
Service: As an employee, you can copy, print and scan on all multifunction printers. Students can use these functions on all public devices.
For large-format prints, employees can use the business printing for research, studies and teaching.

Target Group: students (multifunction devices) ,employees (multifunction devices & poster printing)

Usage Costs: depending on the print job

Terms & Conditions: T&C Status: 25.10.2024

Contact: Servicekompetenzcenter (multifunction printers), Hotline (Poster printing)

  • Multifunction Printers

    Recommendation: Use Follow-Me-Printing very comfortably for this you have to send your print jobs to the print server \print.uni-muenster.de\inpas or commission your prints via https://sso.uni-muenster.de/inpas/.

    Please note that you need to have an active VPN connection to our servers. In case you haven't used VPN before, you find information over here.

    Prices (from 1.1.2024)
    Scans are free of charge, for copies and prints the following prices apply:

    • A4 b/w | price per page: 0,04 €
    • A4 colour | price per page: 0,16 €
    • A3 b/w | price per page: 0,08 €
    • A3 colour | price per page: 0,32 €

    Locations and device managers can be viewed in the list of multifunction printers (PDF) (updated on 06.02.2025).

    Requirements for Use

    • Students: To use the multifunctional devices, you only need your student ID card, to which you must load a credit.
    • Employees & Assistants: To use the multifunctional devices, you must either set a copier PIN or register your Mensa card in the IT portal under "Print > Print and Scan at Copiers".

    Printing, Scanning & Copying
    Our instructions (multifunction printers) tell you in detail how to use the devices.

    Information for Persons Responsible for the Devices

  • Business Poster Printing

    Prices from 01.03.2025

    From 01.03.2025, the prices for official poster printing will be increased.

    • Poster (matte) (120 g) | printer: Posterjet (roll 1) | price: 10,00 €
    • Poster (high-gloss) (190 g) | printer: Posterjet (roll 2) | price: 25,00 €

    The indicated prices correspond to DIN-A0 prints and serve as orientation values; costs are calculated based on the exact size of the print.

    Prices until 28.02.2025

    • Poster (matte) (120 g) | printer: Posterjet (roll 1) | price: 5,00 €
    • Poster (high-gloss) (190 g) | printer: Posterjet (roll 2) | price: 15,00 €

    The indicated prices correspond to DIN-A0 prints and serve as orientation values; costs are calculated based on the exact size of the print.

    Requirements for Use

    • Employees: First, you need the approval of your institution's budget officer. Afterwards you can register via the IT Portal. If you are unsure which PSP item to choose for billing, please contact your institution's office. If your PSP item cannot be selected, please write an e-mail with the required information (institute, affected university ID, PSP item, cost center) to dienstliches.drucken@uni-muenster.de. Billing takes place using a PSP item with the associated cost center if applicable.
    • Students: For research, studies, training and teaching, please contact your lecturers for the required poster prints.

    Please note that it may take until the next day after registering for business poster printing before you can connect the poster printer on the remote desktop.

    In our poster printing instructions you will learn how to order your poster printing and important tips and information about poster printing.

    Posters can usually be collected from Einsteinstr. 60 on the next working day. You will find them in the poster boxes opposite the service desk.