Standard Emails and Templates (B1-C1)

Zielgruppe: Beschäftigte, die Standardemails versenden und/oder Vorlagen hierfür verwenden.

Before taking part in this workshop, We strongly recommend you do the Written office communication course first.

After a short review of the essentials of writing professional emails and letters, we will go through English emails and letters you need to write on a regular basis. Our aims are to make them conform with the University style guide and making them as simple and precise as possible. It is necessary that you bring your own example emails and letters to this course.

Please contact if you have any questions.

Inhalte im Überblick:

  • Was macht eine gute E-Mail aus?
  • Review professionelle E-Mails
  • Erstellen und editieren eigener Standardmails und Vorlagen

Methoden: All English courses and workshops follow a communicative language teaching approach and integrate content and language learning.

Referent: Dr. Till van Lil

Diese Veranstaltung ist für Lernende der englischen Sprache. // This course is for English learners.
