
Erasmus Office, Institute of Educational Science (Pedagogy)

We are looking forward to welcoming you!

In order to facilitate the planning of your stay, we have compiled some important information for you. Please note that we are only responsible for students studying educational science, pedagogy, or teacher training. We are not a central erasmus office.

Courses taught in English af the Institute of Educational Science:

Please see the  Course Catalog and look for English-language ones listed under "Erziehungswissenschaft." If you need help, please contact as at

If you would like to take courses from other departments, please be aware that you will need to contact the individual instructors; we cannot guarantee that you will get a course spot in a department outside of Educational Science.

The International Office

If you are an ERASMUS-student coming to the University of Münster, you can find information and support with your application, enrollment and accommodation, as well as tips about living in the city of Münster, from the:

International Office


FAQs for Incoming Students

Wie bekomme ich einen Seminarplatz? / How do I get placed in a course?

Sie müssen in der ersten Sitzung des Seminars anwesend sein, um einen Seminarplatz zu bekommen. Eine Online-Anmeldung (via QISPOS) ist nicht erforderlich.

You must go to the first class session in order to secure your spot in the course. An online-registration (via QISPOS) is not necessary. Please send us your Learning Agreement before arrival so that we can register for courses within our department.

Wie bekomme ich ECTS? / How do I get ECTS?

Das müssen Sie mit dem/der Dozent/in absprechen. Am Ende des Seminars wird Ihnen der/die Dozent/in einen Schein (mit Note und ECTS) ausfüllen.

You have to discuss this with the instructor. The Erasmus Office does not make these decisions for the instructors. Usually, Erasmus students can get up to 5 ECTS per course. What you have to do in order to get credit depends on the instructor. At the end of the course, the instructor will fill out a course certificate (Schein) with your grade and ECTS.

Wie bekomme ich mein Transcript of Records (ToS)? / How do I get my transcript of records?

Wenn Sie alle Ihre Scheine erworben haben, können Sie sie einscannen und an das Erasmus-Büro schicken oder die Originale zum Erasmus-Büro bringen. Vergessen Sie nicht das "Transcript of Records" mit abzugeben.

Once you have all of your course certificates, you must send scans of them or bring the originals to the Erasmus Office together with this Transcript Form.

Muss ich den Prüfungsordnungen der Uni Münster folgen? / Do I have to follow the guidelines from the Uni Münster or follow course prerequisites?

Nein, das ist nur für Uni Münster-Studierende erforderlich. Als Erasmus-Studierende dürfen Sie alle Kurse des Institutes belegen, die Sie wollen. 

No, this is only for regular Uni Münster Students. As an Erasmus student, you are allowed to enroll in any course that our institute offers, provided you can speak the language of instruction. This also means that Bachelor students may enroll in Master-level courses.

Darf ich Lehrveranstaltungen von anderen Instituten belegen? / Am I allowed to enroll in courses from other departments, like Psychology?

In der Regel ist das die Entscheidung des/der Dozents/in, der/die die Lehrveranstaltung leitet.

This decision is up to the instructor and it is your responsibility to contact them.

Wie finde ich einen Wohnort? / How do I find an apartment?

Das Erasmus-Büro kann Ihnen leider keine Wohnungen vermitteln. Angebote finden Sie in regionalen Kleinanzeigen oder im Internet.

The Erasmus Office of the Institute for Educational Science cannot find apartments or rooms for you. You can find offers in regional newspapers or online.

Wie bekomme ich einen Praktikumsplatz? / How do I get an internship?

Das hängt davon ab, ob Sie ein Praktikum in einer Schule oder außerhalb der Schule machen möchten. Das Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft hat hierzu verschiedene Beratungsstellen. Das Erasmus-Büro kann Sie hierzu leider nicht beraten! Wenden Sie sich hierfür bitte an das Praktikumsbüro des Zentrums für Lehrerbildung (ZfL) der Uni Münster oder an das Praktikumsbüro des IfE

This greatly varies depending on if you want to conduct an internship in a school or outside of a school. The Institute has several offices to guide you. Our office does not have a list of internships and cannot assign you an internship placement. Please see the ZfL's Internship Office for schools  or the Institute's Internship Office for internships outside of schools. Please be aware that most internships require a working knowledge of German.