Student parents

Nursing and baby changing rooms at the Faculty
English Department
Johannisstrasse 12-20
Changing facilities in the women's and men's toilet on the 1st floor
Nursing possibility in a separate room in the department library. Please ask supervisor for the key.Institute of German Language and Literature
Schlossplatz 34
Changing and nursing options in the first-aid room 013Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Middle Eastern Archaeology
Rosenstraße 9
Changing and nursing facilities in the lounge in the basementInstitute of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Schlaunstraße 2
Nursing facilities in the library (RS230) or student council room (RS224)Institute for Jewish Studies
Johannisstraße 1
Changing facilities in the toilet for the disabled in the basement (folding changing table in the cabin)
Nursing possibility in the makingInstitute of Sinology and East Asian Studies
Schlaunstraße 2
The RS1 exercise room is available as a changing and nursing room
Special regulations and contact persons at the institutes and departments
English Department
You do not have to choose the courses via HIS. Please contact the student advisory service BEFORE the HIS deadline and inform them about the courses you want to attend (e.g. because you are dependent of care time). You will then receive a confirmation.
Contact person: Dr. Anna Rapp, kustes@uni-muenster.de
Institute of German Language and Literature
Contact person: Anke Jarling, Student advisory office, studienbuero.germanistik@uni-muenster.de
Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies
For students with children, individual solutions for study organisation are possible.
Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Kreppner, janoscha.kreppner@wwu.de, Prof'in. Dr. Kleber, kkleber@uni-muenster.de, Student advice,
Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies
For students with children, individual solutions for study organisation are possible.
Contact person: Dr. Monika Springberg, springberg@uni-muenster.de
Institute for Jewish Studies
For students with children, individual solutions for study organisation are possible.
Contact person: Judith Grubel, judith.grubel@uni-muenster.de
Institute of Dutch Philology
Contact person: Lisa Mensing, lisa.mensing@uni-muenster.de
Institute of Sinology and East Asian Studies
For students with children, individual solutions for study organisation may be possible. Please contact the student advisor.
Contact persons:
General questions: Anne Sapich, sino@uni-muenster.de
Degree course advisory: Alexander Brosch, alexander.brosch@uni-muenster.deInstitute of Scandinavian Studies
Contact person: Birge Hilsmann, birge.hilsmann@uni-muenster.de
Department of Romance Studies
Contact person: Dr. Anne Rolfes, Student advisory office, anne.rolfes@uni-muenster.de