Conference at the University of Münster (9-13 September 2024): Probability, Dynamics and the Geometry of Groups
Conference at the University of Münster (20-24 June 2022) : Quantum Many Body Systems and Interacting Particles: In honor of Herbert Spohn
Conference at the University of Münster (August 26-30, 2019) : Dynamics, Random Media and Universality of Complex Physical Systems
Conference at Weierstrass Institute/ TU Berlin (15-19 August, 2016): Conference celebrating the 75th birthday of SRSVaradhan
Conference at Max-Planck Institute/ University of Leipzig (September 7-12, 2009): Fall school in Statistical Mechnics and PhD students conference in Probability
WS 2024/ 25 Stochastic Analysis Masterseminar: Convergence of Markov Processes SS 2024 Bachelor seminar: Random Interlacements and Master seminar: Probability and Dynamics WS 2023/24 Probability Theory II Seminar: Point processes, geometry and percolation SS 2023 probability theory Master's seminar on probability theory WS 2022/23
SS 2022 Probability Theory on Trees and Groups Master's seminar on probability theory SS 2021 Gaussian Free Field and Liouville Quantum Gravity Master's seminar on probability theory winter semester 2020/21 Probability Theory on Trees and Networks SS 2020 Master's seminar on probability theory WS 2019-20 Probability Theory II Master Seminar: Hyperbolic Geometry SS 2019 Bachelor seminar on Machine Learning WS 2018-19 financial mathematics SS 2018 Master Seminar on High-Dimensional Probability Theory and Large Deviations WS 2017-18 Stochastic Analysis SS 2017 Bachelor seminar on stochastics Publications and Preprints
Randomized Geodesic Flow on Hyperbolic Groups (joint work with Luzie Kupffer and Mahan Mj), arxiv: 2411.14350
Coarse Embeddability, L^1-Compression and Percolations on General Graphs (joint work with Konstantin Recke ), arxiv: 2406.04222
Self-Repellent Brownian Bridges in an Interacting Bose Gas (joint work with Erwin Bolthausen and Wolfgang König ), arxiv: 2405.08753
Additive-Multiplicative Stochastic heat equations, stationary solutionarxiv: s, and Cauchy statistics (joint work with Alex Dunlap ), arxiv: 2402.02907
Effective mass of the Fröhlich Polaron and the Landau-Pekar-Spohn conjecture (joint work with Rodrigo Bazaes , Mark Sellke and SRS Varadhan ), arxiv: 2307.13058
Haagerup property and group-invariant percolation (joint work with Konstantin Recke ), arXiv: 2303.17429
Positive and negative moments for directed polymers in random environments in weak disorder (joint work with Rodrigo Bazaes ), arXiv: 2212.06029
- Schur Multipliers of C^*-algebras, group-invariant compactification and applications to amenability and percolation (joint work with Konstantin Recke ), (to appear in Journal of Functional Analysis ) arXiv: 2211.11411
- Subcritical Gaussian multiplicative chaos in the Wiener space: construction, moments and volume decay (joint work with Rodrigo Bazaes and Isabel Lammers), arxiv: 2211.08996, (to appear in Probability Theory and Related Fields)
- Stochastic homogenization for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations on continuum percolation clusters (joint work with Rodrigo Bazaes and Alexander Mielke), arxiv: 2208.07269
- The effect of disorder on quenched and averaged large deviations for random walks in random environments: boundary behavior. (joint work with Rodrigo Bazaes, Alejandro Ramírez and Santiago Saglietti), (Stochastic Processes and Applications, 158, 208-237 (2023)), arXiv: 2101.04606
- Geometry of the Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos in the Wiener Space (joint work with Yannic Bröker), arXiv: 2008.04290
- Commutative Diagram of the Gross-Pitaevskii Approximation. (joint work with Stefan Adams), arXiv: 1911.09635
- On Null-homology and stationary sequences. (joint work with Gerold Alsmeyer), (Journal of Theoretical Probability, 36 , 2476-2500 (2023)), arXiv: 1910.07378
- Quenched and averaged large deviation rate functions for random walks in random environments: the impact of disorder (joint work with Rodrigo Bazaes, Alejandro Ramírez and Santiago Saglietti), (Annals of Applied Probability, 33(3), 2210-2246 (2023)) arXiv: 1906.05328
- Space-time fluctuation of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in d≥3 and the Gaussian free field. (joint work with Francis Comets and Clément Cosco), (Ann. IHP. Probability and Statistics, 2024, Vol. 60, No. 1, 82–112) arXiv: 1905.03200
- Renormalizing the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang Equation in 𝑑≥3 in Weak Disorder. (joint work with Francis Comets and Clément Cosco). Journal of Statistical Physics volume 179, pages 713–728 (2020), arXiv: 1902.04104
- Identification of the Polaron measure in strong coupling and the Pekar variational formula. (joint work with S.R.S. Varadhan). Annals of Probability, Vol. 48 (5), 2020, pp 2119-2144, arXiv: 1812.06927
- Localization of the Gaussian multiplicative chaos in the Wiener space and the stochastic heat equation in strong disorder. (joint work with Yannic Bröker). Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 29 (6), 2019, pp 3745-3785, arXiv: 1808.05202
- Fluctuation and Rate of Convergence for the Stochastic Heat Equation in Weak Disorder (join work with Francis Comets and Clement Cosco), arxiv: 1807.03902
- Strong coupling limit of the Polaron measure and the Pekar process. (joint work with S.R.S. Varadhan), arXiv: 1806.06865
- Corrigendum and addendum: Identification of the Polaron Measure I: Fixed Coupling Regime and the Central Limit Theorems for Large Times. (joint work with S.R.S. Varadhan). Communications on Pure and Appled Mathematics, Vol. 75(2), 2022, pp 1642-1653 (proof of Theorem 4.5 in arXiv: 1802.05696)
- Identification of the Polaron Measure I: Fixed Coupling Regime and the Central Limit Theorem for Large Times. (joint work with S.R.S. Varadhan). Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 73 (2), 2020, 350-383, arXiv: 1802.05696
- Quenched central limit theorem for the stochastic heat equation in weak disorder, (join work with Yannic Bröker), (Springer: Probability and Analysis in Interacting Physical Systems, in honour of S. R. S. Varadhan), arXiv: 1710.00631
- Central limit theorem for Gibbs measures on path spaces including long range and singular interactions and homogenization of the stochastic heat equation. Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 32 (3): 2028-2062 (2022) arxiv: 1706.09345
- Quenched Large Deviations for Simple Random Walks on Percolation Clusters Including Long-Range Correlations. (join work with Noam Berger and Kazuki Okamura). Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 358, 2018, pp 633–673, arxiv: 1612.01393
- Weak and strong disorder for the stochastic heat equation and continuous directed polymers in d≥3. (join work with Alexander Shamov and Ofer Zeitouni). Electronic Communications in Probability, Vol. 21, 2016, pp 1-12, arxiv: 1601.01652
- Mean‐Field Interaction of Brownian Occupation Measures II: A Rigorous Construction of the Pekar Process. (join work with Erwin Bolthausen and Wolfgang König), Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 70 (8), 2017, pp 1598-1629, arxiv: 1511.05921
- Gibbs Measures on Mutually Interacting Brownian Paths under Singularities. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 70 (12), 2017, pp 2366-2404 , arxiv: 1510.04663
- Mean-field interaction of Brownian occupation measures, I: uniform tube property of the Coulomb functional. (joint work with Wolfgang König ), Ann. IHP, Probability and Statistics, 53:4, 2214-2228 (2017) , arxiv: 1509.06672
- Quenched Large Deviations for Simple Random Walks on Supercritical Percolation Clusters. (joint work with Noam Berger ), arxiv: 1501.02730
- Brownian Occupation Measures, Compactness and Large Deviations. (joint work with SRS Varadhan ), Annals of Probability, 44:6, 3934-3964 (2016) arxiv: 1404.5259
- Large deviations for Brownian Intersection Measures. (joint work with Wolfgang König ), Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 66:2, 263-306 (2013) , arxiv: 1105.1063
Betreuung von Bachelor und Masterarbeiten
Supervised master's theses:
- Luzie Kupffer, University of Münster, winter semester 2021 (topic: Tightness of Liouville first passage percolation)
-Carolin Dobbelhoff, University of Münster, winter semester 2021 (topic: Approximation of the maximum cut and detection of communities)
-Isabel Lammers, University of Münster, summer semester 2021 (topic: Electrical networks and asymptotic behavior of random walks on graphs)
- Nadine Woltering, University of Münster, summer semester 2021 (Topic: Coupling techniques and Markov chains)
-Konstantin Recke, University of Münster, winter semester 2020-2021 (Topic: Percolation on non-amenable groups and hyperbolic plane)
- Binan Gu, Courant Institute of Mathemetical Sciences, New York University, Spring semester 2016 (Topic: Critical branching random walks in a random environment)
Supervised Bachelor theses:
- Matthias Fechner, University of Münster, summer semester 2024
- Lennart Noske, University of Münster, Summer semester 2024
- Jannik Schlatt, University of Münster, summer semester 2024
- Carolin Dobbelhoff, University of Münster, summer semester 2019 (topic: Spectral clustering and the Cheeger inequality)
- Konstantin Recke, University of Münster, summer semester 2019 (Topic: Wigner's semicircle law and free probability)
- Alicia Schuller, University of Münster, summer semester 2019 (topic: Fraud detection with deep learning)
- Anna Moshkova, University of Münster, summer semester 2020 (topic: The Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma and Gordon's Theorem)
- Johannes Altrock, University of Münster, Summer Semester 20 (Topic: Community detection and Stochastic Block Model)
- Lukas Endeman, University of Münster, summer semester 2020 (Topic: Diffusion maps & Isomap: Applications to Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction and Semi-supervised Learning)