Selected Publications

Böhm, Christoph Inhomogeneous Einstein metrics on low-dimensional spheres and other low-dimensional spaces. Inventiones Mathematicae Vol. 134 (1), 1998, pp 145--176 online
Böhm, Christoph On the long time behavior of homogeneous Ricci flows. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici Vol. 90 (3), 2015, pp 543-571 online
Böhm, Christoph; Buttsworth, Timothy; Clarke, Brian Scalar curvature along Ebin geodesics. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Vol. 813, 2024 online
Böhm, Christoph; Lafuente, Ramiro Non-compact Einstein manifolds with symmetry. Journal of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 36 (3), 2023 online
Böhm, Christoph; Lafuente, Ramiro; Simon, Miles Optimal Curvature Estimates for Homogeneous Ricci Flows. International Mathematics Research Notices Vol. 2019 (14), 2019 online
Böhm, Christoph; Lafuente, Ramiro Immortal homogeneous Ricci flows. Inventiones Mathematicae Vol. 212, 2018 online
Böhm, Christoph; Lafuente, Ramiro A. The Ricci flow on solvmanifolds of real type. Advances in Mathematics Vol. 353, 2019 online
Böhm, Christoph; Lafuente, Ramiro A. Homogeneous Einstein metrics on Euclidean spaces are Einstein solvmanifolds. Geometry and Topology Vol. 26, 2022 online
Böhm, Christoph, Wilking, Burkhard Nonnegatively curved manifolds with finite fundamental groups admit metrics with positive Ricci curvature. Geometric And Functional Analysis Vol. 17 (3), 2007, pp 665-681 online
Böhm, Christoph; Wilking, Burkhard Manifolds with positive curvature operators are space forms. Annals of Mathematics Vol. 167 (3), 2008 online

Recent Publications

Recent Publications of Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhm

$\bullet $ Christoph Böhm, Timothy Buttsworth, and Brian Clarke. Scalar curvature along Ebin geodesics. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2024(813):159–196, June 2024. doi:10.1515/crelle-2024-0033.

$\bullet $ Christoph Böhm and Urs Hartl. Moment map flow on real reductive Lie groups and GIT estimates. arXiv e-prints, June 2024. arXiv:2406.19340.

$\bullet $ Christoph Böhm and Ramiro A. Lafuente. Non-compact Einstein manifolds with unimodular isometry group. arXiv e-prints, July 2023. arXiv:2307.13235.

$\bullet $ Christoph Böhm and Megan M. Kerr. Homogeneous Einstein metrics and butterflies. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 63(4):92, June 2023. doi:10.1007/s10455-023-09905-0.

$\bullet $ Christoph Böhm and Ramiro A. Lafuente. Non-compact Einstein manifolds with symmetry. J. Amer. Math. Soc., 36(3):591–651, February 2023. doi:10.1090/jams/1022.

$\bullet $ Christoph Böhm and Ramiro A. Lafuente. Homogeneous Einstein metrics on Euclidean spaces are Einstein solvmanifolds. Geom. Topol., 26(2):899–936, June 2022. doi:10.2140/gt.2022.26.899.

$\bullet $ Christoph Böhm and Ramiro A. Lafuente. Real geometric invariant theory. In Differential geometry in the large, volume 463 of London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., pages 11–49. October 2020. doi:10.1017/9781108884136.003.

$\bullet $ Christoph Böhm and Ramiro A. Lafuente. The Ricci flow on solvmanifolds of real type. Adv. Math., 352:516–540, August 2019. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2019.06.014.

$\bullet $ Christoph Böhm, Ramiro Lafuente, and Miles Simon. Optimal curvature estimates for homogeneous Ricci flows. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2019(14):4431–4468, July 2019. doi:10.1093/imrn/rnx256.

$\bullet $ Christoph Böhm and Ramiro A. Lafuente. Immortal homogeneous Ricci flows. Invent. Math., 212(2):461–529, November 2018. doi:10.1007/s00222-017-0771-z.