We will advance multiphoton fluorescence microscopy by developing a compact optical motion compensation module that will actively compensate tissue motion during intravital imaging, for instance due to heart beat (8 Hz), breathing (3 Hz, in mm-range) or peristaltic movement of the gut in mice. The module will be comprised of a high-speed deformable mirror and optics to facilitate extended focus optical coherence tomography (xfOCT). Three-dimensional xfOCT data will be processed in real time and, in combination with novel mathematical methods that track and predict tissue deformation, these will be used to track and image inflammatory processes with cellular resolution.
The names of the principal investigators in our network have been bolded. Publications released prior to 2021, when funding for our network commenced, represent previous project-related work.
Wen J, Pilger C, Wang W, Erapaneedi R, Xiu H, Fan Y, Hu X, Huser T, Kiefer F, Wei X, Yang Z. Watt-level all polarization-maintaining femtosecond fiber laser source at 1100 nm. Opt. Express 2024;32: 9625. Abstract
Guastini M, Rajković M, Rumpf M, Wirth B. The Variational Approach to the Flow of Sobolev-Diffeomorphisms Model. Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision 2023: 551-564. Abstract
Kong C, Pilger C, Kunisch M, Förster C, Schulte am Esch J, Huser T. Hyperspectral Coherent Raman Scattering (CRS) Microscopy Based on a Rapidly Tunable and Environmentally Stable Fiber Laser. Laser & Photonics Reviews 2023;17Abstract
Ortkrass H, Schürstedt J, Wiebusch G, Szafranska K, McCourt P, Huser T. High-speed TIRF and 2D super-resolution structured illumination microscopy with a large field of view based on fiber optic components. Opt Express 2023;31: 29156-29165. Abstract
Sandmeyer A, Wang L, Hübner W, Müller M, Chen BK, Huser T. Cost-effective high-speed, three-dimensional live-cell imaging of HIV-1 transfer at the T cell virological synapse. iScience 2022;25: 105468. Abstract
Striewski P, Wirth B. Elastic 3D–2D Image Registration. J Math Imaging Vis 2022;64: 443-462. Abstract
Effland A, Heeren B, Rumpf M, Wirth B. Consistent curvature approximation on Riemannian shape spaces 2021;42: 78-106. Abstract
Hardering H, Wirth B. Quartic Lp-convergence of cubic Riemannian splines. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 2021Abstract
Kong C, Bobe S, Pilger C, Lachetta M, Øie CI, Kirschnick N, Mönkemöller V, Hübner W, Förster C, Schüttpelz M, Kiefer F, Huser T, Schulte Am Esch J. Multiscale and Multimodal Optical Imaging of the Ultrastructure of Human Liver Biopsies. Front Physiol 2021;12: 637136. Abstract
Sandmeyer A, Lachetta M, Sandmeyer H, Hübner W, Huser T, Müller M. Cost-Effective Live Cell Structured Illumination Microscopy with Video-Rate Imaging. ACS Photonics 2021;8: 1639-1648. Abstract
Heeren B, Rumpf M, Wirth B. Variational time discretization of Riemannian splines. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 2019;39: 61–104. Abstract
Markwirth A, Lachetta M, Mönkemöller V, Heintzmann R, Hübner W, Huser T, Müller M. Video-rate multi-color structured illumination microscopy with simultaneous real-time reconstruction. Nat Commun 2019;10: 4315. Abstract
Berkels B, Wirth B. Joint denoising and distortion correction of atomic scale scanning transmission electron microscopy images. Inverse Problems 2017;33: 095002. Abstract
Song J, Zhang X, Buscher K, Wang Y, Wang H, Di Russo J, Li L, Lütke-Enking S, Zarbock A, Stadtmann A, Striewski P, Wirth B, Kuzmanov I, Wiendl H, Schulte D, Vestweber D, Sorokin L. Endothelial Basement Membrane Laminin 511 Contributes to Endothelial Junctional Tightness and Thereby Inhibits Leukocyte Transmigration. Cell Rep 2017;18: 1256-1269. Abstract