Internationaler Workshop “A Global History of Dams”

Virtual Zoom Workshop, 30. September und 1. Oktober 2021
Organisation: Vincent Lagendijk (Maastricht University) und Frederik Schulze (WWU Münster)

September 30

17:30-17:50: Introduction

  • Vincent Lagendijk (Maastricht), Frederik Schulze (Münster)

17:50-18:50: Europe

  • Benjamin Brendel (Marburg): Artefacts of Imagined Modernities: European Dams between Futurism and Francoism from 1910s to 1960s
  • Jíra Janáč (Prague): Building Socialism on Dams: Czechoslovak Hydroprojekt in Global Networks
    Commentator: Martin Schmid (Institute of Social Ecology Vienna)

19:00-20:00: U.S./Canada

  • Jane Griffith (Toronto): Damming and Settler Colonialism: Rhetoric, Narrative, Professional Communication
  • Daniel MacFarlane (Western Michigan): Networked Niagara: Niagara Falls and the International Diffusion of Hydraulic Expertise
  • Commentator: Dorothy Zeisler-Vralsted (Eastern Washington)

October 1

16:45-17:45: Asia

  • Flora Roberts (Cardiff): Soviet Dams Go Global? The Friendship of the Peoples Trope in Central Asian Dam Building
  • Robert Winstanley-Chesters (Bath/Leeds): Dams, Hydro-Electrics, Hydrology and Charismatic Politics in North Korea: 1948-2020
  • Commentator: Rohan D’Souza (Kyoto)

17:50-18:50: Latin America

  • Diana Schwartz Francisco (Chicago): Hydraulic Revolution? Dams, Displacement, and Expertise in Mexico after 1940
  • Christine Folch (Durham): Catastrophic Hypotheses, Disaster Imaginaries, and Environmental Diplomacy: Building the Infrastructure of State Power in South America
  • Commentator: Jacob Blanc (Edinburgh)

19:00-20:00: Africa

  • Birte Förster (Bielefeld): Damming the Konkouré River: On the Planning, Failure and Revival of a Dam Project in (French) Guinea
  • Stephan Miescher (Santa Barbara): Dam Building, Decolonization, and the Cold War in Ghana
  • Commentator: Abou Bamba (Gettysburg)