Professorship for Theory Development with a Focus on Social Cohesion
The working group at the chair “Theory Development with a Focus on Social Cohesion” at the IfS of the WWU works on the development and application of a theory of multiple social differentiation with a focus on both synchronous aspects (analysis of topic-specific, current milieu and organizational practices in world society), as well as diachronic implications (evolution, evolutionary mechanisms, empirical social history as differentiation). The interactions between theory, heuristics and empirical analysis are processed in the course of the further development of "macroanalytical depth hermeneutics" as a variant of qualitative, hermeneutic research.
In Process
- Öffentliche personale Selbstdarstellung von Wissenschaftlern (since )
Own Resources Project
- Cultures of Debate and Media in Transition ( – )
Internally at the University of Münster Funded Project: Uni Münster-internal funding - Topical Programs - Evaluation of the district management in the urban space of the main station / Bremer Platz ( – )
Individual Granted Project: City of Münster - SdÜ – Steuern durch Übersetzen: Formen lokaler Bewältigung politisch-gesellschaftlicher Dilemmata der Flüchtlingsintegration ( – )
Individual Granted Project: Federal Ministry of Culture and Science of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia | Project Number: 1704fi008 - EXC 212 C2-25 - On the Dynamics of the Translational Relations between Politics, Religion and Law on the Road to the "Modern Age" ( – )
Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence - Verbundprojekt: Komplexitätsmanagement durch geisteswissenschaftliche Expertise. Übersetzungszwänge und -praxen von Organisationen in der bayerisch-böhmischen Grenzregion. Teilprojekt: Soziologie ( – )
Participation in BMBF-Joint Project: Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Project Number: 01UB0928C