Introduction to Chemdraw and Chem3D

Target Audience: Students, Faculty and Staff, who would like to learn more about the generation and processing of chemical structures and reaction pathways on the computer.

ChemDraw Prime is a software package for creating and editing chemical structures and reaction pathways. The ChemDraw Professional suite includes additional features such as Chem3D Professional for visualization and customization of 3D structures as well as a variety of tools for working on biological reaction pathways. A special highlight of ChemDraw Professional is the Struct=Name function, which converts e.g. IUPAC names to structures and vice versa.

Topic Overview:

  • ChemDraw Basics
  • Basics in creating structures
  • SMILES and more
  • Reactions
  • Generic Structures
  • Label
  • Now color comes into play
  • Chem3D Basics

Further information in Learnweb.


Trainer input, Exercises, Exchange / Discussion

Trainer: Dr. Simone Langner, ADDITIVE Soft- und Hardware für Technik und Wissenschaft GmbH


The venue is a ComputerLab in the IVV Naturwissenschaften near Coesfelder Kreuz. Registered participants will receive information on location and access by e-mail on July 1, 2024.

Participation is free of charge.

The event is aimed at all students, faculty and staff. As the number of participants is limited, registrations from the IVV Naturwissenschaften, the natural science institutes and their cooperation partners will be given priority.

Course Language: DE/EN

This course can be held in German or English. If you require this to be in english, please let us know by e-mail:
Depending on the majority demand of the registered persons, it will be decided whether the event will be held in german or english.
