadian secondary schools: Accent variation and attitudes (PhD dissertation). University of Münster, Germany. doi: 10.17879/18988575787.

    Edited Volumes / Special Issues

    1. Meer, Philipp; Durgasingh, Ryan (Eds.) (under revision). Pluricentricity and Pluriareality: Dialects, Variation, and Standards. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [A3]
    2. Meer, Philipp; Schmalz, Mirjam (Eds.). (2023). Englishes of the Caribbean [Special Issue]. World Englishes 42(1). [A2]
    3. Callies, Marcus; Hehner, Stefanie; Meer, Philipp; Westphal, Michael (Eds.). (2021). Glocalising Teaching English as an International Language: New perspectives for teaching and teacher education in Germany. London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003090106 [A1]


    Articles in Journals (peer-reviewed)

    1. Gut, Ulrike; Meer, Philipp. (under review). Consonant clusters in Nigerian English.
    2. Lenhardt, Lena L.; Meer, Philipp. (under review). Exploring L2 pronunciation and accent aims among German learners of English.
    3. Amoniyan, Oluwasegun; Eze, Emmanuel; Meer, Philipp; Melefa, Omotosho. (under revision). Discursive Construction of Corona Virus by Nigerians in Selected Online Platforms.
    4. Li, Zeyu; Gut, Ulrike; Meer, Philipp. (2024). Co-variation of phonological features in Standardized Scottish English. World Englishes (Special Issue: World Englishes and Sociolinguistic Variation). doi: 10.1111/weng.12692 [B11]
    5. Meer, Philipp; Fuchs, Robert; Deuber, Dagmar; Lacoste, Véronique; Hänsel, Eva Canan. (2023). Prosodic variation of English in Dominica, Grenada, and Trinidad. World Englishes 42(1): 48-72. (Special issue: Englishes of the Caribbean). [Open Access] doi: 10.1111/weng.12615 [B10]
    6. Hänsel, Eva Canan; Meer, Philipp. (2023). Comparing attitudes toward Caribbean, British, and American accents in Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom, and the United States. World Englishes 42(1): 130-149. (Special issue: Englishes of the Caribbean). [Open Access]. doi: 10.1111/weng.12618 [B9]
    7. Hänsel, Eva Canan; Westphal, Michael; Meer, Philipp; Deuber, Dagmar. (2022). Context matters: Grenadian students' attitudes towards newscasters' and teachers' accents.  Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 37(1): 16-52. doi:10.1075/jpcl.00085.han [B8]
    8. Meer, Philipp; Fuchs, Robert. (2022). The Trini Sing-Song: Sociophonetic variation in Trinidadian English prosody and differences to other varieties. Language and Speech 65(4), 923-957. (Special issue: Sociolectal and dialectal variability in prosody). [Open Access]. doi: 10.1177/0023830921998404 [B7]
    9. Meer, Philipp; Hartmann, Johanna; Rumlich, Dominik. (2022). Attitudes of German high school students toward different varieties of English. Applied Linguistics 43(3): 538-562. doi: 10.1093/applin/amab046 [B6]
    10. Meer, Philipp; Hartmann, Johanna; Rumlich, Dominik. (2021). Folklinguistic perceptions of Global Englishes among German learners of English. European Journal of Applied Linguistics 9(2): 391-416. doi: 10.1515/eujal-2020-0014 [B5]
    11. Meer, Philipp; Fuchs, Robert; Gerfer, Anika; Gut, Ulrike; Li, Zeyu. (2021). Rhotics in Standard Scottish English. English World-Wide 42(2): 121-144.  doi: 10.1075/eww.00070.mee [B4]
    12. Meer, Philipp; Brato, Thorsten; Matute Flores, José A. (2021). Extending automatic vowel formant extraction to New Englishes: A comparison of different methods. English World-Wide 42(1): 54-84. doi: 10.1075/eww.00060.mee [B3]
    13. Meer, Philipp. (2020). Automatic alignment for New Englishes: Applying state-of-the-art aligners to Trinidadian English. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147(4): 2283-2294. doi: 10.1121/10.0001069 [B2]
    14. Meer, Philipp; Westphal, Michael; Hänsel, Eva Canan; Deuber, Dagmar. . Trinidadian secondary school students' attitudes toward accents of Standard English. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 34(1): 83-125. doi: 10.1075/jpcl.00029.mee. [B1]

    Articles in Edited Volumes (peer-reviewed)

    1. Meer, Philipp; Durgasingh, Ryan. (accepted). Modeling variation: Pluricentricity and pluriareality, the debate surrounding both models, and potentials for their complementarity. In Pluricentricity and Pluriareality: Dialects, Variation, and Standards, edited by Meer, Philipp; Durgasingh, Ryan. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    2. Durgasingh, Ryan; Meer, Philipp. (accepted). Pluricentricity AND pluriareality: Building the case for complementarity. In Pluricentricity and Pluriareality: Dialects, Variation, and Standards, edited by Meer, Philipp; Durgasingh, Ryan. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    3. Schneider, Britta; Migge, Bettina; Meer, Philipp et al. (accepted). Normative concepts of language in the human-machine era: Observations, thoughts, and perspectives. In Language in the Human-Machine Era: New Technologies and the Coming Transformation of Language, edited by Sayers, Dave et al. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    4. Lind, Miriam; Dippold, Doris; Barbu Mititelu, Verginica; Beňuš, Štefan; Liebeskind, Chaya; Meer, Philipp; Oleskeviciene, Giedre Valunaite; Schaub, Steffen; Shakir, Muhammad; Vallentin, Rita. (accepted). Language variation and change, interaction, and pragmatics in the human-machine era. In Language in the Human-Machine Era: New Technologies and the Coming Transformation of Language, edited by Sayers, Dave et al. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    5. Hackert, Stephanie; Meer, Philipp. (accepted). Caribbean Englishes and American linguistic influence. In The Oxford Handbook of Caribbean English, edited by Stephanie Hackert. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    6. Jackson, Samantha; Meer, Philipp; Schmalz, Mirjam. (forthcoming). English and Creole in Trinidad and Tobago. In The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of World Englishes, edited by Kingsley Bolton. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
    7. Meer, Philipp; Durgasingh, Ryan. (forthcoming). Caribbean creoles and Englishes: Sociophonetic and morphosyntactic variation. In The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of World Englishes, edited by Bolton, Kingsley. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
    8. Meer, Philipp. (2024). Variation and change in the NURSE vowel in Trinidadian English. An apparent-time analysis of adolescent and adult speakers. In Acquisition and variation in World Englishes: Bridging paradigms and rethinking approaches, edited by Schmalz, Mirjam; Vida-Manl, Manuela; Buschfeld, Sarah; Brato, Thorsten. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110733723-013
    9. Römhild, Ricardo; Meer, Philipp. (2023). Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Language Education: Current trajectories and alternative perspectives. In Rethinking Cultural Learning. Cosmopolitan Perspectives on Language Education, edited by Römhild, Ricardo; Marxl, Anika; Matz, Frauke; Siepmann, Philipp. Trier: wvt. [C4]
    10. Meer, Philipp. (2021). Global Englishes in the secondary school curriculum in Germany: A comparative analysis of the English language curricula of the federal states. In Glocalising Teaching English as an International Language: New perspectives for teaching and teacher education in Germany, edited by Callies, Marcus; Hehner, Stefanie; Meer, Philipp; Westphal, Michael. London Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003090106-8 [C3]
    11. Hölscher, Verena; Meer, Philipp. (2021). Global Englishes in the second phase of teacher education in Germany: Teacher educators’ perspectives on ELT and teacher education. In Glocalising Teaching English as an International Language: New perspectives for teaching and teacher education in Germany, edited by Callies, Marcus; Hehner, Stefanie; Meer, Philipp; Westphal, Michael, 28-45. London Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003090106-4 [C2]
    12. Meer, Philipp; Deuber, Dagmar. (2020). Standard English in Trinidad: Multinormativity, translocality, and implications for the Dynamic Model and the EIF Model. In Modelling World Englishes: A Joint Approach to Postcolonial and Non-Postcolonial Englishes, edited by Buschfeld, Sarah; Kautzsch, Alexander, 274-297. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. doi: 10.3366/edinburgh/9781474445863.003.0013 [C1]

    Conference Articles (peer-reviewed)

    1. Meer, Philipp; Francis, Ronald; Fuchs, Robert (2024). Lexical stress perception by Trinidadian English listeners. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden, Netherlands. doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2024-63 [D4]

    2. Silva Jr., Leônidas; Silva; Jackciele; Meer, Philipp (2024). Prosodic aspects of Brazilian L2 English: A comparison of duration-based rhythm and F0 measures with American English, Indian English, and Brazilian Portuguese. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden, Netherlands. doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2024-21 [D3]

    3. Ahlers, Wiebke; Meer, Philipp. . Sibilant variation in New Englishes: A comparative sociophonetic study of Trinidadian and American English /s(tr)/-retraction. Proceedings of Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Graz, Austria, 291-295. doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2019-1821 [D2]
    4. Meer, Philipp; Fuchs, Robert. . Pitch level, range, and dynamism in Trinidadian English: A comparative study with other varieties of English. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Melbourne, Australia, 329-333. [D1]

    Articles in Journals & Edited Books (not peer-reviewed)

    1. Meer, Philipp; Schmalz, Mirjam. (2023). Introduction: Englishes of the Caribbean. World Englishes 42(1): 2-8. (Special issue: Englishes of the Caribbean). doi: 10.1111/weng.12616 [E5]
    2. Schmalz, Mirjam; Meer, Philipp. (2023). Englishes of the Caribbean: A research bibliography. World Englishes 42(1): 169-183.(Special issue: Englishes of the Caribbean). doi: 10.1111/weng.12614 [E4]
    3. Callies, Marcus; Hehner, Stefanie; Meer, Philipp; Westphal, Michael. (2021). Introduction. In Glocalising Teaching English as an International Language: New perspectives for teaching and teacher education in Germany, edited by Callies, Marcus; Hehner, Stefanie; Meer, Philipp; Westphal, Michael, 1-6. London Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003090106-1 [E3]
    4. Hehner, Stefanie; Meer, Philipp; Callies, Marcus; Westphal, Michael. (2021). Global Englishes and challenges for English Language Teaching and teacher education in higher education in Germany. In Rethinking the Language Learner: Paradigmen - Methoden - Disziplinen. 7. Bremer Symposion zum Sprachenlernen und -lehren, edited by Brandt, Anikó; Buschmann-Göbels, Astrid; Harsch, Claudia, 284-292. Bochum: AKS Verlag. [E2]
    5. Meer, Philipp. (2018). Toward interdisciplinary research-based teaching in linguistics: Integrating students into project-oriented teaching and research practices at the intersection of (applied) English linguistics and TEFL. Satura 1: 21-26. [Open Access] doi: 10.17879/satura-2018-3137 [E1]

    Other Articles

    1. Meer, Philipp. (2022). Ideologies and biases in linguistic speech processing tools. In Changing Language Ideological Concepts in the Human-Machine Era: Questions, Themes and Topics, edited by Schneider, Britta; Migge, Bettina, 62-64. LITHME. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25867.36649 [F2]
    2. Meer, Philipp. (2021). Select phonetic and phonological features of Caribbean varieties of English: An overview. Open Science Framework (pp.1-6). doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/Q98AD [F1]

    Supplementary Materials

    1. Carella, Giorgio; Dubravac, Vildana; Guerra, Luis; ... Meer, Philipp; ... Soria, Claudia. (2023). CIRCE: Counteracting accent dIscrimination pRactiCes in Education. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10085133
    2. Fuchs, Robert; Meer, Philipp. (2023fc.). Praat script and R script for pitch variability analysis (parameters: pitch level, range, and dynamism, rate of change, variability in rate of change, tone rate). Supplementary material for [B10]. Available at: https://osf.io/qkea5/
    3. Fuchs, Robert; Meer, Philipp. (2021). Praat script and R script for analysis of pitch level, range, and dynamism. Supplementary material for [B7]. Available at: https://osf.io/94dbv/
    4. Meer, Philipp; Hartmann, Johanna; Rumlich, Dominik. (2021). Accent variation in the vocal stimuli. Supplementary material for [B6]. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/applin/amab046
    5. Hölscher, Verena; Meer, Philipp. (2021). Interview questionnaire (English/German) and interview excerpts (German). Supplementary material for [C2]. Available at: https://osf.io/8axrn/
    6. Meer, Philipp. (2021). List of analyzed curricula. Supplementary material for [C3]. Available at: https://osf.io/g8y96/
  • Talks

    Invited talks and lectures

    1. Meer, Philipp (2024). English in Trinidad. Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany, 11/06/2024.
    2. Meer, Philipp (2023). Prosodic variation of English in the Caribbean: A comparison of multiple fundamental frequency (F0) parameters in Dominican, Grenadian, and Trinidadian speech. Phonetics Work Group, University of Bielefeld, Germany, 05/12/2023
    3. Meer, Philipp (2023). Prosody and World Englishes: Studying intonation and fundamental frequency (F0) variation in (non-)Caribbean varieties of English. University of Bielefeld, Germany, 16/06/2023.
    4. Meer, Philipp (2022). World Englishes in the classroom: Investigating German learners’ attitudes toward English(es) world-wide. University of Bamberg, Germany/Online, 19/07/2022.
    5. Meer, Philipp (2022). “Sorry, buttt sounds a bit unintelligent”?! High school students’ perceptions of Global Englishes in Germany. International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Online, 23/05/2022.
    6. Meer, Philipp (2022). Toward multi-parametric vowel merger analysis in sociophonetics: An acoustic study of spectral overlap and spectral dynamics of the NEAR and SQUARE classes in Trinidadian English. TU Dortmund University, Germany, 27/04/2022.
    7. Meer, Philipp (2021). A sociophonetic approach to Standard English in secondary schools in Trinidad. Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil. [canceled due to COVID-19]
    8. Meer, Philipp (2020). The (Northern Standard) German vowel system. Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil, 04/11/2020.
    9. Meer, Philipp (2019). English intonation: An introduction. Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil, 22/11/2019.
    10. Meer, Philipp; Brato, Thorsten (2019). Two approaches to automatic formant extraction in New Englishes: Trini-FAVE and formant ceiling optimization. New Englishes, New Methods Workshop 2. University of Münster, Germany, 29/05/2019.
    11. Meer, Philipp (2019). Global Englishes in English Language Teaching and Teacher Education in Germany. Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil, 13/05/2019.

    Organized workshops and panels

    1. Meer, Philipp; Gut, Ulrike (2024). Corpus Phonology: Current Approaches and Future Directions. 10th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), University of Alicante, Spain, 09/2024.
    2. von Elbwart, Katharina; Meer, Philipp (2023). Inaugural Special Interest Group Meeting: Classroom Linguistics. University of Münster, Germany, 19/06/2023.
    3. Meer, Philipp (2020). Sociophonetic research in the Caribbean: New perspectives and (digital) initiatives. SCL 2020 - 23rd Biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago, 03-09/08/2020. [canceled due to COVID-19]
    4. Meer, Philipp; Westphal Michael (2019). 2nd network meeting: Global Englishes in ELT in Germany. University of Münster, Germany, 24/05/2019.
    5. Hehner, Stefanie; Meer, Philipp; Callies, Marcus; Westphal, Michael (2019). Global Englishes and challenges for English language teaching and teacher education in higher education in Germany. 7th Bremen Symposium on language learning and teaching at universities. Rethinking the language learner, University of Bremen, Germany, 02/03/2019.
    6. Westphal, Michael; Meer, Philipp (2018). Language Attitude Research in the Caribbean. University of Muenster, Germany, 14/12/2018.

    Conference Presentations


    1. Meer, Philipp; Gut, Ulrike (2024). Consonant clusters in Nigerian English. BICLCE 2024 – 10th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), University of Alicante, Spain, 26-28/09/2024.
    2. Weilinghoff, Andreas; Meer, Philipp (2024). The development of L2 English pronunciation among English Studies students in Germany. DGFF Conference for Early Career Researchers 2024, University of Paderborn, Germany. 16-17/09/2024.
    3. Francis, Ronald; Meer, Philipp (2024). Simplification versus transfer in L2 morphology: A comparative analysis of language distance and language transfer in the English writing of St. Lucian and German students. SCL & SPCL 2024 – Society for Caribbean Linguistics and Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics Joint Conference, University of Guyana, Guyana. 05-09/08/2024.
    4. Meer, Philipp; Stuka, Christine (2024). TH-variation in Barbadian and Trinidadian English: A comparative sociophonetic study. Bonn Applied Linguistics Conference 2024, University of Bonn, Germany 05-06/07/2024.
    5. Meer, Philipp; Francis, Ronald; Fuchs, Robert (2024). Lexical stress perception by Trinidadian English listeners. Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden, Netherlands. 02-05/07/2024.
    6. Silva Jr., Leônidas; Silva; Jackciele; Meer, Philipp (2024). Prosodic aspects of Brazilian L2 English: A comparison of duration-based rhythm and F0 measures with American English, Indian English, and Brazilian Portuguese. Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden, Netherlands. 02-05/07/2024.
    7. Meer, Philipp; Gut, Ulrike (2024). Compiling a phonologically annotated corpus of West African Englishes. Text+  Sprechen verstehen - KI und gesprochene Sprache. Munich, Germany. 27-28/06/2024.
    8. Meer, Philipp (2024). The Phonology of Nigerian English (PhoNE): A corpus based acoustic phonetic study of vowels. 45th ICAME conference, University of Vigo, Spain. 18-22/06/2024.
    9. Shakir, Muhammad; Meer, Philipp (2024). A corpus phonological analysis of acoustic vowel variation in Pakistani English. 45th ICAME conference, University of Vigo, Spain. 18-22/06/2024.


    1. Meer, Philipp. (2023). Varietäten des Englischen in den deutschen Bildungsstandards und Lehrplänen der Bundesländer (Varieties of English in the German educational standards and state curricula) [Short presentation]. DGFF 2023 – 30th Congress on Foreign Language Didactics (Fremdsprachendidaktik) of the German Society for Foreign Language Research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachen-forschung), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany/Online. 27-29/09/2023. [canceled]
    2. Meer, Philipp. (2023). Einstellungen deutscher Schüler*innen gegenüber Varietäten des Englischen (Attitudes of German school students toward varieties of English) [Short presentation]. DGFF 2023 – 30th Congress on Foreign Language Didactics (Fremdsprachendidaktik) of the German Society for Foreign Language Research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachen-forschung), University of Freiburg, Germany, 27-29/09/2023. [canceled]
    3. Francis, Ronald; Meer, Philipp; Evans, R. Sandra. (2023). Vowel variation in St Lucia English Creole: A semi-automated acoustic phonetic study. SPCL 2023 – Summer meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, University of Groningen, Netherlands, 26-28/06/2023.
    4. Schmalz, Mirjam; Meer, Philipp. (2023). The role of Global Englishes in high school curricula in Switzerland. Symposium – Global Englishes Language Teaching: Current Research and Future Perspectives, University of Münster, Germany, 31/05/2023.
    5. Römhild, Ricardo; Meer, Philipp. (2023). Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Language Education: Current trajectories and alternative perspectives. Symposium – Global Englishes Language Teaching: Current Research and Future Perspectives, University of Münster, Germany, 31/05/2023.
    6. Gerdemann, Sarah; Meer, Philipp; Rumlich, Dominik. (2023). (Future) teachers’ attitudes towards varieties of English in the EFL classroom in Germany. Symposium – Global Englishes Language Teaching: Current Research and Future Perspectives, University of Münster, Germany, 31/05/2023.


    1. Meer, Philipp; Fuchs, Robert; Deuber, Dagmar; Lacoste, Véronique; Hänsel, Eva Canan (2022). Prosodic variation in the Caribbean: Comparing pitch patterns in English language data from Dominica, Grenada, and Trinidad. SCL 2022 – 24th Biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago/Online, 02-04/08/2022.
    2. Hänsel, Eva Canan; Meer, Philipp (2022). Comparing attitudes toward Caribbean, British, and American teacher accents: Perspectives from Trinidad & Tobago, the UK, and the US. SCL 2022 – 24th Biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago/Online, 02-04/08/2022.


    1. Meer, Philipp (2021). Teenagers as catalysts of American influence on postcolonial Englishes? A comparison of NURSE-rhotacization in adolescent and adult speakers of Trinidadian English. ICYL 2021 - International Conference on Youth Languages - Youth Language and Change, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom/Online. 26-28/05/2021.
    2. Li, Zeyu; Gut, Ulrike; Meer, Philipp (2021). Co-variation of phonological features in Scottish Standard English. ISLE 6 - Sixth International Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, University of Eastern Finland, Finland/Online. 02-05/06/2021.
    3. Meer, Philipp (2021). Tracking American influence on Trinidadian English: An apparent-time analysis of (spectral) variation and change in the NURSE vowel of adolescent and adult speakers. ISLE 6 - Sixth International Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, University of Eastern Finland, Finland/Online. 02-05/06/2021.
    4. Meer, Philipp (2021). The NEAR-SQUARE merger in Trinidadian English: A multi-factor acoustic analysis of spectral overlap and spectral dynamics. ISLE 6 - Sixth International Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, University of Eastern Finland, Finland/Online. 02-05/06/2021.
    5. Meer, Philipp; Fuchs, Robert (2021). The Trini Sing-Song: Sociophonetic variation in Trinidadian English prosody and differences to other varieties. [Poster]. PaPe 2021 - Fourth Phonetics and Phonology in Europe Conference, University Pompeu Fabra and University of Barcelona, Spain/Online. 21-23/06/2021.
    6. Li, Zeyu; Gut, Ulrike; Meer, Philipp (2021). Patterns of co-variation in Standard Scottish English: The case of /r/, /ʍ/-/w/, and the NURSE merger. 42nd ICAME conference , TU Dortmund University, Germany & Online. 18-21/08/2021.
    7. Meer, Philipp (2021). Die Rolle von World Englishes im Lehrplan: Eine vergleichende Analyse der Englisch-Lehrpläne aller Bundesländer (World Englishes in the curriculum: A comparative analysis of the English language curricula of all federal states). DGFF 2021 - 29th Congress on Foreign Language Didactics (Fremdsprachendidaktik) of the German Society for Foreign Language Research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany/Online. 22-24/09/2021.


    1. Meer, Philipp (2020). The NEAR-SQUARE merger in Trinidadian English: A multi-factor acoustic analysis of spectral overlap and spectral dynamics. SCL 2020 - 23rd Biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago, 03-09/08/2020. [canceled due to COVID-19]
    2. Schmalz, Mirjam; Meer, Philipp (2020). Between exo- and endonormativity? A comparison of teachers’ perceptions of standards of English in St. Kitts and Trinidad. SCL 2020 - 23rd Biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago, 03-09/08/2020. [canceled due to COVID-19]
    3. Meer, Philipp; Brato, Thorsten (2020). Extending automatic forced alignment and vowel formant extraction to Caribbean Englishes. SCL 2020 - 23rd Biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago, 03-09/08/2020. [canceled due to COVID-19]
    4. Meer, Philipp; Fuchs, Robert (2020). The Trini Sing-Song: Sociolinguistic effects on prosodic variation in Trinidadian English and differences to other dialects. SCL 2020 - 23rd Biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago, 03-09/08/2020. [canceled due to COVID-19]
    5. Li, Zeyu; Gut, Ulrike; Meer, Philipp (2020). Co-variation of phonological features in Scottish Standard English. ISLE 6 - Sixth International Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, University of Eastern Finland, Finland. 03-06/06/2020. [postponed due to COVID-19]
    6. Meer, Philipp (2020). Tracking American influence on Trinidadian English: An apparent-time analysis of (spectral) variation and change in the vowels of adolescent and adult speakers. ISLE 6 - Sixth International Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, University of Eastern Finland, Finland. 03-06/06/2020. [postponed due to COVID-19]


    1. Meer, Philipp; Ahlers, Wiebke (). An acoustic study of /s/-retraction in Trinidadian English. BICLCE 2019 - 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, University of Bamberg, Germany, .
    2. Meer, Philipp; Fuchs, Robert; Gerfer, Anika; Gut, Ulrike; Li, Zeyu (). Rhotics in Scottish Standard English. BICLCE 2019 - 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, University of Bamberg, Germany, .
    3. Westphal, Michael; Hartmann, Johanna; Deuber, Dagmar; Lau, Kan Man; Meer, Philipp (). Vocalic variation in Standard English spoken by Trinidadian professionals. BICLCE 2019 - 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, University of Bamberg, Germany, .
    4. Ahlers, Wiebke; Meer, Philipp (2019). Sibilant variation in New Englishes: A comparative sociophonetic study of Trinidadian and American English /s(tr)/-retraction. INTERSPEECH 2019 - 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Graz, Austria, 16/09/2019.
    5. Meer, Philipp; Fuchs, Robert (). Pitch level, range, and dynamism in Trinidadian English: A comparative study with other varieties of English. ICPhS 2019 - 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, .
    6. Brato, Thorsten; Meer, Philipp; Matute Flores, José A. (). Automatic formant extraction in the study of vowels in New Englishes: A comparison of different methods. IAWE 2019 – 24th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, University of Limerick, Ireland, .
    7. Meer, Philipp (). Sociolinguistic variation in (Standard) Trinidadian English vowels: A semi-automatic sociophonetic study of selected monophthongs and diphthongs. ABRALIN 50 – 50th Anniversary Congress of the Brazilian Linguistics Association, Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil, .
    8. Meer, Philipp; Deuber, Dagmar (). Standard English in Trinidad, multinormativity, and translocality: Implications for the Dynamic Model and the Extra- and Intra-territorial Forces Model. Current Trends in Linguistics Conference – Multilingual Development and World Englishes, University of Hamburg, Germany, .


    1. Meer, Philipp; Matute Flores, José A. (). Making FAVE ready for New Englishes: Applying and modifying FAVE for semi-automatic acoustic analyses of Trinidadian English vowels. NWAV 47 - News Ways of Analyzing Variation 47, New York University, NY, USA, .
    2. Meer, Philipp; Hartmann, Johanna; Rumlich, Dominik (). Attitudes of German high school students toward different varieties of English. [Poster]. GAL 50 - Congress of the German Society for Applied Linguistics (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, .
    3. Meer, Philipp (). A sociophonetic analysis of the speech of Trinidadian students and teachers. Second International Conference on Sociolinguistics: Insights from Superdiversity, Complexity and Multimodality, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary, .
    4. Meer, Philipp (). Accent variation in secondary schools in Trinidad: Preliminary findings from a semi-automatic acoustic analysis of Trinidadian vowel data. ISLE 5 - Fifth International Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, University College London, United Kingdom, .
    5. Meer, Philipp; Hartmann, Johanna; Rumlich, Dominik (). Attitudes of German high school students toward different varieties of English. 7th Bonn Applied Linguistics Conference, University of Bonn, Germany, .


    1. Meer, Philipp (). Standard English in Trinidadian Secondary Schools: Accent Variation and Attitudes. ISLE Summer School 2017, University of Regensburg, Germany, .
    2. Meer, Philipp (). Attitudes toward accents of Standard English in secondary schools in Trinidad. 7th Biennial Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, University of Vigo, Spain, .
    3. Meer, Philipp (). Norm orientation and the issue of endonormativity in secondary schools in Trinidad: insights from language attitudinal evidence. 5th World Conference on Pluricentric Languages and their Non-Dominant Varieties. Models of Pluricentricity: Nation, Space and Language, University of Mainz, Germany, .
    4. Meer, Philipp (). Trinidadian Secondary School Students' Attitudes toward Accents of Standard English. Dynamics-Variation-System. Interdisciplinary Conference at the Graduate School for Empirical and Applied Linguistics, University of Münster, Germany, .
    5. Meer, Philipp (). Standard English in Trinidadian Secondary Schools: Accent Variation and Attitudes. 28th Annual GAPS Conference: Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World, University of Bonn, Germany, .


    1. Meer, Philipp; Hänsel, Eva Canan (). Attitudes towards Standard Accents in the Education Context in the Anglophone Caribbean. SCL 2016 - 21st Biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics - Caribbean Languages 2 di World: Caribbean Languages in a Globalized World, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica, .

    Other presentations


    1. Gut, Ulrike; Meer, Philipp (2023). The PhoNE Project: The Phonology of Nigerian English – National and transnational patterns of variation. Digital Humanities Day, University of Münster, Germany, 08/12/2023.


    1. Westphal, Michael; Meer, Philipp; Hehner, Stefanie; Callies, Marcus (2021). Global Englishes in Language Teaching. Fremdsprachentag des Fachverbands Moderne Fremdsprachen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Foreign Languages Day of the Association for Modern Foreign Languages in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Universities of Rostock and Greifswald, Germany/Online, 25/09/2021.
    2. Meer, Philipp [in collaboration with Fuchs, Robert; Lacoste, Véronique; Deuber, Dagmar] (2021). Prosodic variation in the Caribbean. A phonetically driven comparative analysis of pitch parameters in English language data from Dominica, Grenada, and Trinidad. Research colloquium of the Speech Prosody Studies Group, University of Campinas, Brazil/Online, 14/06/2021.


    1. Meer, Philipp (2019). New projects on varieties of English in the classroom and in teacher education: Zeroing in on school students, (future) teachers, teacher educators, curricula, and schoolbooks. 2nd network meeting on Global Englishes in ELT in Germany, University of Münster, Germany, 24/05/2019.
    2. Meer, Philipp (2019). Mixed methods in the study of Standard English in Trinidadian secondary schools. [Poster]. New Englishes, New Methods Workshop 1, Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany, 06/02/2019.


    1. Meer, Philipp (2018). Trinidadian secondary school students’ attitudes toward accents of Standard English. Workshop on Language Attitude Research in the Caribbean, University of Münster, 14/12/2018.
    2. Meer, Philipp (2018). The beautiful world of English linguistics. Schnuppervorlesung Hochschultag (Lecture for high school students at Open Day), University of Münster, Germany, 08/11/2018.
    3. Meer, Philipp (2018). World Englishes in the EFL classroom in Germany: A study into high school learners’ attitudes toward different Englishes and ongoing research projects. Workshop on Varieties of English and Foreign Language Teacher Education, University of Bremen, Germany, 25/05/2018.
    4. Meer, Philipp (2018). Accent variation in secondary schools in Trinidad: A sociophonetic analysis of the speech of Trinidadian teachers & students. Hotspots in Literary/Cultural Studies, Book Studies, and Linguistics, University of Münster, Germany, 24/01/2018.


    1. Meer, Philipp (2016). Attitudes towards accents of English in Trinidadian secondary schools. Hotspots in Literary/Cultural Studies, Book Studies, and Linguistics, University of Münster, Germany, 09/11/2016.

    Conferences attended

    • (2021) SPCL– Summer Conference of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, Universities in Paris, France/Online, 28-30/06/2021.
    • (2021). SCDA Conference – Stylistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, and Language Use in the Caribbean, University of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad & Tobao/Online, 02-03/04/2021.
    • (2021). LiRLaP - Münster Conference of Linguistic Representations and Language Processing, University of Münster, Germany/Online. 25-27/03/2021.
    • (2019). 1st Brazilian Congress on Prosody/I Congresso Brasileiro de Prosódia, University of Campinas, Brazil. 04-08/11/2019.
    • (2019). ExApp - 4th Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation, University of Münster, Germany. 26-28/09/2019.
    • (2015). GAPS -  26th Annual GAPS Conference: Ideology in Postcolonial Texts and Contexts. University of Münster, Germany. 14-16/05/2015.