Prof. Dr. sc. techn. (ETH) Klaus Hinrichs
© Hinrichs
Klaus Hinrichs war von Oktober 1991 bis zu seiner Pensionierung im März 2018 Professor (C4) für Praktische Informatik an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Er schloß sein Studium der Mathematik mit Nebenfach Informatik an der Technischen Universität Hannover im März 1979 mit einem mit Auszeichnung bestandenen Diplom ab und promovierte im Februar 1985 am Departement für Informatik der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ). Während seines Studiums wurde Klaus Hinrichs durch die Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes gefördert. Von 1985 bis 1987 war er Visiting Assistant Professor am Department of Computer Science der University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill (USA), und von 1987 bis 1988 arbeitete er als Wissenschaftler am Forschungslabor der Asea Brown Boveri AG (ABB) in Baden-Dättwil (Schweiz). Von 1988 bis zu seiner Annahme des Rufes an die Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster war Klaus Hinrichs Professor für Informatik an der Universität Siegen. Von 1995 bis 1997 und von 2003 bis 2006 war er Dekan des Fachbereichs Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Münster und während mehrerer Perioden geschäftsführender Direktor des Instituts für Informatik sowie Mitglied verschiedener Universitäts- und Fachbereichsgremien. Klaus Hinrichs war Vorstandsmitglied und Teilprojektleiter des Sonderforschungsbereichs SFB 656 MoBil Molekulare kardiovaskuläre Bildgebung ( und als Wissenschaftler beteiligt am Exzellenzcluster Cells in Motion (

Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte: Computergrafik, Visualisierung, virtuelle Realität, Benutzerschnittstellen, algorithmische Geometrie, räumliche Informationssysteme.


  • Betreute Arbeiten


    Becker, LudgerA New Algorithm and a Cost Model for Join Processing with Grid Files
    Finke, UlrichAlgorithmen für Verschneidungsoperationen
    Graf, ThorstenPlanesweep construction of proximity graphs
    Döllner, JürgenObject-Oriented 3D Modelling, Animation and Interaction
    Voigtmann, AndreasEin objekt-orientierter Datenbankkern für räumlich-temporale Geoanwendungen
    Brinkmann, AndreasEntwicklung und robuste Implementierung eines laufzeitoptimalen Verschneidungsoperators für Trapezoidzerlegungen von thematischen Karten
    External Memory Algorithms for Geographic Information Systems
    Baumann, KonstantinModellierung, Texturierung und Rendering digitaler Geländemodelle
    Breimann, ChristianAnfragebearbeitung in einem Datenbank-Kernsystem für Geo-Anwendungen unter Verwendung einer generischen Komponente zur Anfrageoptimierung
    3D Magic Lenses and Virtual Reflections : Real-Time Approaches for Improving Interactive Visualization
    Multimodal Metaphors for Generic Interaction Tasks in Virtual Environments
    Modelle und Algorithmen für mobile Datenobjekte und Umgebungen
    Meyer-Spradow, JennisInteraktive Entwicklung Raycasting-basierter Visualisierungs-Techniken für medizinische Volumen-Daten mit Hilfe von Datenflussnetzwerken
    Exploiting Spatial and Temporal Coherence in GPU-Based Volume Rendering
    Making Small Spaces Feel Large: Self-Motion Perception, Redirection and Illusions
    Interactive Feature Detection in Volumetric Data
    Real-Time Rendering and Synthesis of Digital Surface Models Using Textures of Time-Varying Extension
    Rapid Development of Applications for the Interactive Visual Analysis of Multimodal Medical Data
    Incremental Multi-View 3D Reconstruction with Application to Disaster Management
    Using Advanced Illumination Techniques to Enhance Realism and Perception of Volume Visualizations
    Multi-Touch Interaction with Stereoscopically Rendered 3D Objects
    Decoupling Vision from Action Redirected Walking and Rehabilitation in Immersive Virtual Environments
    Multi-Touch Interaktion auf und oberhalb einer Oberfläche
    Vierjahn, ThomasOnline Oberflächenrekonstruktion aus unstrukturierten Punktwolken mit integriertem Texture Mapping
    Stroke-Based Text Entry and other Gestural Interfaces: Movement Modeling and Biometric Authentication
    On-body interfaces for Mobile Interaction
    Refinements of Volume Rendering Algorithms and their Application to Non-Volumetric Data
    Data Exploration in Natural Sciences using Machine Learning and Scientific Visualization


    Döllner, JürgenSoftware-Architektur computergraphischer Systeme
    Vahrenhold, JanLarge Scale Algorithms and Data Structures for Dynamic and Time-Variant Geometric Problems
    Supporting Spatial Awareness and Multimodality in Interactive Volume Visualization
    Effective Exploration of Virtual Reality Environments


  • Hägerling R, Drees D, Scherzinger A, Dierkes C, Martin-Almedina S, Butz S, Gordon K, Schäfers M, Hinrichs K, Ostergaard P, Vestweber D, Goerge T, Mansour S, Jiang X, Mortimer P, Kiefer F. . ‘VIPAR, a quantitative approach to 3D-histopathology applied to lymphatic malformations.’ JCI Insight 2, Nr. 16: e93424.
  • Scherzinger Aaron, Brix Tobias, Drees Dominik, Völker Andreas, Radkov Kiril, Santalidis Niko, Fieguth Alexander, Hinrichs Klaus H. . ‘Interactive Exploration of Cosmological Dark-Matter Simulation Data.’ IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 37, Nr. 2: 80–89.
  • Scherzinger Aaron, Brix Tobias, Hinrichs Klaus. . ‘An Efficient Geometric Algorithm for Clipping and Capping Solid Triangle Meshes.’ Contributed to the 12th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017) - Volume 1: GRAPP, Porto, Portugal.
  • Burgbacher U, Hinrichs KH. . Synthetic Word Gesture Generation for Stroke-Based Virtual Keyboards.’ IEEE Trans. Human-Machine Systems 47, Nr. 2: 221–234. doi: 10.1109/THMS.2016.2599487.

  • Prätorius Manuel, Valkov Dimitar, Burgbacher Ulrich, Hinrichs Klaus. . DigiTap: An Eyes-free VR/AR Symbolic Input Device.’ Contributed to the 20th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2014), Edinburgh, UK. doi: 10.1145/2671015.2671029.
  • Burgbacher Ulrich, Prätorius Manuel, Hinrichs Klaus. . A behavioral biometric challenge and response approach to user authentication on smartphones.’ Contributed to the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2014), San Diego, CA, USA. doi: 10.1109/SMC.2014.6974441.
  • Giesler Alexander, Valkov Dimitar, Hinrichs Klaus. . ‘Void shadows: Multi-touch interaction with stereoscopic objects on the tabletop.’ Contributed to the 2nd ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI 14), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. doi: 10.1145/2659766.2659779.
  • Valkov Dimitar, Giesler Alexander, Hinrichs Klaus. . ‘Imperceptible depth shifts for touch interaction with stereoscopic objects.’ Contributed to the 32nd SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014), Toronto, Ontario, Canada. doi: 10.1145/2556288.2557134.
  • Brix Tobias, Praßni Jörg-Stefan, Hinrichs Klaus. . ‘Visualization of Large Volumetric Multi-Channel Microscopy Data Streams on Standard PCs.’ Contributed to the 4th Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis 2014), Boston, USA.
  • Brix Tobias, Lindemann Florian, Praßni Jörg-Stefan, Diepenbrock Stefan, Hinrichs Klaus. . ‘Visual Analysis of Polarization Domains in Barium Titanate during Phase Transitions.’ Contributed to the 22nd International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG 2014), Plzen, Czech Republic.
  • Burgbacher Ulrich, Hinrichs Klaus. . An implicit author verification system for text messages based on gesture typing biometrics.’ Contributed to the 32nd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014), Toronto, ON, Canada. doi: 10.1145/2556288.2557346.

  • Prassni JS, Ropinski T, Hinrichs K. . ‘Uncertainty-aware guided volume segmentation.IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 16, Nr. 6: 1358. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2010.208.
  • Mensmann J, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘A GPU-Supported Lossless Compression Scheme for Rendering Time-Varying Volume Data.’.
  • Valkov Dimitar, Steinicke Frank, Bruder Gerd, Hinrichs Klaus. . ‘Traveling in 3D Virtual Environments with Foot Gestures and a Multi-Touch enabled WIM.’ Contributed to the Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC), Laval, France.
  • Bruder Gerd, Steinicke Frank, Valkov Dimitar, Hinrichs Klaus. . ‘Augmented Virtual Studio for Architectural Exploration.’ Contributed to the Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC), Laval, France.
  • Valkov D, Steinicke F, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Navigation through Geospatial Environments with a Multi-Touch enabled Human-Transporter Metaphor.’.
  • Mensmann J, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘An Advanced Volume Raycasting Technique using GPU Stream Processing.’.
  • Valkov Dimitar, Steinicke Frank, Bruder Gerd, Hinrichs Klaus. . ‘A Multi-Touch enabled Human-Transporter Metaphor for Virtual 3D Traveling.’ Contributed to the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), Waltham (MA), USA.
  • Bruder Gerd, Steinicke Frank, Valkov Dimitar, Hinrichs Klaus. . ‘Immersive Virtual Studio for Architectural Exploration.’ Contributed to the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), Waltham (MA), USA.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH, Steed A. . ‘Gradual Transitions and their Effects on Presence and Distance Estimation.’ Computers & Graphics 34, Nr. 1: 26–33.
  • Pra{ß}ni J, Ropinski T, Mensmann J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Shape-based Transfer Functions for Volume Visualization.’.
  • Steinicke Frank, Bruder Gerd, Hinrichs Klaus, Willemsen Pete. . ‘Change Blindness Phenomena for Stereoscopic Projection Systems.’ Contributed to the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Waltham (MA), USA.
  • Valkov D, Steinicke F, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH, Schöning J, Daiber F, Krüger A. . Touching Floating Objects in Projection-based Virtual Reality Environments.’ In Proceedings of Joint Virtual Reality Conference (JVRC 2010), 17–24.: Eurographics Association.
  • Strothoff S, Steinicke F, Feldmann D, Roters J, Hinrichs KH, Vierjahn T, Dunkel M, Mostafawy S. . A Virtual Reality-based Simulator for Avionic Digital Service Platforms.’ In Proceedings of Joint Virtual Reality Conference (Additional Material).
  • Donszik David, Lengert Bastian, Bruder Gerd, Hinrichs Klaus, Steinicke Frank. . 3D-Manipulationstechnik für mobile Endgeräte mit berührungssensitivem Bildschirm.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 7. GI-Workshop "Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität", Aachen, Deutschland.
  • Bolte B, Zeidler F, Bruder G, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH, Fischer L, Schorer J. . A Virtual Reality Handball Goalkeeper Analysis System.’ In Proceedings of the Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EuroVR - EGVE - VEC, 1–2.
  • Busch Annika, Steinicke Frank, Bruder Gerd, Hinrichs Klaus. . Auswirkungen biokularer Videobilder als Selbst-Repräsentation des Benutzerkörpers auf Präsenzgefühl und Distanzwahrnehmung in Head-mounted Display Anwendungen.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 7. GI-Workshop "Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität", Aachen, Deutschland.
  • Rohde Sebastian, Goddemeier Niklas, Wietfeld Christian, Steinicke Frank, Hinrichs Klaus, Ostermann Tobias, Holsten Johanna, Moormann Dieter. . AVIGLE: A System of Systems Concept for an Avionic Digital Service Platform Based on Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.’ Contributed to the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2010), Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Bolte B, Bruder G, Steinicke F, Hinrichs K H, Lappe M. . ‘Augmentation Techniques for Efficient Exploration in Head-Mounted Display Environments. .’ Contributed to the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST)., Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
  • Bruder Gerd, Steinicke Frank, Hinrichs Klaus. Estimation of virtual interpupillary distances for immersive head-mounted displays.“ contributed to the 7th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization (APGV), Los Angeles, USA, . doi: 10.1145/1836248.1836290.

  • Busch A, Staggenborg M, Brix T, Bruder G, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Darstellung physikalischer Objekte in Immersiven Head-Mounted Display Umgebungen.’.
  • Meyer-Spradow J, Ropinski T, Mensmann J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Voreen: A Rapid-Prototyping Environment for Ray-Casting-Based Volume Visualizations.’ IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (Applications Department) 29, Nr. 6: 6–13.
  • Pra{ß}ni J, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Efficient Boundary Detection and Transfer Function Generation in Direct Volume Rendering.’.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Kuhl S, Willemsen P, Lappe M, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Judgment of Natural Perspective Projections in Head-Mounted Display Environments.’ Contributed to the Proceeding of ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST).
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Ries B, Hinrichs KH, Lappe M, Interrante V. . ‘Transitional Environments Enhance Distance Perception in Immersive Virtual Reality Systems.’ Contributed to the Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization.
  • Bruder G, Steinicke F, Rothaus K, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Enhancing Presence in Head-mounted Display Environments by Visual Body Feedback using Head-mounted Cameras.’.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH, Steed A. . ‘Presence-Enhancing Real Walking User Interface for First-Person Video Games.’.
  • Reinermann T, Gei{ß}ler D, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Exploration von 3D-Stadtmodellen durch X-Ray-CiView.’.
  • Ropinski T, Viola I, Biermann M, Hauser H, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Multimodal Visualization with Interactive Closeups.’.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Rothaus K, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Visual Identity from Egocentric Camera Images for Head-Mounted Display Environments.’.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH, Jerald J, Frenz H, Lappe M. . ‘Real Walking through Virtual Environments by Redirection Techniques.’ Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting 6, Nr. 2: 6.
  • Sch{ö}ning J, Steinicke F, Valkov D, Kr{ü}ger A, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Bimanual Interaction with Interscopic Multi-Touch Surfaces.’.
  • Bruder G, Steinicke F, Frenz H, Lappe M, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Impact of Gender on Discrimination between Real and Virtual Stimuli.’.
  • Bruder G, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Arch-Explore: A Natural User Interface for Immersive Architectural Walkthroughs.’.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Steed A, Hinrichs KH, Gerlach A. . ‘Does a Gradual Transition to the Virtual World increase Presence?’.
  • Ropinski T, Hermann S, Reich R, Schäfers M, Hinrichs K. . ‘Multimodal vessel visualization of mouse aorta PET/CT scans.IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15, Nr. 6: 1515–1522.
  • Bruder G, Steinicke F, Hinrichs K H, Lappe M. . ‘Reorientation during Body Turns .’ In JVRC'09 Proceedings of the 15th Joint virtual reality Eurographics conference on Virtual Environments, edited by Hirose M, Schmalstieg D, Wingrave CA, Nishimura K, 145–152. doi: 10.2312/EGVE/JVRC09/145-152.
  • Busch Annika, Staggenborg Marius, Brix Tobias, Bruder Gerd, Steinicke Frank, Hinrichs Klaus H. . „Darstellung physikalischer Objekte in Immersiven Head-Mounted Display Umgebungen.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Tagungsband zum 6. Workshop Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR, Oldenburg, Deutschland.
  • Mensmann J, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . Poster: Slab-Based Raycasting: Efficient Volume Rendering with CUDA.
  • Schöning J, Steinicke F, Krüger A, Hinrichs KH. . Poster: Interscopic Multi-Touch Surfaces:Using bimanual Interaction for intuitive Manipulation of Spatial Data.’ In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI) (Poster Presentation), 127–128.: Wiley-IEEE Press.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Rothaus K, Hinrichs KH. . Poster: A Virtual Body for Augmented Virtuality by Chroma-Keying of Egocentric Videos.’ In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI) (Poster Presentation), 125–126.: Wiley-IEEE Press.

  • Steinicke F, Mensmann J, Rothaus K, Hinrichs KH, Kr{ü}ger A, de Buhr J. . Advances in Computer Graphics and Computer Vision: Integrating Current Weather Effects into Urban Visualization.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH, Ropinski T, Lopes M. . Advances in Human-Computer Interaction: 3D User Interfaces for Collaborative Works.
  • Ropinski T, Pra{ß}ni J, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Stroke-Based Transfer Function Design.’.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Kohli L, Jerald J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Taxonomy and Implementation of Redirection Techniques for Ubiquitous Passive Haptic Feedback.’.
  • Mensmann J, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Accelerating Volume Raycasting using Occlusion Frustums.’.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘The Holodeck Construction Manual.’.
  • Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH, Sch{ö}ning J, Kr{ü}ger A. . ‘Multi-Touching 3D Data: Towards Direct Interaction in Stereoscopic Display Environments coupled with Mobile Devices.’.
  • Steinicke F, Weltzel H, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH. . ‘A User Guidance Approach for Passive Haptic Environments.’.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Moving Towards Generally Applicable Redirected Walking.’.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH, Frenz H, Lappe M. . ‘A Universal Virtual Locomotion System: Supporting Generic Redirected Walking and Dynamic Passive Haptics within Legacy 3D Graphics Applications.’ Contributed to the Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Conference.
  • Ropinski T, Kasten J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Efficient Shadows for GPU-based Volume Raycasting.’.
  • Mensmann J, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Interactive Cutting Operations for Generating Anatomical Illustrations from Volumetric Data Sets.’ Journal of WSCG -- 16th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 16, Nr. 1-3: 89–96.
  • Ropinski T, Meyer-Spradow J, Diepenbrock S, Mensmann J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Interactive Volume Rendering with Dynamic Ambient Occlusion and Color Bleeding.’ Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2008) 27, Nr. 2: 567–576.
  • Steinicke F, Mensmann J, Rothaus K, Hinrichs KH, de Buhr J, Kr{ü}ger A. . ‘Augmenting 3D City Models with Metereological Phenomena.’.
  • Ropinski T, Petkov B, Fabritz L, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Small-Animal Ultrasound Imaging - Interactive Reconstruction and Visualization of Dynamic 3D Ultrasound Data Sets.’.
  • Ropinski T, Meyer-Spradow J, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . Supporting Spatial Cognition in Vascular Visualization.
  • Meyer-Spradow J, Stegger L, Döring C, Ropinski T, Hinrichs K. . ‘Glyph-based SPECT visualization for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease.IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14, Nr. 6: 1499–1506. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2008.136.
  • Steinicke F, Mensmann J, Rothaus K, Hinrichs KH, Krüger A, de Buhr J. . Advances in Computer Graphics and Computer Vision: Integrating Current Weather Effects into Urban Visualization.’ Contributed to the International Joint Conference on Computer Vision and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2008), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH, Ropinski T, Lopes M. . 3D User Interfaces for Collaborative Works.’ In Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, edited by Pavlidis, Ioannis, 279–294. IntechOpen.
  • Meyer-Spradow J, Stegger L, Döring C, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . Glyph Based SPECT Visualization for the Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease.’ IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14, Nr. 6: 1499–1506. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2008.136.
  • Ropinski T, Meyer-Spradow J, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . Supporting Spatial Cognition in Vascular Visualization.’ In User Centered Design for Medical Visualization, edited by Dong, Feng, 114–135. IDEA Publishing Group.

  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Hybrid Traveling in Fully-Immersive Large-Scale Geographic Environments.’.
  • Meyer-Spradow J, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . Supporting Depth and Motion Perception in Medical Volume Data.
  • Ropinski T, Specht M, Meyer-Spradow J, Hinrichs KH, Preim B. . ‘Surface Glyphs for Visualizing Multimodal Volume Data.’.
  • Ropinski T, Pra{ß}ni J, Roters J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Internal Labels as Shape Cues for Medical Illustration.’.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH, Ropinski T. . ‘Simultane 2D/3D User Interface Konzepte f{ü}r Autostereoskopische Desktop-VR Systeme.’.
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Towards Applicable 3D User Interfaces for Everyday Working Environments.’.
  • Ropinski T, Steinicke F, Meyer-Spradow J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Automatic Integration of Foliage Into 3D City Models.’.
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH. . ‘3D Modeling and Design Supported via Interscopic Interaction Strategies.’ In HCI'07 Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Human-computer interaction: applications and services , edited by Jacko J. A., 1160–1169. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-73111-5_127.
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Interscopic User Interface Concepts for Fish Tank Virtual Reality Systems.’.
  • Meyer-Spradow J, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . Supporting Depth and Motion Perception in Medical Volume Data.’ In Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences. Mathematics and Visualization, edited by Linsen L., Hagen H., Hamann B., 121–133. Springer VDI Verlag.
  • Steinicke F, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH, Ropinski T. . Simultane 2D/3D User Interface Konzepte für Autostereoskopische Desktop-VR Systeme.’ In 4. GI-Workshop AR/VR, 125–132.: Shaker-Verlag.
  • Jansen C, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH, Vahrenhold J, Schwald B. . ‘Generating Optimized Marker-based Rigid Bodies for Optical Tracking.’ In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2007), edited by Ranchordas A, Araújo H, Vitrià J, 387–395.: INSTICC.
  • Jansen C, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH, Vahrenhold J, Schwald B. . ‘Performance Improvement for Optical Tracking by Adapting Marker Arrangements.’ In Proceedings of the VR Workshop on Trends and Issues in Tracking for Virtual Environments, edited by Zachmann G, 28–33.: Shaker-Verlag.

  • Meyer-Spradow J, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . Efficient Ray-Casting of Bricked Volume Datasets , .
  • Ropinski T, Steinicke F, Bruder G, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Simultaneously Viewing Monoscopic and Stereoscopic Content on Vertical-Interlaced Autostereoscopic Displays.’.
  • Ropinski T, Meyer-Spradow J, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Design of a User-Oriented Application for the Exploration of Medical Datasets.’ Springer E&I Journal, Special Edition on New Computing in Medical Informatics & Health Care , Nr. Springer E&I Journal, Special Edition on New Computing in Medical Informatics & Health Care: 131–134.
  • Ropinski T, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Visual Exploration of Seismic Volume Datasets.’ Journal Proceedings of the 14th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG06) 14, Nr. Journal Proceedings of the 14th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG06): 73–80.
  • Jansen C, Steinicke F, Vahrenhold J, Schwald B, Hinrichs KH. . Enhancing Stereo Tracking via Adapted Point-based Targets , .
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH, Bruder G. . ‘A Multiple View System for Modeling Building Entities.’.
  • Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH, Ropinski T. . ‘A Hybrid Decision Support System for 3D City Planning.’.
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Collaborative Interaction Concepts for City Planning Tasks in Projection-Based Virtual Reality Systems.’.
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH, Mensmann J. . ‘Urban City Planning in Semi-immersive Virtual Reality.’.
  • Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Grab-and-Throw Metaphor: Adapting Desktop-based Interaction Paradigms to Virtual Reality.’.
  • Ropinski T, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Visually Supporting Depth Perception in Angiography Imaging.’.
  • Meyer-Spradow J, Ropinski T, Vahrenhold J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Illustrating Dynamics of Time-Varying Volume Datasets in Static Images.’ In Proceedings of the 11th International Fall Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV 2006), edited by Kobbelt L, Kuhlen T, Aach T, Westermann R, 333–340. Berlin: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft.
  • Blunck H, Hinrichs KH, Sondern J, Vahrenhold J. . ‘Modeling and Engineering Algorithms for Mobile Data.’ In Progress in Spatial Data Handling, 12th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, 61–77. Berlin: Springer. doi: 10.1007/3-540-35589-8_5.

  • Ropinski T, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Tentative Results in Focus-Based Medical Volume Visualization.’.
  • Ropinski T, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘A Constrained Road-Based VR Navigation Technique for Travelling in 3D City Models.’.
  • Ropinski T, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Interactive Importance-Driven Visualization Techniques for Medical Volume Data.’.
  • Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH, Steinicke F. . ‘A Solution for the Focus and Context Problem in Geo-Virtual Environments.’.
  • Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Interactive Volume Visualization Techniques for Subsurface Data.’.
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH, Mensmann J. . A Tabletop Metaphor for Spatial Planning in Virtual Reality , .
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . Co-located Interaction Concepts for Large Screen Displays , .
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘A Generic Virtual Reality Software Systems Architecture and Application.’.
  • Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH, Ropinski T. . ‘Virtual Reflections and Virtual Shadows in Mixed Reality Environments.’.
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘VR and Laser-Based Interaction in Virtual Environments Using a Dual-Purpose Interaction Metaphor.’.
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Multimodal Interaction Metaphors for Manipulation of Distant Objects in Immersive Virtual Environments.’.

  • Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Real-Time Rendering of 3D Magic Lenses having arbitrary convex.’ Journal of WSCG -- 16th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 12, Nr. 3: 379–386.
  • Trajcevski G, Wolfson O, Hinrichs KH, Chamberlain S. . ‘Managing uncertainty in moving objects databases.’ ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 29, Nr. 3: 463–507.
  • Ropinski T, Wachenfeld S, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Virtual Reflections for Augmented Reality Environments.’.
  • Ropinski T, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Visualisierung von 3D Stadtmodellen zur Unterst{ü}tzung mobiler Partizipation.’.
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . Improved Virtual Pointer Metaphors for Interactive Object Selection in Virtual Environments , .
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Selektion von Objekten in Virtuellen Umgebungen mit der Improved Virtual Pointer Metapher.’.
  • Steinicke F, Ropinski T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Object Selection in Virtual Environments with an Improved Virtual Pointer Metaphor.’.
  • Blunck H, Hinrichs KH, Puke I, Vahrenhold J. . Verarbeitung von Trajektorien mobiler Objekte, Geoinformation und Mobilität - von der Forschung zur praktischen Anwendung.“ In Beiträge zu den Münsteraner GI-Tagen 2004, herausgegeben von M. Raubal A. Sliwinski WK, 29–41.
  • Ropinski T, Steinicke F, Hinrichs KH. . Visualisierung von 3D Stadtmodellen zur Unterstützung mobiler Partizipation.“ In Münsteraner GI-Tage.
  • Becker L, Blunck H, Hinrichs KH, Vahrenhold J. . ‘A Framework for Representing Moving Objects.’ In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2004), edited by Galino F, Takizawa M, Traunmüller R, 854–863. Berlin: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-30075-5_82.
  • Becker L, Blunck H, Hinrichs KH, Vahrenhold J. . „Ein Rahmenwerk zur Repräsentation von sich bewegenden Objekten.“ In Beitragsband zum Workshop "Grundlagen und Anwendungen mobiler Informationstechnologie" des GI-Arbeitskreises Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme, herausgegeben von Höpfner H, Saake G, 3–12.
  • Blunck H, Hinrichs KH, Puke I, Vahrenhold J. . „Verarbeitung von Trajektorien mobiler Objekte.“ In Geoinformation und Mobilität - von der Forschung zur praktischen Anwendung. Beiträge zu den Münsteraner GI-Tagen 2004, herausgegeben von Raubal M, Sliwinski A, Kuhn W, 29–41.
  • Becker L, Gerke T, Hinrichs KH, Strauf nee Hausmann T, Vahrenhold J. . ‘An XML- and Log-Based Infrastructure For Evaluating And Teaching Spatio-Temporal Indexing Schemes.’ In Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2004. Proceedings. 15th International Workshop on, 851–855.: Wiley-IEEE Press. doi: 10.1109/DEXA.2004.1333583.

  • Köhling R, Reinel J, Vahrenhold J, Hinrichs K, Speckmann EJ. . ‘Spatio-temporal patterns of neuronal activity: analysis of optical imaging data using geometric shape matching.Journal of Neuroscience Methods 114, Nr. 1: 17–23. doi: 10.1016/S0165-0270(01)00504-0.
  • D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘A Generic Rendering System.’ IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 8, Nr. 2: 99–118.
  • Vahrenhold J, Hinrichs KH. . Planar Point Location for Large Data Sets: To Seek or Not To Seek.’ ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 7, Article 8. doi: 10.1145/944618.944626.
  • Köhling R, Reinel J, Vahrenhold J, Hinrichs KH, Speckmann E. . ‘Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Neuronal Activity: Analysis of Optical Imaging Data Using Geometric Shape Matching.’ Journal of Neuroscience Methods 114, Nr. 1: 17–23. doi: 10.1016/S0165-0270(01)00504-0.
  • Arge LA, Hinrichs KH, Vahrenhold J, Vitter JS. . ‘Efficient Bulk Operations on Dynamic R-trees.’ Algorithmica 33, Nr. 1: 104–128. doi: 10.1007/s00453-001-0107-6.

  • D{ö}llner J, Kersting O, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Entwicklung dynamischer, interaktiver 3D-Karten mit Hilfe von Skripting,.’.
  • D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Dynamic 3D Maps and Their Texture-Based Design.’.
  • Baumann K, D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Integrated Multiresolution Geometry and Texture Models for Terrain Visualization, Data Visualization 2000.’.
  • D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘A Generalized Scene Graph.’.
  • D{ö}llner J, Baumann K, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Texturing Techniques for Terrain Visualization.’.
  • Becker L, Hammelbeck S, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Design and Implementation of an Interoperable GIS-Interface for Grid Data.’.
  • D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘An Object-Oriented Approach for Integrating 3D Visualization Systems and GIS.’ Computers & Geosciences 26, Nr. 1: 67–76.
  • Becker L, Bernard L, D{ö}llner J, Hammelbeck S, Hinrichs KH, Kr{ü}ger T, Schmidt B, Streit U. . ‘Integration of Dynamic Atmospheric Modeling and Object-Oriented GIS.’ GIS GEO-INFORMATIONS-SYSTEME 13, Nr. 2: 19–23.
  • Vahrenhold J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Planar Point Location for Large Data Sets: To Seek or Not to Seek.In Algorithm Engineering, 4th International Workshop, WAE 2000, edited by Näher S, Wagner D, 183–194. Berlin: Springer. doi: 10.1007/3-540-44691-5_16.
  • Döllner J, Kersting O, Hinrichs KH. . Entwicklung dynamischer, interaktiver 3D-Karten mit Hilfe von Skripting, "Visualisierung raumbezogener Daten: Methoden und Anwendungen.“ In 3. GeoViSC Workshop, herausgegeben von B. Schmidt CU, 209–229.: Universität Münster.
  • Döllner J, Kersting O, Hinrichs KH. . Programmierbare, interaktive 3D-Karten zur Kommunikation.“ In 12. Internationales Symposium "Informatik für den Umweltschutz", herausgegeben von A. Cremers KG, 131–145. Marburg: Metropolis Verlag.

  • D{ö}llner J, Kersting O, Baumann K, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Konzepte und Implementierung eines kartographischen 3D-Visualisierungssystems.’.
  • Becker L, Ditt H, Hinrichs KH, Voigtmann A. . ‘Constraints and Triggers: A Method for Ensuring Data Quality in an Object-Oriented Geo Database Kernel.’.
  • Baumann K, D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH, Kersting O. . ‘A Hybrid, Hierarchical Data Structure for Real-Time Terrain Visualization.’.
  • D{ö}llner J, Kersting O, Hinrichs KH, Baumann K. . ‘Konzepte und 3D-Visualisierung interaktiver, perspektivischer Karten.’.
  • Becker L, Voigtmann A, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Temporal Indexing with Multidimensional File Structures.’.
  • Becker L, Bernard L, D{ö}llner J, Hammelbeck S, Hinrichs KH, Kr{ü}ger T, Schmidt B, Streit U. . ‘Integration dynamischer Atmosp{ä}renmodelle mit einem (3+1)-dimensionalen objekt-orientierten GIS-Kern.’.
  • Becker L, Giesen A, Hinrichs KH, Vahrenhold J. . Algorithms for Performing Polygonal Map Overlay and Spatial Join on Massive Data Sets.’ In 6th International Symposium on Large Spatial Databases, edited by R. Güting D. Papadias FL, 270–285.: Springer.
  • Becker L, Bernard L, Döllner J, Hammelbeck S, Hinrichs KH, Krüger T, Schmidt B, Streit U. . Integration dynamischer Atmospärenmodelle mit einem (3+1)-dimensionalen objekt-orientierten GIS-Kern.“ In 13. Internationales Symposium, herausgegeben von C. Rautenstrauch MS, 429–442.: Metropolis Verlag.
  • Becker L, Giesen A, Hinrichs KH, Vahrenhold J. . ‘Algorithms for Performing Map Overlay and Spatial Join for Massive Data Sets.’ In Advances in Spatial Databases - Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Spatial Databases (SSD '99), edited by Güting RH, Papadias D, Lochovsky F, 270–285. Berlin: Springer. doi: 10.1007/3-540-48482-5_17.
  • Arge LA, Hinrichs KH, Vahrenhold J, Vitter JS. . ‘Efficient Bulk Operations on Dynamic R-trees (extended abstract).’ In Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation, International Workshop ALENEX '99, edited by Goodrich MT, McGeoch CC, 328–347. Berlin: Springer. doi: 10.1007/3-540-48518-X_20.

  • Döllner J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Support of Explicit Time and Event Flows in the Object-Oriented Visualization Toolkit MAM/VRS.’ In Mathematical Visualization - Algorithms, Applications and Numerics, edited by Hege H.-C., Polthier K., 153–166. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer VDI Verlag.
  • D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Interactive, Animated 3D Widgets.’.
  • Becker L, Ditt H, D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH, Reiberg J, Voigtmann A. . ‘Building an Interoperable GIS: Integration of an Object-Oriented GIS Database Kernel and a Visualization Framework.’.
  • Brinkmann A, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Implementing Exact Line Segment Intersection in Map Overlay.’ In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling SDH 98, 569–579.

  • Becker L, Bernard L, Ditt H, Hinrichs KH, Schmidt B, Streit U, Voigtmann A. . ‘Ans{ä}tze zur Integration eines dynamischen Atmosph{ä}renmodells in einen objektorientierten GIS-Kern.’.
  • Ditt H, Becker L, Voigtmann A, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Constraints and Triggers in an Object-Oriented Geo Database Kernel.’.
  • Voigtmann A, Becker L, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Physical Design Aspects of an Object-Oriented Geo-Database Kernel.’.
  • D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH, Spiegel H. . ‘An Interactive Environment for Visualizing and Animating Algorithms.’.
  • D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘The Design of a 3D Rendering Meta System.’.
  • D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Object-Oriented 3D Modeling, Animation and Interaction.’ Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 8, Nr. 1: 33–64.
  • Voigtmann A, Becker L, Hinrichs KH. . ‘A hierarchical model for multiresolution surface construction.’ Graphical Models and Image Processing 59, Nr. 5: 333–348.
  • Becker L, Bernard L, Ditt H, Hinrichs KH, Schmidt B, Streit U, Voigtmann A. . Ansätze zur Integration eines dynamischen Atmosphärenmodells in einen objektorientierten GIS-Kern.“ In Tagungsband zum Workshop "Zeit als weitere Dimension in Geo-Informationssystemen, 97–105.: Universität Rostock.

  • Voigtmann A, Becker L, Hinrichs KH. . A Query Language for Geo-Applications , .
  • D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘MAM/VRS - ein objekt-orientierter Toolkit f{ü}r animierte, interaktive 3D Graphik.’.
  • D{ö}llner J, Voigtmann A, Hinrichs KH. . Guiding Principles for Programming in C++ , .
  • D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH. . An Object-Oriented Architecture for an Interactive, Animated 3D Widget Toolkit , .
  • Becker L, Voigtmann A, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Temporal Support for Geo-Data in Object-Oriented Databases.’.
  • Becker L, Voigtmann A, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Developing Applications with the Object-Oriented GIS-Kernel GOODAC.’.
  • Voigtmann A, Becker L, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Temporal Extensions for an Object-Oriented Geo-Data-Model.’.
  • Döllner J, Hinrichs KH. . MAM/VRS - ein objekt-orientierter Toolkit für animierte, interaktive 3D Graphik.“ In Abstracts GI Workshop Computergraphik und Multimedia.: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.

  • Voigtmann A, Becker L, Hinrichs KH. . An Object-Oriented Data Model and a Query Language for Geographic Information Systems , .
  • D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH. . Geometric, Chronological, and Behavioral Modeling , .
  • D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH. . The Virtual Rendering System - a Toolkit for Object-Oriented 3D Graphics , .
  • D{ö}llner J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘An Object-Oriented Framework for 3D Modeling, Animation and Interaction.’.
  • Finke U, Hinrichs KH. . ‘The Quad View Data Structure - a Representation for Planar Subdivisions.’.
  • Finke U, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Overlaying simply connected planar subdivisions in linear time.’.

  • Voigtmann A, Becker L, Hinrichs KH. . ‘The Constrained Delauney Pyramid - A Model for Reconstructing Surfaces at Multiple Resolutions.’.
  • Graf T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Distribution algorithms for the all-nearest-foreign neighbors problem in arbitrary Lt-metrics.’.
  • Brinkmann A, Graf T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘The colored quadrant priority search tree with an application to the all-nearest-foreign neighbors problem.’ In Proceedings of the 6th Canadian Conference in Computational Geometry CCCG, 63–68.
  • Voigtmann A, Becker L, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Hierarchical Surface Representations using Constrained Delauney Triangulations.’.

  • Graf T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘A plane-sweep algorithm for the all-nearest neighbors problem for a set of convex planar objects.’ In Abstracts of the 9th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, edited by Icking C, Klein R, 74–77.: Fernuniversität Hagen.
  • Finke U, Hinrichs KH. . A Spatial Data Model and a Topological Sweep Algorithm for Map Overlay , .
  • Finke U, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Computing the Overlay of Regular Planar Subdivisions in Linear Time.’.
  • Graf T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Algorithms for proximity problems on colored point sets.’.
  • Finke U, Hinrichs KH. . ‘A Spatial Data Model and a Topological Sweep Algorithm for Map Overlay.’.
  • Nievergelt J, Hinrichs KH. . Algorithms and Data Structures with Applications to Graphics and Geometry.
  • Becker L, Hinrichs KH, Finke U. . ‘A New Algorithm for Computing Joins with Grid Files.’.
  • Graf T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘A plane-sweep algorithm for the all-nearest neighbors problem for a set of convex planar objects.’ In Algorithms and Data Structures: Third Workshop, WADS '93 Montréal, Canada, August 11–13, 1993 Proceedings, edited by Dehne F, Sack J-R, Santoro N, Whitesides S, 349–360. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/3-540-57155-8_261.
  • Graf T, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Algorithms for proximity problems on colored point sets.’.
  • Becker L, Hinrichs KH, Finke U. . ‘A New Algorithm for Computing Joins with Grid Files.’ Contributed to the International Conference on Data Engineering.
  • Graf T, Hinrichs K. . ‘A plane-sweep algorithm for the all-nearest-neighbors problem for a set of convex planar objects.’ In Algorithms and data structures (Montreal, {PQ}, 1993), 349–360. Berlin: Springer VDI Verlag.

  • Graf T, Hinrichs KH. . A plane-sweep algorithm for the all-nearest neighbors problem for a set of convex planar objects , .
  • Graf T, Hinrichs KH. . Algorithms for proximity problems on colored point sets , .
  • Bartling F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘A plane-sweep algorithm for finding a closest pair among convex planar objects.’.
  • Finke U, Hinrichs KH, Becker L. . ‘The Binary-Radix Bucket-Region-Directory: A Simple New Directory for the Grid File,.’.
  • Hinrichs KH, Nievergelt J, Schorn P. . ‘An alround sweep algorithm for 2-dimensional nearest-neighbor problems.’ Acta Informatica 29, Nr. 4: 383–394.
  • Bartling F, Hinrichs KH. . ‘A plane-sweep algorithm for the all-nearest neighbors problem for a set of convex planar objects.’.
  • Bartling F, Hinrichs K. . ‘A plane-sweep algorithm for finding a closest pair among convex planar objects.’ In S{TACS} 92 (Cachan, 1992), 221–232. Berlin: Springer VDI Verlag.
  • Hinrichs K, Nievergelt J, Schorn P. . An all-round sweep algorithm for {$2$}-dimensional nearest-neighbor problems.’ Acta Informatica 29, Nr. 4: 383–394. doi: 10.1007/BF01178779.

  • Becker L, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Effiziente Joinberechnung mit mehrdimensionalen Filestrukturen.’.
  • Bartling F, Hinrichs KH. . Probabilistic analysis of an algorithm for solving the k-dimensional all all-nearest-neighbors problem by projection , .
  • Becker L, Finke U, Hinrichs KH. . Efficient Join Processing with Multidimensional File Structures , .
  • Hinrichs KH, Nievergelt J, Schorn P. . ‘An alround sweep algorithm for 2-dimensional nearest-neighbor problems.’.

  • Franck J, Maier G, Rohrer A, Biagioni E, Heiser G, Hinrichs KH, M{ü}ller C. . OSSI - A Portable Operating System Interface and Utility Library for Modula-2 , .
  • Hinrichs KH, Nievergelt J, Schorn P. . ‘A sweep algorithm and its implementation: The all-nearest-neighbors problem revisited.’.

  • Hinrichs KH, Nievergelt J, Schorn P. . ‘A sweep algorithm for the all-nearest-neighbors problem, Computational Geometry and its Applications.’.
  • Hinrichs KH, Nievergelt J, Schorn P. . ‘Plane-Sweep Solves the Closest Pair Problem Elegantly.’ Information Processing Letters 26, Nr. 5: 255–261.

  • Biagioni E, Heiser G, Hinrichs KH, M{ü}ller C. . OSSI - A programming environment for developing portable software , .

  • Hinrichs KH. . The grid file system: implementation and case studies of applications.
  • Nievergelt J, Hinrichs KH. . ‘Storage and access structures for geometric data bases.’.
  • Biagioni E, Hinrichs KH, M{ü}ller C, Nievergelt J. . ‘Interactive deductive data management - the Smart Data Interaction package.’.
  • Hinrichs KH. . ‘Implementation of the grid file: design concepts and experience.’ BIT 25, Nr. BIT: 569–592.
  • Hinrichs KH. . The grid file system: implementation and case studies of applications Dissertationsschrift, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, Schweiz.

  • Hinrichs KH, Nievergelt J. . The grid file: a data structure designed to support proximity queries on spatial objects , .

  • Hinrichs KH, Nievergelt J. . ‘Algorithms and file structures for computational geometry.’.