Active Ageing

© Anna Shvets

In the Active Aging lab, we are looking at the important concept of ageing well. The proportion of older people in our society continues to increase, so it becomes all the more important to improve people's ability to maintain their health, participate in social life and improve their quality of life as they age.

Welcome to the Active Ageing Lab. On this page you will find information about our team, current projects and latest news.

We investigate active ageing in two ways: (1) exploring how to move and how this can be reported, (2) maintaining and increasing mobility, which includes interventions and resulting changes. The lab's target groups range from young adults to people in old age, with a spectrum from healthy people to people in care. In cooperation with international project partners, many exciting projects are developed, which are scientifically relevant and find their application in reality. More information to our currently running projects can be found here

We are open to applications for research internships as well as bachelor and master theses. Please contact our colleague Ellen Bentlage and describe in which of the following projects you would like to become active:

  • Possible modules:

    B.Sc. Human Movement in Sports and Exercise M7 Internship in Sport and Exercise Organizations

    B.Sc. Human Movement in Sports and Exercise M12 Experimental Research Project

    B.Sc. Human Movement in Sports and Exercise M13 Scientific Internship

    B.Sc. Human Movement in Sports and Exercise M15 Bachelor Thesis

    M. Sc. Sports, Exercise and Human Perfomance M06 Current research project

    M. Sc. Sports, Exercise and Human Perfomance M07 Professional specialization and project design

    M. Sc. Sports, Exercise and Human Perfomance M08 Master Module

    B.A. Physical Education Bachelor Thesis

    M. Ed. Physical Education Project Seminar

    M. Ed. Physical Education Master Thesis

© Anna Wittig

AgeWell Meeting

Am 05. und 06. März fand das erste transnationale Meeting des AgeWell Europe Projekts in Münster statt. Das Team des Active Ageing Lab entwickelte gemeinsam mit den Partnern aus Irland, Slowenien und Italien die Struktur und Inhalte für das digitale Fitness- und Gesundheitsprogramm und erarbeitete wichtige Schritte für den weiteren Verlauf des Projektes. Weitere Infos und Einblicke hier


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© procare4life

Active Ageing Lab hat PROCare4Life erfolgreich abgeschlossen

Unsere Mitglieder des Active Ageing Labs der Universität Münster haben zusammen mit den anderen 13 Projektpartnern erfolgreich die Ziele des PROCare4Life-Projekts “Personalised Integrated Care Promoting Quality of Life for Older People” erreicht, welches von Januar 2020 bis Juni 2023 lief. Entwickelt wurde ein interaktives Pflegesystem für Menschen mit chronischen Krankheiten, für ihre Betreuer und für Gesundheitsfachkräfte. Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, dass die Universität Münster mit dem großartigen Konsortium an diesem spannenden Horizon-Projekt der Europäischen Union teilnehmen konnte.