© Ryan Gilmour
  • 2024

    149. Probing the Origin of Affinity in the GM1-Cholera Toxin Complex through Site-selective Editing with Fluorine
    C. Jordan§, T. Hayashi§, A. Löbbert, J. Fan, C. S. Teschers, K. Siebold, M. Aufiero, F. Pape, E. Campbell, A. Axer, K. Bussmann, K. Bergander, J. Köhnke, A. D. Gossert and R. Gilmour, ACS Cent. Sci. 2024, 10, 1481–1489.

    Highlighted in ACS Central Science: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acscentsci.4c01206

    © Ryan Gilmour

    148. Regioselective Fluorination of Allenes Enabled by I(I)/I(III) Catalysis
    Z.-X. Wang, Y. Xu and R. Gilmour, Nature Communications 2024, 15, 5770.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    147. A Fluorinated Sialic Acid Vaccine Lead Against Meningitis B and C
    C. Jordan§, K. Siebold§, P. Priegue§, P. H. Seeberger and R. Gilmour, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 15366–15375.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    146. Regio- and Stereo-Selective Isomerization of Borylated 1,3-Dienes Enabled by Selective Energy Transfer Catalysis
    B. Kweon, L. Blank, J. Soika, A. Messara, C. G. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202404233.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    145. Catalytic Ring Expanding Difluorination: An Enantioselective Platform to Access β,β-Difluorinated Carbocycles
    L. Ruyet, C. Roblick, J. Häfliger, Z.-X. Wang, T. J. Stoffels, C. G. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202403957.

    © Ryan Gilmour
  • 2022

    133. Skeletal Ring Contractions via I(I)/I(III) Catalysis: Stereoselective Synthesis of cis-α,α-Difluorocyclopropanes
    K. Livingstone, K. Siebold, S. Meyer, V. Martín-Heras, C. G. Daniliuc, and R. Gilmour, ACS Catal. 2022, 12, 14507–14516.
    Open access

    © Ryan Gilmour

    132. Organophotocatalytic N–O Bond Cleavage of Weinreb Amides: Mechanism-Guided Evolution of a PET to ConPET Platform
    J. Soika, C. McLaughlin, T. Neveselý, C. G. Daniliuc, J. J. Molloy and R. Gilmour, ACS Catal. 2022, 12, 10047-10056.

    Previously ChemRxiv 2022, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-0fz0p
    Highlighted in Org. Proc. Res. Dev.: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.oprd.2c00309

    © Ryan Gilmour

    131. Cyclopropene Activation via I(I)/I(III) Catalysis: Proof of Principle and Application in Direct Tetrafluorination
    S. Meyer, L. Göbel, K. Livingstone, C. Roblick, C. G. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Tetrahedron 2022, 132925.
    open access
    Invited contribution for the special edition dedicated to Prof. Dr. F. Schoenebeck.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    130. Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Fluorinated Isochromans via Iodine(I)/Iodine(III) Catalysis
    J. Häfliger, O. O. Sokolova, M. Lenz, C. G. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, e202205277. DOI:10.1002/anie.202205277 and 10.1002/ange.202205277.
    Selected as HOT PAPER

    © Ryan Gilmour

    129. Regio- and Enantioselective Intermolecular Aminofluorination of Alkenes via Iodine(I)/Iodine(III) Catalysis
    M. Schäfer, T. Stünkel, C. G. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, e202205508. DOI numbers 10.1002/anie.202205508 and 10.1002/ange.202205508
    Selected as HOT PAPER

    Previously ChemRxiv 2022 DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-jnslk

    © Ryan Gilmour

    128. Advances in the E → Z Isomerization of Alkenes using Small Molecule Photocatalysts
    T. Neveselý, M. Wienhold, J. J. Molloy and R. Gilmour, Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 2650-2694.
    Invited contribution for the thematic issue Photochemical Catalytic Processes.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    127. Leveraging the n→π* Interaction in Alkene Isomerisation by Selective Energy Transfer Catalysis
    T. Neveselý, J. J. Molloy, C. McLaughlin, L. Brüss, C. G. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202113600.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    126. Leveraging fluorine (stereoelectronic) effects in catalysis in The Chemistry of Organofluorine Compounds
    J. Neufeld, K. Livingstone and R. Gilmour, in The Chemistry of Organofluorine Compounds, Patai´s Chemistry of Functional Groups (2022) (Eds. I. Marek, V. Gouverneur, M. Gandelman), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, Weinheim.

    © Ryan Gilmour
  • 2021

    125. Enantiodivergent Prenylation via Deconjugative Isomerization
    T. Morack, C. Onneken, H. Nakakohara, C. Mück-Lichtenfeld and R. Gilmour, ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 11929–11937.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    124. Illuminating Anti-Hydrozirconation: Controlled Geometric Isomerization of an Organometallic Species
    T. Hostmann, T. Nevesely and R. Gilmour, Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 10643 - 10648.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    123. Expanding Organofluorine Chemical Space: The Design of Chiral Fluorinated Isosteres Enabled by I(I)/I(III) Catalysis
    S. Meyer, J. Häfliger and R. Gilmour, Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 10686 - 10695
    Part of the themed collection 2021 Chemical Science HOT article Collection.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    122. An I(I)/I(III) Catalysis Route to the Heptafluoroisopropyl Group: A Privileged Module in Contemporary Agrochemistry
    V. Martín-Heras, C. G. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Synthesis 2021, 53, 4203-4212.
    Invited contribution for the special edition in honour of Prof. Sarah Reisman

    SYNTHESIS Best paper Award 2021

    © Ryan Gilmour

    121. Emerging Fluorinated Motifs: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications (book review)
    J. Neufeld and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 20592-20593.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    120. Difluorination of α-(bromomethyl)styrenes via I(I)/I(III) catalysis: facile access to electrophilic linchpins for drug discovery
    J. Häfliger, K. Livingstone, C. G. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 6148–6152.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    119. Trifluorinated Tetralins via I(I)/I(III)-Catalysed Ring Expansion: Programming Conformation by [CH2CH2] → [CF2CHF] Isosterism
    J. Neufeld, T. Stünkel, C. Mück-Lichtenfeld, C. G. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 13647-13651.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    118. Oligodendroglial Glycolipids in (Re) Myelination: Implications for Multiple Sclerosis Research
    L. Nowack, C. S. Teschers, S. Albrecht, R. Gilmour, Nat. Prod. Rep. 2021, 38, 890-904.
    DOI: 10.1039/D0NP00093K.
    Artwork featured on the front cover.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    117. A Chiral, Pentafluorinated Isopropyl Group via Iodine(I)/(III) Catalysis
    S. Meyer, J. Häfliger, M. Schäfer, J. J. Molloy, C. G. Daniliuc, and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 6430-6434.
    Highlighted in Synfacts: B. List, D. Díaz-Oviedo, Synfacts 2021, 17, 0443.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    116. Coumarins by Direct Annulation: β-Borylacrylates as Ambiphilic C3-Synthons
    M. Wienhold, J. J. Molloy, C. G. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 685-689.
    Highlighted in Synfacts: P. Knochel, D. Djukanovic, Synfacts 2020, 16, 1444.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    115. Enhancing Glycan Stability via Site-Selective Fluorination: Modulating Substrate Orientation by Molecular Design
    A. Axer, R. P. Jumde, S. Adam, A. Faust, M. Schäfers, M. Fobker, J. Koehnke, A. K. H. Hirsch and R. Gilmour, Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 1286-1294.
    First posted on Chemrxiv 2020, DOI:10.26434/chemrxiv.12656210.
    Highlighted as a "hot article" by Chemical Science.

    © Ryan Gilmour
  • 2019


    103. Light-Enabled Enantiodivergence: Stereospecific Reduction of Activated Alkenes using a Single Organocatalyst Enantiomer
    T. Hostmann, J. J. Molloy, K. Bussmann and R. Gilmour, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 10164-10168.


    102. Sequential Energy Transfer Catalysis: A Cascade Synthesis of Angularly-Fused Dihydrocoumarins
    T. Neveselý, C. G. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 9724-9728.


    101. Photocatalytic E→Z Isomerization of β-Ionyl Derivatives
    K. Livingstone, M. Tenberge, F. Pape, C. G. Daniliuc, C. Jamieson and R. Gilmour, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 9677-9680.


    100. Geometric E→Z Isomerisation of Vinyl Silanes by Selective Energy Transfer Catalysis: Stereodivergent Synthesis of Triarylethylenes via a Formal Anti-Metallometallation
    S. I. Faßbender, J. J. Molloy, C. Mück-Lichtenfeld and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 18792-18799; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 18619-18626.


    99. Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Tetrafluoropentanols: Multi-vicinal Fluorinated Alkane Units for Drug Discovery
    P. Bentler, N. Erdeljac, K. Bussmann, M. Ahlqvist, L. Knerr, K. Bergander, C. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 7741-7745.
    Artwork featured on the front cover


    98. Structural and Computational Analysis of 2-Halogeno-Glycosyl Cations in Superacid: An Expansive Platform
    L. Lebedel, A. Ardá, A. Martin, J. Désiré, A. Mingot, M. Aufiero, N. Aiguabella Font, R. Gilmour, J. Jiménez-Barbero, Y. Blériot, S. Thibaudeau, Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 13896-13900; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 13758-13762.


    97. Fluorinated Analogues of the HDAC Inhibitor Vorinostat (Zolinza®): Validation of a Chiral Hybrid Bioisostere (BITE)
    N. Erdeljac, K. Bussmann, A. Schöller, F. Hansen and R. Gilmour, ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 1336-1340.
    Artwork featured on the front cover


    96. Catalytic Vicinal Dichlorination of Unactivated Alkenes
    J. C. Sarie, J. Neufeld, C. G. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 7232-7237.
    Highlighted in C&E News "Dichlorination catalyst eschews chlorine gas"


    95. Willgerodt-type Dichloro(aryl)-λ3-Iodanes: A Structural Study
    J. C. Sarie, J. Neufeld, C. G. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Synthesis 2019, 51, 4408-4416.
    Invited Contribution for the special edition on halogenation (Ed. F. Schoenebeck)


    94. Positional and Geometrical Isomerisation of Alkenes: The Pinnacle of Atom Economy
    J. J. Molloy, T. Morack and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 13789-13800; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 13654-13664.


    93. Inverting Small Molecule-Protein Recognition by the Fluorine Gauche Effect: Selectivity Regulated by Multiple H → F Bioisosterism
    P. Bentler, K. Bergander, C. G. Daniliuc, C. Mück-Lichtenfeld, R. P. Jumde, A. K. H. Hirsch and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 11106-11110; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 10990-10994.


    92. Stereospecific α-Sialylation by Site-Selective Fluorination
    T. Hayashi, G. Kehr, K. Bergander and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 3854-3858; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 3814-3818.


    91. Bioinspired Radical Stetter Reaction: Radical Umpolung Enabled by Ion-Pair Photocatalysis
    T. Morack, C. Mück-Lichtenfeld and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 1221-1225; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 1208-1212.
    Artwork featured on the front cover
    Highlighted in Angewandte Chemie: X. -Yu Chen, D. Enders, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, DOI:


    90. Flavins in Photochemistry
    J. B. Metternich, R. J. Mudd and R. Gilmour, Science of Synthesis: Photocatalysis in Organic Synthesis, 2019, 391-404.
    Invited Contribution for the special Science of Synthesis Reference Library: Photocatalysis in Organic Synthesis (Ed. B. König)




  • 2018





    89. A Catalytic Geminal Difluorination of Styrenes for the Construction of Fluorine-Rich Bioisosteres
    F. Scheidt, J. Neufeld, M. Schäfer, C. Thiehoff and R. Gilmour, Org. Lett. 201820, 8073–8076.




    88. Enantioselective, Catalytic Vicinal Difluorination of Alkenes
    F. Scheidt, M. Schäfer, J. C. Sarie, C. G. Daniliuc, J. J. Molloy and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2018, 130, 16669-16673; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 16431-16435.
    Highlighted in Synfacts: B. List, D. Diaz-Oviedo, Synfacts 2018, 14, 1299.


    87. Exploring Physicochemical Space via a Bioisostere of the Trifluoromethyl and Ethyl Groups (BITE): Attenuating Lipophilicity in Fluorinated Analogues of Gilenya® for Multiple Sclerosis
    N. Erdeljac, G. Kehr, M. Ahlqvist, L. Knerr and R. Gilmour, Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 12002-12005.
    Invited Contribution for the special edition "Organofluorine Chemistry"


    86. Re-Engineering Chemical Glycosylation: Direct, Metal-Free Anomeric O-Arylation of Unactivated Carbohydrates
    N. Lucchetti and R. Gilmour, Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 16266-16270.


    85. Informing Molecular Design by Stereoelectronic Theory: The Fluorine Gauche Effect in Catalysis
    M. Aufiero and R. Gilmour, Acc. Chem. Res. 2018, 51, 1701-1710.


    84. Stereocontrolled Synthesis of 2-Fluorinated C-Glycosides
    A. Sadurni and R. Gilmour, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2018, 3684-3687.
    Invited Contribution for the special edition "Organofluorine Chemistry in Europe" Open Access


    83. Fluorocyclisation via I(I)/I(III) Catalysis: A Concise Route to Fluorinated Oxazolines
    F. Scheidt, C. Thiehoff, G. Yilmaz, S. Meyer, C. G. Daniliuc, G. Kehr and R. Gilmour, Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 1021-1027.
    Invited Contribution for the special edition on Hypervalent Iodine Chemistry (Ed. T. Wirth) Open Access
    Highlighted in ChemViews Magazine (www.chemistryviews.org)


    82. Facial Recognition for Molecules
    T. Morack and R. Gilmour, Nature 2018, 556, 438-439.


    81. Conformational Control Enabled by the Fluorine Gauche Effect in a Model of the β2-AR Agonist Salbutamol (VentolinTM)
    C. S. Teschers, C. G. Daniliuc, G. Kehr and R. Gilmour, J. Fluorine Chem. 2018, doi.org/10.1016/j.jfluchem.2018.02.007.
    Invited Contribution for the special edition in memory of Prof. George Olah
    80. Vitamin Catalysis: Direct, Photocatalytic Synthesis of Benzocoumarins via (–)-Riboflavin-Mediated Electron Transfer
    T. Morack, J. B. Metternich and R. Gilmour, Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 1316-1319.



    79. Covalent Immobilization of (–)-Riboflavin on Polymer Functionalized Silica Particles: Application in the Photocatalytic E→Z Isomerization of Polarized Alkenes
    J. B. Metternich, S. Sagebiel, A. Lückener, S. Lamping, B. J. Ravoo and R. Gilmour, Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 4228-4233.
    Selected as a "Hot Paper"!



    78. Contra-Thermodynamic, Photocatalytic E→Z Isomerization of Styrenyl Boron Species: Vectors to Facilitate Exploration of 2D Chemical Space
    J. J. Molloy, J. B. Metternich, C. G. Daniliuc, A. J. B. Watson and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2018, 130, 3222-3226; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 3168-3172.
    "Highlight:  Flipping from E- to Z-alkenes: Light-catalyzed reaction offers easy access to Z-isomer cross-coupling partners"
    T. Nguyem, C&E News, 2018, 96, 7. (https://cen.acs.org/articles/96/i10/Flipping-EZ-alkenes.html)


    77. Single Site Fluorination of the GM4 Ganglioside Epitope Upregulates Oligodendrocyte Differentiation
    T. J. Kieser, N. Santschi, L. Nowack, G. Kehr, T. Kuhlmann, S. Albrecht and R. Gilmour, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2018, 9, 1159-1165.


    76. Spatiotemporal Control of Pre-Existing Alkene Geometry: A Bio-Inspired Route to 4-Trifluoromethyl-2H-Chromenes
    S. Faßbender, J. B. Metternich and R. Gilmour, Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 724-727.


    75. Fluorine-Directed Glycosylation Enables the Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Selective SGLT2 Inhibitors for Type II Diabetes
    A. Sadurni, G. Kehr, M. Ahlqvist, J. Wernevik, H. Peilot Sjögren, C. Kankkonen, L. Knerr and R. Gilmour, Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 2832-2836.
    Artwork featured on the front cover
    Selected as a "Hot Paper"!




    74. Harnessing the Maltodextrin Transport Mechanism for Targeted Bacterial Imaging: Structural Requirements for Improved in vivo Stability in Tracer Design
    A. Axer, S. Hermann, G. Kehr, D. Clases, U. Karst, L. Fischer-Riepe, J. Roth, M. Fobker, M. Schäfers, A. Faust* and R. Gilmour*, ChemMedChem 2018, 13, 241-250.
    Included in the ChemMedChem Virtual Issue on Antibacterials, available at bit.ly/cmdcantibac18
    Artwork featured on the front cover


  • 2017

    73. Lewis Base Catalysis in Organic Synthesis. 3 Volume Set. Edited by Edwin Vedejs and Scott E. Denmark (book review)
    M. Aufiero, R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 12045.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    72. Deconstructing the Catalytic, Vicinal Difluorination of Alkenes: HF-Free Synthesis and Structural Study of p-TolIF2

    Jérôme C. Sarie, Christian Thiehoff, Richard J. Mudd, Constantin G. Daniliuc, Gerald Kehr and Ryan Gilmour, J. Org. Chem. 2017, 82, 11792–11798.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    71. Photocatalytic E → Z Isomerization of Polarized Alkenes Inspired by the Visual Cycle: Mechanistic Dichotomy and Origin of Selectivity

    Jan B. Metternich, Denis G. Artiukhin, Mareike C. Holland, Maximilian von Bremen-Kühne, Johannes Neugebauer and Ryan Gilmour, J. Org. Chem. 2017, 82, 9955–9977.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    70. The Fluorine Gauche Effect: A Brief History
    C. Thiehoff, Y. P. Rey, R. Gilmour, Isr. J. Chem. 2017, 57, 92-100.
    Invited for the "Rosarium Philosophorum on Structural Chemistry", in honour of Prof. Dr. Jack D. Dunitz FRS. Open Access

    © Ryan Gilmour

    69. Quantitative Profiling of the Heavy Atom Effect in BODIPY Dyes: Correlating Initial Rates, Atomic Numbers and 1O2 Quantum Yields
    Y. P. Rey, D. G. Abradelo, N. Santschi, C. A. Strassert and R. Gilmour, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2017, accepted for publication.
    Invited contribution for the special edition on photocatalysis

    © Ryan Gilmour

    68. Emulating Natural Product Conformation by Cooperative, Non-Covalent Fluorine Interactions
    F. Scheidt, P. Selter, N. Santschi, M. C. Holland, D. V. Dudenko, C. Daniliuc, C. Mück-Lichtenfeld, M. R. Hansen and R. Gilmour, Chem. Eur. J. 2017, accepted for publication.
    Invited contribution for the special edition SFB 858 Münster "Synergistic Effects in Chemistry"

    © Ryan Gilmour
  • 2016

    67. Photocatalytic E → Z Isomerization of Alkenes
    J. B. Metternich and R. Gilmour, Synlett 2016, 27, 2541-2552.
     Invited perspective 
    Isomerisation Synlett


    66. Catalytic, Vicinal Difluorination of Olefins: Creating a Hybrid, Chiral Bioisostere of the Trifluoromethyl and Ethyl Groups
    I. G. Molnár, C. Thiehoff, M. C. Holland and R. Gilmour, ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 7167–7173. 
    Invited contribution


    65. The Sulfur-Fluorine Gauche Effect in Coinage Metal Complexes: Augmenting Conformational Equilibria by Complexation
    N. Santschi, C. Thiehoff, M. C. Holland, C. G. Daniliuc, K. N. Houk and R. Gilmour, 
    Organometallics 2016, 35, 3040–3044




    64. Catalytic Difluorination of Olefins
    I. G. Molnár and R. Gilmour, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 5004–5007.
    This article is featured in JACS spotlight!
    This work is highlighted in ACS C&E News




    63. A “One Photocatalyst, n Activation Modes” Strategy for Cascade Catalysis: Emulating Coumarin Biosynthesis with (–)-Riboflavin
    J. B. Metternich and R. Gilmour, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 1040–1045.
    "This article is featured in JACS spotlight!"
    "Artwork featured on the front cover"

    This work is highlighted in ACS C&E News
    "Highlighted in Synfacts issue 04/2016"


    62. Importance of Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding for the Stereochemical Control of  Allene-Enone (3+2) Annulations Catalyzed by a Bifunctional, Amino Acid Derived Phosphine Catalyst
    M. C. Holland, R. Gilmour and K. N. Houk, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 128, 2062-2067.


    61. Fluorine-Directed 1,2-trans Glycosylation of Rare Sugars
    N. Aiguabella, M. C. Holland and R. Gilmour, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2016, 14, 5534-5538.
    Invited contribution for the special New Talent Themed Edition.
    Rare Sugars-2


    60. The Influence of Electronic Perturbations on the Sulfur-Fluorine Gauche Effect
    C. Thiehoff, L. Schifferer, C. G. Daniliuc, N. Santschi and R. Gilmour, J. Fluorine Chem. 2016, 182, 121-126.


    59. Organocatalysis Intermediates as Platforms to Study Non-Covalent Interactions: Integrating Fluorine Gauche Effects in Iminium Systems to Facilitate Acyclic Conformational Control
    I. G. Molnár, M. C. Holland, C. Daniliuc, K. N. Houk and R. Gilmour, Synlett 2016, 27, 1051–1055.
    Invited contribution for the Special Cluster Edition on Non-covalent interacts in Catalysis.Puistvan


  • 2015

    58. A Bio-Inspired, Catalytic E→Z Isomerization of Activated Olefins

    J. B. Metternich and R. Gilmour, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 11254-11257.
    This work is highlighted in ACS C&E News (http://cen.acs.org/articles/93/i36/Easier-Way-E-Z.html?type=paidArticleContent)
    Royal Society of Chemistry "Chemistry World" (http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/2015/09/riboflavin-catalysed-alkene-isomerisation)
    Research in Germany (
    Informationsdienst Wissenschaft in German and English (
    WWU Press release (

    Highlighted by the ACS as "molecule of the week" (http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/molecule-of-the-week/archive/r/riboflavin.html?cid=home_motw)
    Rf 1_


    57. Medium Ring Effects on the endo/exo Selectivity of the Organocatalytic Intramolecular Diels-Alder Reaction
    J. F. Hooper, N. C. James, E. Bozkurt, V. Aviyente, J. M. White, M. C. Holland, R. Gilmour, A. B. Holmes and K. N. Houk, J. Org. Chem. 2015, 80, 12058-12075.


    56. Translating the Enantioselective Michael Reaction to a Continuous Flow Paradigm with an Immobilized, Fluorinated Organocatalyst

    I. Sagamanova, C. Rodríguez-Escrich, I. G. Molnár, S. Sayalero, R. Gilmour* and M. A. Pericàs*, ACS Catalysis 2015, 5, 6241-6248.
    Immobilised Catalyst


    55. A Comparative Analysis of Fluorine-Directed Glycosylation Selectivity:
    Interrogating C2 [OH
    F] Substitution in D-Glucose and D-Galactose

    N. Santschi and R. Gilmour, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 32, 6983-6987.
    "Artwork featured on the front cover"
    Oh To F Ejoc1


    54. Synthesis of 2-[18F]Fluoro-2-deoxy-isosorbide-5-mononitrate and Assessment of its in vivo Biodistribution as Determined by Dynamic Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
    N. Santschi, S. Wagner, C. Daniliuc, S. Hermann, M. Schäfers and R. Gilmour, ChemMedChem 2015, 1724-1732.


    53. Delineating the Physical Organic Profile of the 6-Fluoro Glycosyl Donor
    N. Santschi, N. Aiguabella, V. Lewe and R. Gilmour, J. Fluorine Chem. 2015, 96-101.
    Invited contribution for the special edition in honour of Prof. V. Gouverneur.


    52. Angewandte Chemie Author Profile
    R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 11012.
    Author Profile


    51. Can Acyclic Conformational Control be Achieved via a Sulfur-Fluorine Gauche Effect?
    C. Thiehoff, M. C. Holland, C. Daniliuc, K. N. Houk and R. Gilmour, Chem. Sci. 2015, 6, 3565-3571.


    50. Aromatic Interactions in Organocatalyst Design: Augmenting Selectivity Reversal in Iminium Ion Activation
    M. C. Holland, J. B. Metternich, C. Daniliuc, W. B. Schweizer and R. Gilmour, Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21. 10031-10038.

    "Artwork featured on the front cover"
    Selected as a Hot Paper. Featured on the journal Facebook page.


    49. A Janus Cyclohexane Ring
    N. Santschi and R. Gilmour, Nature Chemistry, 2015, 7, 467-468. (News and Views).


    48. Stereochemical Bias Introduced During RNA Synthesis Modulates the Activity of Phosphorothioate siRNAs

    H. Jahns, M. Roos, J. Imig, F. Baumann, Y. Wang, R. Gilmour and J. Hall, Nature Communications, 2015, 6:6317 doi:10.1038/ncomms7317.


    47. Deconstructing Covalent Organocatalysis Reactions
    M. C. Holland and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2015, 127, 3934-3943; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 3862-3871.


    46. Cation-π Interactions in Iminium Ion Activation: Correlating Quadrupole Moment & Enantioselectivity
    M. C. Holland, J. B. Metternich, C. Mück-Lichtenfeld and R. Gilmour, Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 5322-5325.

    "Invited for the Emerging Investigators Issue 2015"
    "Artwork featured on the front cover"


    45. Adsorption and Stability of Chiral Modifiers based on 1-(1-naphthyl)-ethylamine for Pt Catalysed Heterogeneous  Asymmetric Hydrogenations
    F. Meemken, T. Steiger, M. Holland, R. Gilmour, K. Hungerbühler and A. Baiker, Catal. Sci. Technol. 2015, 5, 705-715.


    44. Chiral Imidazolidinone and Proline-Derived Surface Modifiers for the Pt-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Activated Ketones
    M. Holland, F. Meemken, A. Baiker and R. Gilmour, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 2015, 396, 335-345.


  • 2014

    43. The (not so) Ephemeral Trifluoromethanide Anion
    N. Santschi and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 11414-11415.


    42. Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation (IRMPD) Spectroscopic Analysis of Non-Covalent Interactions in Organocatalysis
    M. C. Holland, G. Berden, J. Oomens, A. J. H. M. Meijer, M. Schäfer and R. Gilmour,
    Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 26, 5675-5680.


    41. Chimia "Fluorine Chemistry": Editorial
    D. Seebach and R. Gilmour, Chimia 2014, 345.


    40. Molecular Design Exploiting a Fluorine Gauche Effect as a Stereoelectronic Trigger
    Y. P. Rey, L. E. Zimmer, C. Sparr, E.-M. Tanzer, W. B. Schweizer, H. M. Senn, S. Lakhdar and R. Gilmour, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 1202-1211.


    39. Enantioselective Aziridination of Cyclic Enals Facilitated by the Fluorine-Iminium Ion Gauche Effect
    I. G. Molnar, E.-M. Tanzer, C. Daniliuc and R. Gilmour, Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 794-800.


    38. The Fluorine Gauche Effect in Molecular Design: A Personal Perspective
    Y. P. Rey and R. Gilmour, Seminars in Organic Synthesis (book chapter), 2014, 90-98.
    Book Chapter



  • 2013


    37. Modulating NHC Catalysis with Fluorine
    Y. Rey and R. Gilmour, Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2013, 9, 2812-2820
    *Organofluorine Themed Edition
    36. Non-Covalent Interactions in Organocatalysis: Modulating Conformational Diversity and Reactivity in the MacMillan Catalyst.
    M. C. Holland, S. Paul, W. B. Schweizer, K. Bergander, C. Mück-Lichtenfeld, S. Lakhdar, H. Mayr and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2013, 125, 8125-8129; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 7967-7971.
    35. The Fluorine-NHC Gauche Effect: A Structural and Computational Study.
    S. Paul, W. B. Schweizer, G. Rugg, H. M. Senn and R. Gilmour, Tetrahedron 2013, 69, 5647-5659.
    34. Happy 90th Birthday: Professor Jack David Dunitz FRS, the Professor's Professor.
    W. B. Schweizer and R. Gilmour, Helv. Chim. Acta 2013, 96, 539-544.


  • 2012

    33. Fluorinated Organocatalysts for the Enantioselective Epoxidation of Enals: Molecular Pre-organisation by the Fluorine-Iminium Ion Gauche Effect.
    E.-M. Tanzer, L. E. Zimmer, W. B. Schweizer and R. Gilmour, Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 11334.
    Selected as a VIP Paper by the referees.
    32. Exploiting Fluorine Conformational Effects in Organocatalyst Design:The Fluorine-Iminium Ion Gauche Effect.
    C. Sparr, L. E. Zimmer and R. Gilmour, (2011) in Asymmetric Syntheses. More Methods and Applications (Eds. S. Bräse and M. Christmann), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, Weinheim, 117-124.
    31. Fluorine-Directed β-Galactosylation: Chemical Glycosylation Development by Molecular Editing.
    E. Durantie, C. Bucher and R. Gilmour, Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 8208.
    30. Fluorinated Cinchona Alkaloids in Phase Transfer Catalysis: Controlling Internal Rotation by a Fluorine-Ammonium Ion Gauche Effect (ØNCCF).
    E.-M. Tanzer and R. Gilmour, Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 2006.
    29. Fundamental Insights into the Enantioselectivity of Hydrogenations on Cinchona-Modified Platinum and Palladium.
    E. Schmidt, C. Bucher, G. Santarossa, T. Mallat, R. Gilmour and A. Baiker, J. Catal. 2012, 289, 238.
    28. d,l-Ribose Crystal Structures: the Glass-Crystal Transformation.
    G. Zandomeneghi,* W. B. Schweizer,* R. Gilmour,* B. H. Meier,* and J. D. Dunitz,*Helv. Chim. Acta (D. Seebach 75th Birthday Edition) 2012, 95, 1687.


    27. The YFM 2012 – Emerging Research and Established Needs: Fund Raising, Publishing and Career Advancement.
    B. Winter-Werner, F. Schoenebeck and R. Gilmour, Chimia 2012, 66, 717.


  • 2011


    26. Fluorine Conformational Effects in Organocatalysis: An Emerging Strategy for Molecular Design.
    L. E. Zimmer, C. Sparr and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2011, 123, 12062; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 11860.
    25. Cyclopropyl Iminium Activation: Reactivity Umpolung in Enantioselective Organocatalytic Reaction Design.
    C. Sparr and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2011, 123, 8541-8545; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 8391-8395. Selected as a Hot Paper  by Angewandte Chemie.
    24. Theoretical and X-ray Crystallographic Evidence of a Fluorine-Imine Gauche Effect: An Addendum to Dunathan’s Stereoelectronic Hypothesis.
    C. Sparr, E. Salamanova, W. B. Schweizer, H. M. Senn and R. Gilmour, Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 8850.
    23. The 46th EUCHEM Conference on Stereochemistry (Bürgenstock Conference 2011).
    L. J. Prins and R. Gilmour, Chimia, 2011, 65, 612.
    22. Homage to Vladimir Prelog.
    R. Gilmour, Chemistry World 2011, (book review).
    21. Steering Glycosylation with the C-F Bond.
    C. Bucher and R. Gilmour, Synlett 2011, 1043.
    20. A Modular Synthesis of Fluorinated, Chiral Polar Lipids.
    C. Bucher and R. Gilmour, Synthesis 2011, 549.


  • 2010

    19. A Novel Fluorinated Au(I) N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complex: Exploiting Fluorine Stereoelectronic Effects to Control Molecular Topology.
    S. Paul, W. B. Schweizer, M.-O. Ebert, and R. Gilmour, Organometallics 2010, 29, 4424.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    18. Fluorine-Directed Glycosylation.
    C. Bucher and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2010, 122, 8906; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 8724.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    17. Fluoro-Organocatalysts: Conformer Equivalents as a Tool for Mechanistic Studies.
    C. Sparr and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2010, 122, 6670; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 6520.
    Selected as a Hot Paper by Angewandte Chemie.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    16. A Novel Class of Fluorinated Cinchona Alkaloids as Surface Modifiers for the Heterogeneous Platinum-Catalysed Enantioselective Hydrogenation of α-Ketoesters.
    C. Bucher, C. Mondelli, A. Baiker and R. Gilmour, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 2010, 327, 87.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    15. The Crystal Structure of D-Ribose – At Last!
    D. Šišak, L. B. McCusker, G. Zandomeneghi, B. Meier, D. Bläser, R. Boese, W. B. Schweizer, R. Gilmour and J. D. Dunitz, Angew. Chem. 2010, 122, 4605; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 4503.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    14. Stereochemical Models for Discussing Additions to α,β-Unsaturated Aldehydes Organocatalysed by Diarylprolinol or Imidazolidinone Derivatives – is there an E/Z-Dilemma?
    D. Seebach,* R. Gilmour,* U. Grošelj, G. Deniau, C. Sparr, M.-O. Ebert and A. K. Beck, Helv. Chim. Acta 2010, 93, 603.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    13. A Synthesis of (S)-2-(Fluorodiphenylmethyl)-Pyrrolidine: A Novel Organocatalyst for the Stereoselective Epoxidation of α,β-Unsaturated Aldehydes.
    C. Sparr, E.-M. Tanzer, J. Bachmann and R. Gilmour, Synthesis 2010, 1394.

    © Ryan Gilmour
  • 2009

    12. Fluorinated Quinine Alkaloids: Synthesis, X-ray Structure Analysis and Anti- Malarial Parasite Chemotherapy.
    C. Bucher, C. Sparr, W. B. Schweizer and R. Gilmour, Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 7637.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    11. The Fluorine-Iminium Ion Gauche Effect: Proof of Principle and Application to Asymmetric Organocatalysis.
    C. Sparr, W. B. Schweizer, H. M. Senn and R. Gilmour, Angew. Chem. 2009, 121, 3111; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3065.

    © Ryan Gilmour

    10. Total Syntheses of Amphidinolides B1, B4, G1, H1 and Structural Revision of Amphidinolide H2.
    A. Fürstner, L. C. Bouchez, L. Morency, J.-A. Funel, V. Liepins, F.-H. Poree, R. Gilmour, D. Laurich, F. Beaufils and M. Tamiya, Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 3983.

    9. The Handbook of Chemical Glycosylation: Advances in Stereoselectivity and Therapeutic Relevance.
    R. Gilmour and P. H. Seeberger, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 11241.

    8. Fast and Efficient Radical Based-Reduction and Hydrosilylation Reactions in a Microreactor Using Tris(Trimethylsilyl)silane.
    A. Odedra, K. Geyer, T. Gustafsson, R. Gilmour and P. H. Seeberger, Chem. Commun. 2008, 3025.

    7. Fluorination Reactions made Safe by Microreactors.
    T. Gustaffson, R. Gilmour and P. H. Seeberger, Chem. Commun. 2008, 3022.

    6. The Development of a High-Throughput, Microarray-Based Synthesis of Natural Product Analogues via in Vitro Pathway Construction.
    R. Gilmour and P. H. Seeberger, ChemTracts-Organic Chemistry 2007, 191.

    5. Structural Diversity in Imidazolidinone Organocatalysts: A Synchrotron and Computational Study.
    J. C. Burley, R. Gilmour, T. J. Prior and G. M. Day, Acta Cryst. 2008, C64, o10.

    4. The Total Synthesis of Amphidinolide H and G.
    A. Fürstner, L. C. Bouchez, J. -A. Funel, V. Liepins, F.–H. Porée, R. Gilmour, F. Beaufils, D. Laurich and M. Tamiya, Angew. Chem. 2007, 119, 9425; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 9265.

    3. An Organocatalytic Approach to the Core of Eunicellin.
    R. Gilmour, T. J. Prior, J. W. Burton and A. B. Holmes, Chem. Commun. 2007, 3954.

    2. The Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Eunicellin Analogues.
    J. E. P. Davidson, R. Gilmour, S. Ducki, J. E. Davies, R. Green, J. W. Burton and A. B. Holmes, Synlett 2004, 8, 1434.

    1. Synthetic Studies Related to Diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) Pigments. Part 1: The Search for Alkenyl DPPs. Unsaturated Nitriles in Standard DPP Syntheses: A Novel Cyclopenta[c]pyrrolone Chromophore.
    J. H. Morton, R. Gilmour, D. M. Smith, P. Lightfoot, A. M. Z. Slawin, and E. J. MacLean, Tetrahedron 2002, 58, 5547.