Masterclass -  Objects and exhibits - practices of exhibiting in literature and philology

Dr. Pál Kelemen I July 14 2016 I Room 106 I International Centre Die Brücke

The GS PoL is happy to welcome Dr. Kelemen (Eövös-Loránd-Universität Budapest (ELTE)) as lecturer for an additional masterclass. The workshop will focus on practices of exhibition in literature and philology. The workshop will be divided into two parts:

Part 1
Part 1

The Arbor: Its Architecture, its Cultural History and the Disciplinary of Everyday Life in the 19th Century

Adalbert Stifter’s works are exemplary manifestations of the “museological consciousness”. This workshop offers an introduction to the cultural history of the arbor and demonstrates its impact as a key institution (like the museum) in shaping practices of everyday life. It also aims to review the role of the arbor in some canonical texts of the 19th century. Additionally, in this presentation, we will also comment on the German and Austrian periodical, Die Gartenlaube, which could help us to reveal the processes that made it possible for the arbor to became one of the most relevant symbols of the disciplinary in the everyday life of the 19th century.

Part 2
Part 2

Philology as a specific laboratory and model

The workshop aims to detect a certain pattern in David C. Greetham writings that constitutes the foundation of current discourses of philological theories and a relation between academic philology and practices of non-scholarly writing. The praxis of philology in its pure actuality is a special combination of common practices and operations and its task should not be to resolve problems, but to enhance complexities. From this perspective, we will redefine the functions of literary studies and view it as an experimental practice of representing and reenacting the praxis of daily use of texts in order to reinforce their complexity in specific, i.e scholarly way.