Events 2012

Opening of the Europa-Kolleg

The newly-established Europa-Kolleg unites three individual projects from English, German and Slavic studies that are funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The event will last about two hours and takes place at the Festsaal of the University on the 27th November 2012, at 6 pm at the Festsaal (Schlossplatz 5). Everyone interested is kindly invited to join the event.

Lecture and Workshop with Prof. Dr. Klaus-Michael Bogdal

The Graduate School Practices of Literature and the Promotionskolleg Literary theory as Theory of Society (University of Münster) will host a workshop with Prof. Dr. Klaus-Michael Bogdal (Bielefeld) on the 21st and 22nd of November 2012.

Lecture and Workshop with KD Wolf

On the 21st of May 2012 KD Wolff will give a lecture on the topic Von der 68er Studentenbewegung zum Klassikerverlag (18.15-20.00, Festsaal of the University). Seminar of the GSPoL and of the PK LitG: 22nd of May 2012 (10.00-12.00 and 13.00-15.00), Alexander-von-Humbold Haus (Hüfferstraße 61), Room 139.

Opening: Promotionskolleg

On 11th of April 2012 the official opening ceremony of the PhD Research Group (Promotionskolleg) Literary Theory as Theory of Society took place in the Festsaal of the University.