The Information Technology Unit 4 - Natural Sciences (in short NWZ) is responsible for the Faculties of Physics, Chemistry including Pharmacology and Biology as decentralized IT service unit besides the central IT services of the ZIV.
The services offered by the NWZ include the operation of server and storage infrastructures as well as the provision various software packages to provide the following IT services:
What is the IVVNWZ?
The ComputerLabs (ComLab) are public computer rooms, which can be used by all students and employees of the 4 faculties mentioned above. The ComLabs are equipped with personal computers (PC) which all have access to the internet and provide all services offered by the NWZ.
A list of ComputerLabs in each Faculty can be found here
Faculty of Biology (Free printing for Faculty members at the ComLabs in Schlossplatz 4: just bring your own paper)NWZ@Home
The IVVNWZ services can also be used from any computer outside the University with the nwzCitrix terminal server, which allows to use the software available in the NWZ.
To get access to files and folders located in your personal network drive or a group disk drive, please click here.
Using Imagine- and VMAP programs, you can install Microsoft and VMware software on your private computer, respecting the corresponding license terms.
Additionally the WWU IT provides a free of charge professional anti-virus protection software which can be used on all private computers.Software
The NWZ currently offers more than 90 different program packages and are accessible by default on all NWZ computers and ComputerLab PCs.
The list of available software packages can be found here.
To use the available software on your private computer, please use the terminal server nwzCitrix.Data Storage in the NWZ
The NWZ provides personal disk space in a private virtual drive for each user. This disk space is referred as “Homeverzeichnis” or “I:-Laufwerk” (home directory or I:-drive). The available capacity is 10GB by default, but can be upgraded to 250GB free of charge.
Each Faculty workgroup has its own disk space with a so-called “Gruppenverzeichnis/Gruppenplatte” (group drive) with access for all members of the corresponding workgroup. The capacity of these drives is 200GB by default, but it can also be extended.
Data in both the personal drive and the group directory are regularly stored to several backup servers to provide a maximum of data safety. Do not store important data locally on NWZ PCs!NWZ Serverhosting and Serverhousing
The NWZ offers two kinds of server services:
Supply with virtual machine on the virtualization cluster of NWZ (server hosting)
Deposition of own server systems in the server rooms of NZW (server housing).
More information can be found here.Scientific Computing
“Scientific Computing” is the implementation of scientific computations using high-performance server systems. Large scale calculations can be performed using the so-called “GRID-computing system Morfeus”which distributes calculations to free capacities of non-used NWZ computers.
Furthermore, the ZIV also operates other high-performance server systems: the supercomputer nwzPHI, the "small" parallel computer cluster ZIVHPC, and the parallel computer PALMA II.
The NWZ offers a weekly colloquium in which members of the NWZ as well as experts from the involved institutes and invited guests present aspects of IT work.