Doctorate and then what?

Target group: doctoral researchers (at a final stage of a doctorate), postdoctoral researchers (at an early career stage)
Third-party funding is an important part of the academic portfolio, which plays an increasingly significant role in the scientific career. The workshop offers an overview of funding opportunities for the early postdoc phase and supports you in developing a perspective for your own scientific career. One focus is on opportunities for mobility as well as expanding your scientific networks. You will be introduced to research tools for finding suitable funding opportunities and receive advice on what is important for a successful application.
Overview of funding opportunities for the early postdoc phase
Development of perspectives for one’s own scientific career
Knowledge of opportunities for mobility and network expansion
Knowledge of different research tools and their application
Basic knowledge for a successful application
Facilitators: Dr. Christine Schmidt, Dr. Vanessa Kloke (SAFIR Research Funding Support)
Diese Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt. // This event will be held in English.