Prof. Dr. sc. techn. (ETH) Klaus Hinrichs
© Hinrichs
Klaus Hinrichs has been full professor of computer science at the University of Münster from 1991 until his retirement in 2018. He received a diploma degree (with distinction) in mathematics with a minor in computer science from the Technical University Hannover in 1979, and a Ph.D. in computer science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) in 1985. He received a scholarship for gifted students from the german national academic foundation. From 1985 to 1987 he was visiting assistant professor of computer science at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill (USA). From 1987 to 1988 he worked as a scientist at the research labs of Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) in Baden-Dättwil (Switzerland). Klaus Hinrichs was professor of computer science at the University of Siegen (Germany) from 1988 until accepting a full professor position at the University of Münster in 1991. From 1995 to 1997 and again from 2003 to 2006 he was chairman of the department of mathematics and computer science at the University of Münster and served several terms as managing director of the institute of computer science and as member of several university and department committees. Klaus Hinrichs was board member and principal investigator of the collaborative research center SFB 656 MoBil Molecular Cardiovascular Imaging ( and participating researcher in the Cells in Motion Cluster of Excellence (
His research interests: Computer graphics, visualization, virtual reality, user interfaces, computational geometry, spatial information systems.


  • Supervised Theses

    Doctoral Studies

    Becker, LudgerA New Algorithm and a Cost Model for Join Processing with Grid Files
    Finke, UlrichAlgorithmen für Verschneidungsoperationen
    Graf, ThorstenPlanesweep construction of proximity graphs
    Döllner, JürgenObject-Oriented 3D Modelling, Animation and Interaction
    Voigtmann, AndreasAn Object-oriented Database Kernel for Spatio-Temporal Geo-Applications
    Brinkmann, AndreasEntwicklung und robuste Implementierung eines laufzeitoptimalen Verschneidungsoperators für Trapezoidzerlegungen von thematischen Karten
    External Memory Algorithms for Geographic Information Systems
    Baumann, KonstantinModellierung, Texturierung und Rendering digitaler Geländemodelle
    Breimann, ChristianAnfragebearbeitung in einem Datenbank-Kernsystem für Geo-Anwendungen unter Verwendung einer generischen Komponente zur Anfrageoptimierung
    3D Magic Lenses and Virtual Reflections : Real-Time Approaches for Improving Interactive Visualization
    Multimodal Metaphors for Generic Interaction Tasks in Virtual Environments
    Models and Algorithms for Mobile Objects and Environemnts
    Meyer-Spradow, JennisInteraktive Entwicklung Raycasting-basierter Visualisierungs-Techniken für medizinische Volumen-Daten mit Hilfe von Datenflussnetzwerken
    Exploiting Spatial and Temporal Coherence in GPU-Based Volume Rendering
    Making Small Spaces Feel Large: Self-Motion Perception, Redirection and Illusions
    Interactive Feature Detection in Volumetric Data
    Real-Time Rendering and Synthesis of Digital Surface Models Using Textures of Time-Varying Extension
    Rapid Development of Applications for the Interactive Visual Analysis of Multimodal Medical Data
    Incremental Multi-View 3D Reconstruction with Application to Disaster Management
    Using Advanced Illumination Techniques to Enhance Realism and Perception of Volume Visualizations
    Multi-Touch Interaction with Stereoscopically Rendered 3D Objects
    Decoupling Vision from Action Redirected Walking and Rehabilitation in Immersive Virtual Environments
    Multi-Touch Selection and Interaction On and Above the Surface
    Vierjahn, ThomasOnline Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Point Clouds with Integrated Texture Mapping
    Stroke-Based Text Entry and other Gestural Interfaces: Movement Modeling and Biometric Authentication
    On-body interfaces for Mobile Interaction
    Refinements of Volume Rendering Algorithms and their Application to Non-Volumetric Data
    Data Exploration in Natural Sciences using Machine Learning and Scientific Visualization

    Postdoctoral Studies

    Döllner, JürgenSoftware-Architektur computergraphischer Systeme
    Vahrenhold, JanLarge Scale Algorithms and Data Structures for Dynamic and Time-Variant Geometric Problems
    Supporting Spatial Awareness and Multimodality in Interactive Volume Visualization
    Effective Exploration of Virtual Reality Environments


  • , and . . Programmierung und Datenstrukturen - Eine Einf{ü}hrung anhand von Beispielen,
  • , and . . Studienreihe Informatik, Programmierung und Datenstrukturen - Eine Einführung anhand von Beispielen, Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
  • , , , and . . “OSSI - A Portable Operating System Interface and Utility Library for Modula-2.IEEE Software, 3 (6): 1826. doi: 10.1109/MS.1986.229470.